import type { DAVObject } from "tsdav"; /** * sanitizeCalendarObject is a utility function that cleans up and normalizes * the iCalendar data from a DAVObject before parsing it using the ICAL.js library. * It addresses issues with incorrect line endings, line folding, and unwanted line * breaks before colons, semicolons, and equal signs. * * @param {DAVObject} obj - The DAVObject containing the iCalendar data to be sanitized. * @returns {string} The sanitized iCalendar data. * * NOTE: This function is a workaround for handling improperly formatted iCalendar * data. It is recommended to use a well-formed iCalendar data source to avoid * the need for these manual corrections. This function may not cover all edge cases * and might still cause issues with specific inputs. */ export const sanitizeCalendarObject = (obj: DAVObject) => { return .replaceAll("\r\n", "\n") .replaceAll("\r", "\n") .replaceAll("\n ", "") .replaceAll("\n\t", "") .replaceAll("\n", "\r\n") .replaceAll(/(:[ \t]*\r\n[ \t]*:)/gm, ":") .replaceAll(/(;[ \t]*\r\n[ \t]*;)/gm, ";") .replaceAll(/(=[ \t]*\r\n[ \t]*=)/gm, "="); }; export default sanitizeCalendarObject;