import { expect } from "@playwright/test"; import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import { uuid } from "short-uuid"; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import { BookingStatus } from "@calcom/prisma/enums"; import type { Fixtures } from "./lib/fixtures"; import { test } from "./lib/fixtures"; import { bookTimeSlot, createNewSeatedEventType, selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth, } from "./lib/testUtils"; test.describe.configure({ mode: "parallel" }); test.afterEach(({ users }) => users.deleteAll()); async function createUserWithSeatedEvent(users: Fixtures["users"]) { const slug = "seats"; const user = await users.create({ eventTypes: [ { title: "Seated event", slug, seatsPerTimeSlot: 10, requiresConfirmation: true, length: 30, disableGuests: true, // should always be true for seated events }, ], }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const eventType = user.eventTypes.find((e) => e.slug === slug)!; return { user, eventType }; } async function createUserWithSeatedEventAndAttendees( fixtures: Pick, attendees: Prisma.AttendeeCreateManyBookingInput[] ) { const { user, eventType } = await createUserWithSeatedEvent(fixtures.users); const booking = await fixtures.bookings.create(, user.username,, { status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, // startTime with 1 day from now and endTime half hour after startTime: new Date( + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000), endTime: new Date( + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + 30 * 60 * 1000), attendees: { createMany: { data: attendees, }, }, }); return { user, eventType, booking }; } test.describe("Booking with Seats", () => { test("User can create a seated event (2 seats as example)", async ({ users, page }) => { const user = await users.create({ name: "Seated event" }); await user.apiLogin(); await page.goto("/event-types"); // We wait until loading is finished await page.waitForSelector('[data-testid="event-types"]'); const eventTitle = "My 2-seated event"; await createNewSeatedEventType(page, { eventTitle }); await expect(page.locator(`text=${eventTitle} event type updated successfully`)).toBeVisible(); }); test("Multiple Attendees can book a seated event time slot", async ({ users, page }) => { const slug = "my-2-seated-event"; const user = await users.create({ name: "Seated event user", eventTypes: [ { title: "My 2-seated event", slug, length: 60, seatsPerTimeSlot: 2, seatsShowAttendees: true, }, ], }); await page.goto(`/${user.username}/${slug}`); let bookingUrl = ""; await test.step("Attendee #1 can book a seated event time slot", async () => { await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); await bookTimeSlot(page); await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=success-page]")).toBeVisible(); }); await test.step("Attendee #2 can book the same seated event time slot", async () => { await page.goto(`/${user.username}/${slug}`); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); await page.waitForURL(/bookingUid/); bookingUrl = page.url(); await bookTimeSlot(page, { email: "", name: "Jane Doe" }); await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=success-page]")).toBeVisible(); }); await test.step("Attendee #3 cannot click on the same seated event time slot", async () => { await page.goto(`/${user.username}/${slug}`); await'[data-testid="incrementMonth"]'); // TODO: Find out why the first day is always booked on tests await page.locator('[data-testid="day"][data-disabled="false"]').nth(0).click(); await expect(page.locator('[data-testid="time"][data-disabled="true"]')).toBeVisible(); }); await test.step("Attendee #3 cannot book the same seated event time slot accessing via url", async () => { await page.goto(bookingUrl); await bookTimeSlot(page, { email: "", name: "Rick" }); await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=success-page]")).toBeHidden(); }); await test.step("User owner should have only 1 booking with 3 attendees", async () => { // Make sure user owner has only 1 booking with 3 attendees const bookings = await{ where: { eventTypeId: user.eventTypes.find((e) => e.slug === slug)?.id }, select: { id: true, attendees: { select: { id: true, }, }, }, }); expect(bookings).toHaveLength(1); expect(bookings[0].attendees).toHaveLength(2); }); }); test(`Attendees can cancel a seated event time slot`, async ({ page, users, bookings }) => { const { booking } = await createUserWithSeatedEventAndAttendees({ users, bookings }, [ { name: "John First", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, { name: "Jane Second", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, { name: "John Third", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, ]); const bookingAttendees = await prisma.attendee.findMany({ where: { bookingId: }, select: { id: true, }, }); const bookingSeats = [ { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[0].