import type { Calendar as OfficeCalendar, User } from "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-types-beta"; import type { DefaultBodyType } from "msw"; import { z } from "zod"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { getLocation, getRichDescription } from "@calcom/lib/CalEventParser"; import { handleErrorsJson, handleErrorsRaw } from "@calcom/lib/errors"; import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import type { BufferedBusyTime } from "@calcom/types/BufferedBusyTime"; import type { Calendar, CalendarEvent, EventBusyDate, IntegrationCalendar, NewCalendarEventType, } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import type { CredentialPayload } from "@calcom/types/Credential"; import type { O365AuthCredentials } from "../types/Office365Calendar"; import { getOfficeAppKeys } from "./getOfficeAppKeys"; interface IRequest { method: string; url: string; id: number; } interface ISettledResponse { id: string; status: number; headers: { "Retry-After": string; "Content-Type": string; }; body: Record; } interface IBatchResponse { responses: ISettledResponse[]; } interface BodyValue { showAs: string; end: { dateTime: string }; evt: { showAs: string }; start: { dateTime: string }; } const refreshTokenResponseSchema = z.object({ access_token: z.string(), expires_in: z .number() .transform((currentTimeOffsetInSeconds) => Math.round(+new Date() / 1000 + currentTimeOffsetInSeconds)), refresh_token: z.string().optional(), }); export default class Office365CalendarService implements Calendar { private url = ""; private integrationName = ""; private log: typeof logger; private accessToken: string | null = null; auth: { getToken: () => Promise }; private apiGraphUrl = ""; constructor(credential: CredentialPayload) { this.integrationName = "office365_calendar"; this.auth = this.o365Auth(credential); this.log = logger.getChildLogger({ prefix: [`[[lib] ${this.integrationName}`] }); } async createEvent(event: CalendarEvent): Promise { try { const eventsUrl = event.destinationCalendar?.externalId ? `/me/calendars/${event.destinationCalendar?.externalId}/events` : "/me/calendar/events"; const response = await this.fetcher(eventsUrl, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(this.translateEvent(event)), }); const responseJson = await handleErrorsJson(response); return { ...responseJson, iCalUID: responseJson.iCalUId }; } catch (error) { this.log.error(error); throw error; } } async updateEvent(uid: string, event: CalendarEvent): Promise { try { const response = await this.fetcher(`/me/calendar/events/${uid}`, { method: "PATCH", body: JSON.stringify(this.translateEvent(event)), }); const responseJson = await handleErrorsJson(response); return { ...responseJson, iCalUID: responseJson.iCalUId }; } catch (error) { this.log.error(error); throw error; } } async deleteEvent(uid: string): Promise { try { const response = await this.fetcher(`/me/calendar/events/${uid}`, { method: "DELETE", }); handleErrorsRaw(response); } catch (error) { this.log.error(error); throw error; } } async getAvailability( dateFrom: string, dateTo: string, selectedCalendars: IntegrationCalendar[] ): Promise { const dateFromParsed = new Date(dateFrom); const dateToParsed = new Date(dateTo); const filter = `?startDateTime=${encodeURIComponent( dateFromParsed.toISOString() )}&endDateTime=${encodeURIComponent(dateToParsed.toISOString())}`; try { const selectedCalendarIds = selectedCalendars .filter((e) => e.integration === this.integrationName) .map((e) => e.externalId) .filter(Boolean); if (selectedCalendarIds.length === 0 && selectedCalendars.length > 0) { // Only calendars of other integrations selected return Promise.resolve([]); } const ids = await (selectedCalendarIds.length === 0 ? this.listCalendars().then((cals) => => e_2.externalId).filter(Boolean) || []) : Promise.resolve(selectedCalendarIds)); const requests =, id) => ({ id, method: "GET", url: `/me/calendars/${calendarId}/calendarView${filter}`, })); const response = await this.apiGraphBatchCall(requests); const responseBody = await this.handleErrorJsonOffice365Calendar(response); let responseBatchApi: IBatchResponse = { responses: [] }; if (typeof responseBody === "string") { responseBatchApi = this.handleTextJsonResponseWithHtmlInBody(responseBody); } let alreadySuccessResponse = [] as ISettledResponse[]; // Validate if any 429 status Retry-After is present const retryAfter = !!responseBatchApi?.responses && this.findRetryAfterResponse(responseBatchApi.responses); if (retryAfter && responseBatchApi.responses) { responseBatchApi = await this.fetchRequestWithRetryAfter(requests, responseBatchApi.responses, 2); } // Recursively fetch nextLink responses alreadySuccessResponse = await this.fetchResponsesWithNextLink(responseBatchApi.responses); return alreadySuccessResponse ? this.processBusyTimes(alreadySuccessResponse) : []; } catch (err) { console.log(err); return Promise.reject([]); } } async listCalendars(): Promise { const officeCalendars: OfficeCalendar[] = []; // List calendars from MS are paginated let finishedParsingCalendars = false; // Store @odata.nextLink if in response let requestLink = "/me/calendars"; while (!finishedParsingCalendars) { const response = await this.fetcher(requestLink); let responseBody = await handleErrorsJson<{ value: OfficeCalendar[]; "@odata.nextLink"?: string }>( response ); // If responseBody is valid then parse the JSON text if (typeof responseBody === "string") { responseBody = JSON.parse(responseBody) as { value: OfficeCalendar[] }; } officeCalendars.push(...responseBody.value); if (responseBody["@odata.nextLink"]) { requestLink = responseBody["@odata.nextLink"].replace(this.apiGraphUrl, ""); } else { finishedParsingCalendars = true; } } const user = await this.fetcher("/me"); const userResponseBody = await handleErrorsJson(user); const email = userResponseBody.mail ?? userResponseBody.userPrincipalName; return OfficeCalendar) => { const calendar: IntegrationCalendar = { externalId: ?? "No Id", integration: this.integrationName, name: ?? "No calendar name", primary: cal.isDefaultCalendar ?? false, readOnly: !cal.canEdit && true, email: email ?? "", }; return calendar; }); } private o365Auth = (credential: CredentialPayload) => { const isExpired = (expiryDate: number) => { if (!expiryDate) { return true; } else { return expiryDate < Math.round(+new Date() / 1000); } }; const o365AuthCredentials = credential.key as O365AuthCredentials; const refreshAccessToken = async (o365AuthCredentials: O365AuthCredentials) => { const { client_id, client_secret } = await getOfficeAppKeys(); const response = await fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, body: new URLSearchParams({ scope: "User.Read Calendars.Read Calendars.ReadWrite", client_id, refresh_token: o365AuthCredentials.refresh_token, grant_type: "refresh_token", client_secret, }), }); const responseJson = await handleErrorsJson(response); const tokenResponse = refreshTokenResponseSchema.safeParse(responseJson); o365AuthCredentials = { ...o365AuthCredentials, ...(tokenResponse.success && }; if (!tokenResponse.success) { console.error( "Outlook error grabbing new tokens ~ zodError:", tokenResponse.error, "MS response:", responseJson ); } await prisma.credential.update({ where: { id:, }, data: { key: o365AuthCredentials, }, }); return o365AuthCredentials.access_token; }; return { getToken: () => refreshTokenResponseSchema.safeParse(o365AuthCredentials).success && !isExpired(o365AuthCredentials.expires_in) ? Promise.resolve(o365AuthCredentials.access_token) : refreshAccessToken(o365AuthCredentials), }; }; private translateEvent = (event: CalendarEvent) => { return { subject: event.title, body: { contentType: "HTML", content: getRichDescription(event), }, start: { dateTime: dayjs(event.startTime).tz(event.organizer.timeZone).format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss"), timeZone: event.organizer.timeZone, }, end: { dateTime: dayjs(event.endTime).tz(event.organizer.timeZone).format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss"), timeZone: event.organizer.timeZone, }, attendees: [ => ({ emailAddress: { address:, name:, }, type: "required", })), ...