import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import { BookingStatus } from "@prisma/client"; import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next"; import queue from "queue"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { IS_PRODUCTION } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; import { getErrorFromUnknown } from "@calcom/lib/errors"; import { HttpError as HttpCode } from "@calcom/lib/http-error"; import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import { Reschedule } from "../lib"; import { initVitalClient, vitalEnv } from "../lib/client"; /* @Note: not being used anymore but left as example const getOuraSleepScore = async (user_id: string, bedtime_start: Date) => { const vitalClient = await initVitalClient(); if (!vitalClient) throw Error("Missing vital client"); const sleep_data = await vitalClient.Sleep.get_raw(user_id, bedtime_start, undefined, "oura"); if (sleep_data.sleep.length === 0) { throw Error("No sleep score found"); } return +sleep_data.sleep[0].data.score; }; */ /** * This is will generate a user token for a client_user_id` * @param req * @param res */ export default async function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) { try { if (req.method !== "POST") { throw new HttpCode({ statusCode: 405, message: "Method Not Allowed" }); } const sig = req.headers["svix-signature"]; if (!sig) { throw new HttpCode({ statusCode: 400, message: "Missing svix-signature" }); } const vitalClient = await initVitalClient(); if (!vitalClient || !vitalEnv) return res.status(400).json({ message: "Missing vital client, try calling `initVitalClient`" }); const payload = JSON.stringify(req.body); const event: any = vitalClient.Webhooks.constructWebhookEvent( payload, req.headers as Record, vitalEnv.webhook_secret as string ); if (event.event_type == "") { // Carry out logic here to determine what to do if sleep is less // than 8 hours or readiness score is less than 70 try { if ( { const json = { userVitalId: as string }; const credential = await prisma.credential.findFirstOrThrow({ where: { type: "vital_other", key: { equals: json, }, }, }); if (!credential) { return res.status(404).json({ message: "Missing vital credential" }); } // Getting total hours of sleep seconds/60/60 = hours const userWithMetadata = await prisma.user.findFirst({ select: { metadata: true, }, where: { id: credential.userId as number, }, }); let minimumSleepTime = 0; let parameterFilter = ""; const userMetadata = userWithMetadata?.metadata as Prisma.JsonObject; const vitalSettings = ((userWithMetadata?.metadata as Prisma.JsonObject)?.vitalSettings as Prisma.JsonObject) || {}; if (!!userMetadata && !!vitalSettings) { minimumSleepTime = vitalSettings.sleepValue as number; parameterFilter = vitalSettings.parameter as string; } else { res.status(404).json({ message: "Vital configuration not found for user" }); return; } if (! { res.status(500).json({ message: "Selected param not available" }); return; } const totalHoursSleep =[parameterFilter] / 60 / 60; if (minimumSleepTime > 0 && parameterFilter !== "" && totalHoursSleep <= minimumSleepTime) { // Trigger reschedule try { const todayDate = dayjs(); const todayBookings = await{ where: { startTime: { gte: todayDate.startOf("day").toISOString(), }, endTime: { lte: todayDate.endOf("day").toISOString(), }, status: { in: [BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, BookingStatus.PENDING], }, // @NOTE: very important filter userId: credential?.userId, }, select: { id: true, uid: true, userId: true, status: true, }, }); const q = queue({ results: [] }); if (todayBookings.length > 0) { todayBookings.forEach((booking) => q.push(() => { return Reschedule(booking.uid, ""); }) ); } await q.start(); } catch (error) { throw new Error("Failed to reschedule bookings"); } } } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { logger.error(error.message); } logger.error("Failed to get sleep score"); } } return res.status(200).json({ body: req.body }); } catch (_err) { const err = getErrorFromUnknown(_err); console.error(`Webhook Error: ${err.message}`); res.status(err.statusCode ?? 500).send({ message: err.message, stack: IS_PRODUCTION ? undefined : err.stack, }); return; } }