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[1].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[2].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, ]; await prisma.bookingSeat.createMany({ data: bookingSeats, }); await test.step("Attendee #1 should be able to cancel their booking", async () => { await page.goto(`/booking/${booking.uid}?seatReferenceUid=${bookingSeats[0].referenceUid}`); await page.locator('[data-testid="cancel"]').click(); await page.fill('[data-testid="cancel_reason"]', "Double booked!"); await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm_cancel"]').click(); await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle"); await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/booking\/.*/); const cancelledHeadline = page.locator('[data-testid="cancelled-headline"]'); await expect(cancelledHeadline).toBeVisible(); // Old booking should still exist, with one less attendee const updatedBooking = await{ where: { id: bookingSeats[0].bookingId }, include: { attendees: true }, }); const attendeeIds = updatedBooking?{ id }) => id); expect(attendeeIds).toHaveLength(2); expect(attendeeIds).not.toContain(bookingAttendees[0].id); }); await test.step("All attendees cancelling should delete the booking for the user", async () => { // The remaining 2 attendees cancel for (let i = 1; i < bookingSeats.length; i++) { await page.goto(`/booking/${booking.uid}?seatReferenceUid=${bookingSeats[i].referenceUid}`); await page.locator('[data-testid="cancel"]').click(); await page.fill('[data-testid="cancel_reason"]', "Double booked!"); await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm_cancel"]').click(); await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/booking\/.*/); const cancelledHeadline = page.locator('[data-testid="cancelled-headline"]'); await expect(cancelledHeadline).toBeVisible(); } // Should expect old booking to be cancelled const updatedBooking = await{ where: { id: bookingSeats[0].bookingId }, }); expect(updatedBooking).not.toBeNull(); expect(updatedBooking?.status).toBe(BookingStatus.CANCELLED); }); }); }); test.describe("Reschedule for booking with seats", () => { test("Should reschedule booking with seats", async ({ page, users, bookings }) => { const { booking } = await createUserWithSeatedEventAndAttendees({ users, bookings }, [ { name: "John First", email: `first+seats-${uuid()}`, timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, { name: "Jane Second", email: `second+seats-${uuid()}`, timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, { name: "John Third", email: `third+seats-${uuid()}`, timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, ]); const bookingAttendees = await prisma.attendee.findMany({ where: { bookingId: }, select: { id: true, email: true, }, }); const bookingSeats = [ { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[0].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[1].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[2].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, ]; await prisma.bookingSeat.createMany({ data: bookingSeats, }); const references = await prisma.bookingSeat.findMany({ where: { bookingId: }, }); await page.goto(`/reschedule/${references[2].referenceUid}`); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); // expect input to be filled with attendee number 3 data const thirdAttendeeElement = await page.locator("input[name=name]"); const attendeeName = await thirdAttendeeElement.inputValue(); expect(attendeeName).toBe("John Third"); await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm-reschedule-button"]').click(); // should wait for URL but that path starts with booking/ await page.waitForURL(/\/booking\/.*/); await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/booking\/.