import { AppCategories } from "@prisma/client"; import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import z from "zod"; import { appKeysSchemas } from "@calcom/app-store/apps.keys-schemas.generated"; import { getLocalAppMetadata, getAppFromSlug } from "@calcom/app-store/utils"; import { sendDisabledAppEmail } from "@calcom/emails"; import { deriveAppDictKeyFromType } from "@calcom/lib/deriveAppDictKeyFromType"; import { getTranslation } from "@calcom/lib/server/i18n"; import { TRPCError } from "@trpc/server"; import { authedAdminProcedure, authedProcedure, router } from "../../trpc"; export const appsRouter = router({ listLocal: authedAdminProcedure .input( z.object({ category: z.nativeEnum({ ...AppCategories, conferencing: "conferencing" }), }) ) .query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const category = input.category === "conferencing" ? "video" : input.category; const localApps = getLocalAppMetadata(); const dbApps = await{ where: { categories: { has: AppCategories[category as keyof typeof AppCategories], }, }, select: { slug: true, keys: true, enabled: true, dirName: true, }, }); return localApps.flatMap((app) => { // Filter applications that does not belong to the current requested category. if (!(app.category === category || app.categories?.some((appCategory) => appCategory === category))) { return []; } // Find app metadata const dbData = dbApps.find((dbApp) => dbApp.slug === app.slug); // If the app already contains keys then return if (dbData?.keys) { return { name:, slug: app.slug, logo: app.logo, title: app.title, type: app.type, description: app.description, // We know that keys are going to be an object or null. Prisma can not type check against JSON fields keys: dbData.keys as Prisma.JsonObject | null, dirName: app.dirName || app.slug, enabled: dbData?.enabled || false, isTemplate: app.isTemplate, }; } const keysSchema = appKeysSchemas[app.dirName as keyof typeof appKeysSchemas]; const keys: Record = {}; // `typeof val === 'undefined'` is always slower than !== undefined comparison // it is important to avoid string to string comparisons as much as we can if (keysSchema !== undefined) { // TODO: Remove the Object.values and reduce to improve the performance. Object.values(keysSchema.keyof()._def.values).reduce((keysObject, key) => { keys[key as string] = ""; return keysObject; }, {} as Record); } return { name:, slug: app.slug, logo: app.logo, type: app.type, title: app.title, description: app.description, enabled: dbData?.enabled ?? false, dirName: app.dirName ?? app.slug, keys: Object.keys(keys).length === 0 ? null : keys, }; }); }), toggle: authedAdminProcedure .input( z.object({ slug: z.string(), enabled: z.boolean(), }) ) .mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { prisma } = ctx; const { enabled } = input; // Get app name from metadata const localApps = getLocalAppMetadata(); const appMetadata = localApps.find((localApp) => localApp.slug === input.slug); if (!appMetadata) throw new TRPCError({ code: "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", message: "App metadata could not be found" }); const app = await{ where: { slug: input.slug, }, update: { enabled, dirName: appMetadata?.dirName || appMetadata?.slug || "", }, create: { slug: input.slug, dirName: appMetadata?.dirName || appMetadata?.slug || "", categories: (appMetadata?.categories as AppCategories[]) || ([appMetadata?.category] as AppCategories[]) || undefined, keys: undefined, enabled, }, }); // If disabling an app then we need to alert users based on the app type if (!enabled) { const translations = new Map(); if (app.categories.some((category) => ["calendar", "video"].includes(category))) { // Find all users with the app credentials const appCredentials = await prisma.credential.findMany({ where: { appId: app.slug, }, select: { user: { select: { email: true, locale: true, }, }, }, }); // TODO: This should be done async probably using a queue. Promise.all( (credential) => { // No need to continue if credential does not have a user if (!credential.user || ! return; const locale = credential.user.locale ?? "en"; let t = translations.get(locale); if (!t) { t = await