import create from "zustand"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { CalendarComponentProps, CalendarPublicActions, CalendarState, CalendarStoreProps, } from "../types/state"; import { mergeOverlappingDateRanges, weekdayDates } from "../utils"; const defaultState: CalendarComponentProps = { view: "week", startDate: weekdayDates(0, new Date()).startDate, endDate: weekdayDates(0, new Date()).endDate, events: [], startHour: 0, endHour: 23, gridCellsPerHour: 4, }; export const useCalendarStore = create((set) => ({ ...defaultState, setView: (view: CalendarComponentProps["view"]) => set({ view }), setStartDate: (startDate: CalendarComponentProps["startDate"]) => set({ startDate }), setEndDate: (endDate: CalendarComponentProps["endDate"]) => set({ endDate }), setEvents: (events: CalendarComponentProps["events"]) => set({ events }), // This looks a bit odd but init state only overrides the public props + actions as we don't want to override our internal state initState: (state: CalendarState & CalendarPublicActions) => { // Handle sorting of events if required let events =; if (state.sortEvents) { events = (a, b) => dayjs(a.start).get("milliseconds") - dayjs(b.start).get("milliseconds") ); } const blockingDates = mergeOverlappingDateRanges(state.blockingDates || []); // We merge overlapping dates so we don't get duplicate blocking "Cells" in the UI set({ ...state, blockingDates, events, }); }, setSelectedEvent: (event) => set({ selectedEvent: event }), handleDateChange: (payload) => set((state) => { const { startDate, endDate } = state; if (payload === "INCREMENT") { const newStartDate = dayjs(startDate).add(1, state.view).toDate(); const newEndDate = dayjs(endDate).add(1, state.view).toDate(); // Do nothing if if ( (state.minDate && newStartDate < state.minDate) || (state.maxDate && newEndDate > state.maxDate) ) { return { startDate, endDate, }; } // We call this callback if we have it -> Allows you to change your state outside of the component state.onDateChange && state.onDateChange(newStartDate, newEndDate); return { startDate: newStartDate, endDate: newEndDate, }; } const newStartDate = dayjs(startDate).subtract(1, state.view).toDate(); const newEndDate = dayjs(endDate).subtract(1, state.view).toDate(); state.onDateChange && state.onDateChange(newStartDate, newEndDate); return { startDate: newStartDate, endDate: newEndDate, }; }), }));