*/); // Should expect new booking to be created for John Third const newBooking = await{ where: { attendees: { some: { email: bookingAttendees[2].email }, }, }, include: { seatsReferences: true, attendees: true }, }); expect(newBooking?.status).toBe(BookingStatus.PENDING); expect(newBooking?.attendees.length).toBe(1); expect(newBooking?.attendees[0].name).toBe("John Third"); expect(newBooking?.seatsReferences.length).toBe(1); // Should expect old booking to be accepted with two attendees const oldBooking = await{ where: { uid: booking.uid }, include: { seatsReferences: true, attendees: true }, }); expect(oldBooking?.status).toBe(BookingStatus.ACCEPTED); expect(oldBooking?.attendees.length).toBe(2); expect(oldBooking?.seatsReferences.length).toBe(2); }); test("Should reschedule booking with seats and if everyone rescheduled it should be deleted", async ({ page, users, bookings, }) => { const { booking } = await createUserWithSeatedEventAndAttendees({ users, bookings }, [ { name: "John First", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, { name: "Jane Second", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, ]); const bookingAttendees = await prisma.attendee.findMany({ where: { bookingId: }, select: { id: true, }, }); const bookingSeats = [ { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[0].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[1].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, ]; await prisma.bookingSeat.createMany({ data: bookingSeats, }); const references = await prisma.bookingSeat.findMany({ where: { bookingId: }, }); await page.goto(`/reschedule/${references[0].referenceUid}`); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm-reschedule-button"]').click(); await page.waitForURL(/\/booking\/.*/); await page.goto(`/reschedule/${references[1].referenceUid}`); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm-reschedule-button"]').click(); // Using waitForUrl here fails the assertion `expect(oldBooking?.status).toBe(BookingStatus.CANCELLED);` probably because waitForUrl is considered complete before waitForNavigation and till that time the booking is not cancelled await page.waitForURL(/\/booking\/.*/); // Should expect old booking to be cancelled const oldBooking = await{ where: { uid: booking.uid }, include: { seatsReferences: true, attendees: true, eventType: { include: { users: true, hosts: true }, }, }, }); expect(oldBooking?.status).toBe(BookingStatus.CANCELLED); }); test("Should cancel with seats and have no attendees and cancelled", async ({ page, users, bookings }) => { const { user, booking } = await createUserWithSeatedEventAndAttendees({ users, bookings }, [ { name: "John First", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, { name: "Jane Second", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, ]); await user.apiLogin(); const oldBooking = await{ where: { uid: booking.uid }, include: { seatsReferences: true, attendees: true }, }); const bookingAttendees = await prisma.attendee.findMany({ where: { bookingId: }, select: { id: true, }, }); const bookingSeats = [ { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[0].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[1].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, ]; await prisma.bookingSeat.createMany({ data: bookingSeats, }); // Now we cancel the booking as the organizer await page.goto(`/booking/${booking.uid}?cancel=true`); await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm_cancel"]').click(); await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/booking\/.*/); // Should expect old booking to be cancelled const updatedBooking = await{ where: { uid: booking.uid }, include: { seatsReferences: true, attendees: true }, }); expect(oldBooking?.startTime).not.toBe(updatedBooking?.startTime); }); test("If rescheduled/cancelled booking with seats it should display the correct number of seats", async ({ page, users, bookings, }) => { const { booking } = await createUserWithSeatedEventAndAttendees({ users, bookings }, [ { name: "John First", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, { name: "Jane Second", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, ]); const bookingAttendees = await prisma.attendee.findMany({ where: { bookingId: }, select: { id: true, }, }); const bookingSeats = [ { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[0].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[1].