import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import type { NextApiRequest } from "next"; import { v4 } from "uuid"; import { generateUniqueAPIKey } from "@calcom/features/ee/api-keys/lib/apiKeys"; import { HttpError } from "@calcom/lib/http-error"; import { defaultResponder } from "@calcom/lib/server"; import { apiKeyCreateBodySchema, apiKeyPublicSchema } from "@lib/validations/api-key"; async function postHandler(req: NextApiRequest) { const { userId, isAdmin, prisma } = req; const { neverExpires, userId: bodyUserId, ...input } = apiKeyCreateBodySchema.parse(req.body); const [hashedKey, apiKey] = generateUniqueAPIKey(); const args: Prisma.ApiKeyCreateArgs = { data: { id: v4(), userId, ...input, // And here we pass a null to expiresAt if never expires is true. otherwise just pass expiresAt from input expiresAt: neverExpires ? null : input.expiresAt, hashedKey, }, }; if (!isAdmin && bodyUserId) throw new HttpError({ statusCode: 403, message: `ADMIN required for userId` }); if (isAdmin && bodyUserId) { const where: Prisma.UserWhereInput = { id: bodyUserId }; await prisma.user.findFirstOrThrow({ where }); = bodyUserId; } const result = await prisma.apiKey.create(args); return { api_key: { ...apiKeyPublicSchema.parse(result), key: `${process.env.API_KEY_PREFIX ?? "cal_"}${apiKey}`, }, message: "API key created successfully. Save the `key` value as it won't be displayed again.", }; } export default defaultResponder(postHandler);