( ? => ({ emailAddress: { address:, name:, }, type: "required", })) : []), ], location: event.location ? { displayName: getLocation(event) } : undefined, }; }; private fetcher = async (endpoint: string, init?: RequestInit | undefined) => { this.accessToken = await this.auth.getToken(); return fetch(`${this.apiGraphUrl}${endpoint}`, { method: "get", headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + this.accessToken, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, ...init, }); }; private fetchResponsesWithNextLink = async ( settledResponses: ISettledResponse[] ): Promise => { const alreadySuccess = [] as ISettledResponse[]; const newLinkRequest = [] as IRequest[]; settledResponses?.forEach((response) => { if (response.status === 200 && response.body["@odata.nextLink"] === undefined) { alreadySuccess.push(response); } else { const nextLinkUrl = response.body["@odata.nextLink"] ? String(response.body["@odata.nextLink"]).replace(this.apiGraphUrl, "") : ""; if (nextLinkUrl) { // Saving link for later use newLinkRequest.push({ id: Number(, method: "GET", url: nextLinkUrl, }); } delete response.body["@odata.nextLink"]; // Pushing success body content alreadySuccess.push(response); } }); if (newLinkRequest.length === 0) { return alreadySuccess; } const newResponse = await this.apiGraphBatchCall(newLinkRequest); let newResponseBody = await handleErrorsJson(newResponse); if (typeof newResponseBody === "string") { newResponseBody = this.handleTextJsonResponseWithHtmlInBody(newResponseBody); } // Going recursive to fetch next link const newSettledResponses = await this.fetchResponsesWithNextLink(newResponseBody.responses); return [...alreadySuccess, ...newSettledResponses]; }; private fetchRequestWithRetryAfter = async ( originalRequests: IRequest[], settledPromises: ISettledResponse[], maxRetries: number, retryCount = 0 ): Promise => { let retryAfterTimeout = 0; if (retryCount >= maxRetries) { return { responses: settledPromises }; } const alreadySuccessRequest = [] as ISettledResponse[]; const failedRequest = [] as IRequest[]; settledPromises.forEach((item) => { if (item.status === 200) { alreadySuccessRequest.push(item); } else if (item.status === 429) { const newTimeout = Number(item.headers["Retry-After"]) * 1000 || 0; retryAfterTimeout = newTimeout > retryAfterTimeout ? newTimeout : retryAfterTimeout; failedRequest.push(originalRequests[Number(]); } }); if (failedRequest.length === 0) { return { responses: alreadySuccessRequest }; } // Await certain time from retry-after header await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, retryAfterTimeout)); const newResponses = await this.apiGraphBatchCall(failedRequest); let newResponseBody = await handleErrorsJson(newResponses); if (typeof newResponseBody === "string") { newResponseBody = this.handleTextJsonResponseWithHtmlInBody(newResponseBody); } const retryAfter = !!newResponseBody?.responses && this.findRetryAfterResponse(newResponseBody.responses); if (retryAfter && newResponseBody.responses) { newResponseBody = await this.fetchRequestWithRetryAfter( failedRequest, newResponseBody.responses, maxRetries, retryCount + 1 ); } return { responses: [...alreadySuccessRequest, ...(newResponseBody?.responses || [])] }; }; private apiGraphBatchCall = async (requests: IRequest[]): Promise => { const response = await this.fetcher(`/$batch`, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ requests }), }); return response; }; private handleTextJsonResponseWithHtmlInBody = (response: string): IBatchResponse => { try { const parsedJson = JSON.parse(response); return parsedJson; } catch (error) { // Looking for html in body const openTag = '"body":<'; const closeTag = ""; const htmlBeginning = response.indexOf(openTag) + openTag.length - 1; const htmlEnding = response.indexOf(closeTag) + closeTag.length + 2; const resultString = `${response.repeat(1).substring(0, htmlBeginning)} ""${response .repeat(1) .substring(htmlEnding, response.length)}`; return JSON.parse(resultString); } }; private findRetryAfterResponse = (response: ISettledResponse[]) => { const foundRetry = response.find((request: ISettledResponse) => request.status === 429); return !!foundRetry; }; private processBusyTimes = (responses: ISettledResponse[]) => { return responses.reduce( (acc: BufferedBusyTime[], subResponse: { body: { value?: BodyValue[]; error?: Error[] } }) => { if (!subResponse.body?.value) return acc; return acc.concat( subResponse.body.value .filter((evt) => evt.showAs !== "free" && evt.showAs !== "workingElsewhere") .map((evt) => ({ start: evt.start.dateTime + "Z", end: evt.end.dateTime + "Z", })) ); }, [] ); }; private handleErrorJsonOffice365Calendar = (response: Response): Promise => { if (response.headers.get("content-encoding") === "gzip") { return response.text(); } if (response.status === 204) { return new Promise((resolve) => resolve({} as Type)); } if (!response.ok && response.status < 200 && response.status >= 300) { response.json().then(console.log); throw Error(response.statusText); } return response.json(); }; }