getTranslation(locale, "common"); translations.set(locale, t); } await sendDisabledAppEmail({ email:, appName: appMetadata?.name || app.slug, appType: app.categories, t, }); }) ); } else { const eventTypesWithApp = await prisma.eventType.findMany({ where: { metadata: { path: ["apps", app.slug as string, "enabled"], equals: true, }, }, select: { id: true, title: true, users: { select: { email: true, locale: true, }, }, metadata: true, }, }); // TODO: This should be done async probably using a queue. Promise.all( (eventType) => { // TODO: This update query can be removed by merging it with // the previous `findMany` query, if that query returns certain values. await prisma.eventType.update({ where: { id:, }, data: { metadata: { ...(eventType.metadata as object), apps: { // From this comment we can not type JSON fields in Prisma // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore ...eventType.metadata?.apps, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore [app.slug]: { ...eventType.metadata?.apps[app.slug], enabled: false }, }, }, }, }); return Promise.all( (user) => { const locale = user.locale ?? "en"; let t = translations.get(locale); if (!t) { t = await getTranslation(locale, "common"); translations.set(locale, t); } await sendDisabledAppEmail({ email:, appName: appMetadata?.name || app.slug, appType: app.categories, t, title: eventType.title, eventTypeId:, }); }) ); }) ); } } return app.enabled; }), saveKeys: authedAdminProcedure .input( z.object({ slug: z.string(), dirName: z.string(), type: z.string(), // Validate w/ app specific schema keys: z.unknown(), fromEnabled: z.boolean().optional(), }) ) .mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => { let appKey = deriveAppDictKeyFromType(input.type, appKeysSchemas); if (!appKey) appKey = deriveAppDictKeyFromType(input.slug, appKeysSchemas); const keysSchema = appKeysSchemas[appKey as keyof typeof appKeysSchemas]; const keys = keysSchema.parse(input.keys); // Get app name from metadata const localApps = getLocalAppMetadata(); const appMetadata = localApps.find((localApp) => localApp.slug === input.slug); if (!appMetadata?.dirName && appMetadata?.categories) throw new TRPCError({ code: "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", message: "App metadata could not be found" }); await{ where: { slug: input.slug, }, update: { keys, ...(input.fromEnabled && { enabled: true }) }, create: { slug: input.slug, dirName: appMetadata?.dirName || appMetadata?.slug || "", categories: (appMetadata?.categories as AppCategories[]) || ([appMetadata?.category] as AppCategories[]) || undefined, keys: (input.keys as Prisma.InputJsonObject) || undefined, ...(input.fromEnabled && { enabled: true }), }, }); }), checkForGCal: authedProcedure.query(async ({ ctx }) => { const gCalPresent = await ctx.prisma.credential.findFirst({ where: { type: "google_calendar", userId:, }, }); return !!gCalPresent; }), updateAppCredentials: authedProcedure .input( z.object({ credentialId: z.number(), key: z.object({}).passthrough(), }) ) .mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { user } = ctx; const { key } = input; // Find user credential const credential = await ctx.prisma.credential.findFirst({ where: { id: input.credentialId, userId:, }, }); // Check if credential exists if (!credential) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "BAD_REQUEST", message: `Could not find credential ${input.credentialId}`, }); } const updated = await ctx.prisma.credential.update({ where: { id:, }, data: { key: { ...(credential.key as Prisma.JsonObject), ...(key as Prisma.JsonObject), }, }, }); return !!updated; }), queryForDependencies: authedProcedure.input(z.string().array().optional()).query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { if (!input) return; const dependencyData: { name: string; slug: string; installed: boolean }[] = []; await Promise.all( (dependency) => { const appInstalled = await ctx.prisma.credential.findFirst({ where: { appId: dependency, userId:, }, }); const app = await getAppFromSlug(dependency); dependencyData.push({ name: app?.name || dependency, slug: dependency, installed: !!appInstalled }); }) ); return dependencyData; }), });