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, ]; await prisma.bookingSeat.createMany({ data: bookingSeats, }); const references = await prisma.bookingSeat.findMany({ where: { bookingId: }, }); await page.goto( `/booking/${references[0].referenceUid}?cancel=true&seatReferenceUid=${references[0].referenceUid}` ); await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm_cancel"]').click(); const oldBooking = await{ where: { uid: booking.uid }, select: { id: true, status: true, }, }); expect(oldBooking?.status).toBe(BookingStatus.ACCEPTED); await page.goto(`/reschedule/${references[1].referenceUid}`); await'[data-testid="incrementMonth"]'); await page.locator('[data-testid="day"][data-disabled="false"]').nth(1).click(); // Validate that the number of seats its 10 expect(await page.locator("text=9 / 10 Seats available").count()).toEqual(0); }); test("Should cancel with seats but event should be still accesible and with one less attendee/seat", async ({ page, users, bookings, }) => { const { user, booking } = await createUserWithSeatedEventAndAttendees({ users, bookings }, [ { name: "John First", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, { name: "Jane Second", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, ]); await user.apiLogin(); const bookingAttendees = await prisma.attendee.findMany({ where: { bookingId: }, select: { id: true, }, }); const bookingSeats = [ { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[0].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[1].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, ]; await prisma.bookingSeat.createMany({ data: bookingSeats, }); // Now we cancel the booking as the first attendee // booking/${bookingUid}?cancel=true&allRemainingBookings=false&seatReferenceUid={bookingSeat.referenceUid} await page.goto( `/booking/${booking.uid}?cancel=true&allRemainingBookings=false&seatReferenceUid=${bookingSeats[0].referenceUid}` ); await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm_cancel"]').click(); await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle"); await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/booking\/.*/); await page.goto( `/booking/${booking.uid}?cancel=true&allRemainingBookings=false&seatReferenceUid=${bookingSeats[1].referenceUid}` ); // Page should not be 404 await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm_cancel"]').click(); await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle"); await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/booking\/.*/); }); test("Should book with seats and hide attendees info from showAttendees true", async ({ page, users, bookings, }) => { const { user, booking } = await createUserWithSeatedEventAndAttendees({ users, bookings }, [ { name: "John First", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, { name: "Jane Second", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, ]); await user.apiLogin(); const bookingWithEventType = await{ where: { uid: booking.uid }, select: { id: true, eventTypeId: true, }, }); await prisma.eventType.update({ data: { seatsShowAttendees: false, }, where: { id: bookingWithEventType?.eventTypeId || -1, }, }); const bookingAttendees = await prisma.attendee.findMany({ where: { bookingId: }, select: { id: true, }, }); const bookingSeats = [ { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[0].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, { bookingId:, attendeeId: bookingAttendees[1].id, referenceUid: uuidv4() }, ]; await prisma.bookingSeat.createMany({ data: bookingSeats, }); // Go to cancel page and see that attendees are listed and myself as I'm owner of the booking await page.goto(`/booking/${booking.uid}?cancel=true&allRemainingBookings=false`); const foundFirstAttendeeAsOwner = await page.locator( 'p[data-testid=""]' ); await expect(foundFirstAttendeeAsOwner).toHaveCount(1); const foundSecondAttendeeAsOwner = await page.locator( 'p[data-testid=""]' ); await expect(foundSecondAttendeeAsOwner).toHaveCount(1); await page.goto("auth/logout"); // Now we cancel the booking as the first attendee // booking/${bookingUid}?cancel=true&allRemainingBookings=false&seatReferenceUid={bookingSeat.referenceUid} await page.goto( `/booking/${booking.uid}?cancel=true&allRemainingBookings=false&seatReferenceUid=${bookingSeats[0].referenceUid}` ); // No attendees should be displayed only the one that it's cancelling const notFoundSecondAttendee = await page.locator('p[data-testid=""]'); await expect(notFoundSecondAttendee).toHaveCount(0); const foundFirstAttendee = await page.locator('p[data-testid=""]'); await expect(foundFirstAttendee).toHaveCount(1); await prisma.eventType.update({ data: { seatsShowAttendees: true, }, where: { id: bookingWithEventType?.eventTypeId || -1, }, }); await page.goto( `/booking/${booking.uid}?cancel=true&allRemainingBookings=false&seatReferenceUid=${bookingSeats[1].referenceUid}` ); // Now attendees should be displayed const foundSecondAttendee = await page.locator('p[data-testid=""]'); await expect(foundSecondAttendee).toHaveCount(1); const foundFirstAttendeeAgain = await page .locator('p[data-testid=""]') .first(); await expect(foundFirstAttendeeAgain).toHaveCount(1); }); });