import type { User } from "@prisma/client"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; async function leastRecentlyBookedUser>({ availableUsers, eventTypeId, }: { availableUsers: T[]; eventTypeId: number; }) { const usersWithLastCreated = await prisma.user.findMany({ where: { id: { in: =>, }, }, select: { id: true, bookings: { select: { createdAt: true, }, where: { eventTypeId, }, orderBy: { createdAt: "desc", }, take: 1, }, }, }); if (!usersWithLastCreated) { throw new Error("Unable to find users by availableUser ids."); // should never happen. } const userIdAndAtCreatedPair = usersWithLastCreated.reduce( (keyValuePair: { [key: number]: Date }, user) => { keyValuePair[] = user.bookings[0]?.createdAt || new Date(0); return keyValuePair; }, {} ); const leastRecentlyBookedUser = availableUsers.sort((a, b) => { return userIdAndAtCreatedPair[] > userIdAndAtCreatedPair[] ? 1 : -1; })[0]; return leastRecentlyBookedUser; } // TODO: Configure distributionAlgorithm from the event type configuration // TODO: Add 'MAXIMIZE_FAIRNESS' algorithm. export async function getLuckyUser>( distributionAlgorithm: "MAXIMIZE_AVAILABILITY" = "MAXIMIZE_AVAILABILITY", { availableUsers, eventTypeId }: { availableUsers: T[]; eventTypeId: number } ) { if (availableUsers.length === 1) { return availableUsers[0]; } switch (distributionAlgorithm) { case "MAXIMIZE_AVAILABILITY": return leastRecentlyBookedUser({ availableUsers, eventTypeId }); } }