import prisma from '../../lib/prisma'; import {deleteEvent} from "../../lib/calendarClient"; import async from 'async'; import {deleteMeeting} from "../../lib/videoClient"; export default async function handler(req, res) { if (req.method == "POST") { const uid = req.body.uid; const bookingToDelete = await{ where: { uid: uid, }, select: { id: true, user: { select: { credentials: true } }, attendees: true, references: { select: { uid: true, type: true } } } }); const apiDeletes = async.mapLimit(bookingToDelete.user.credentials, 5, async (credential) => { const bookingRefUid = bookingToDelete.references.filter((ref) => ref.type === credential.type)[0].uid; if(credential.type.endsWith("_calendar")) { return await deleteEvent(credential, bookingRefUid); } else if(credential.type.endsWith("_video")) { return await deleteMeeting(credential, bookingRefUid); } }); const attendeeDeletes = prisma.attendee.deleteMany({ where: { bookingId: } }); const bookingReferenceDeletes = prisma.bookingReference.deleteMany({ where: { bookingId: } }); const bookingDeletes ={ where: { id:, }, }); await Promise.all([ apiDeletes, attendeeDeletes, bookingReferenceDeletes, bookingDeletes ]); //TODO Perhaps send emails to user and client to tell about the cancellation res.status(200).json({message: 'Booking successfully deleted.'}); } else { res.status(405).json({message: 'This endpoint only accepts POST requests.'}); } }