import CloseCom from "@calcom/lib/CloseCom"; import { getCloseComContactIds, getCustomActivityTypeInstanceData, getCloseComCustomActivityTypeFieldsIds, getCloseComLeadId, } from "@calcom/lib/CloseComeUtils"; import type { CalendarEvent } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; jest.mock("@calcom/lib/CloseCom", () => ({ default: class { constructor() { /* Mock */ } }, })); afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); }); // getCloseComLeadId test("check generic lead generator: already exists", async () => { CloseCom.prototype.lead = { list: () => ({ data: [{ name: "From", id: "abc" }], }), } as any; const closeCom = new CloseCom("someKey"); const id = await getCloseComLeadId(closeCom); expect(id).toEqual("abc"); }); // getCloseComLeadId test("check generic lead generator: doesn't exist", async () => { CloseCom.prototype.lead = { list: () => ({ data: [], }), create: () => ({ id: "def" }), } as any; const closeCom = new CloseCom("someKey"); const id = await getCloseComLeadId(closeCom); expect(id).toEqual("def"); }); // getCloseComContactIds test("retrieve contact IDs: all exist", async () => { const attendees = [ { email: "", id: "test1" }, { email: "", id: "test2" }, ]; const event = { attendees, } as { attendees: { email: string; name: string | null; id: string }[] }; = { search: () => ({ data: attendees }), } as any; const closeCom = new CloseCom("someKey"); const contactIds = await getCloseComContactIds(event.attendees, closeCom, "leadId"); expect(contactIds).toEqual(["test1", "test2"]); }); // getCloseComContactIds test("retrieve contact IDs: some don't exist", async () => { const attendees = [{ email: "", id: "test1" }, { email: "" }]; const event = { attendees, } as CalendarEvent; = { search: () => ({ data: [{ emails: [{ email: "" }], id: "test1" }] }), create: () => ({ id: "test3" }), } as any; const closeCom = new CloseCom("someKey"); const contactIds = await getCloseComContactIds(event.attendees, closeCom, "leadId"); expect(contactIds).toEqual(["test1", "test3"]); }); // getCloseComCustomActivityTypeFieldsIds test("retrieve custom fields for custom activity type: type doesn't exist, no field created", async () => { CloseCom.prototype.activity = { type: { get: () => [], }, } as any; CloseCom.prototype.customActivity = { type: { get: () => ({ data: [] }), create: () => ({ id: "type1" }), }, } as any; CloseCom.prototype.customField = { activity: { create: (data: { name: string }) => ({ id: `field${}${[0]}` }), }, } as any; const closeCom = new CloseCom("someKey"); const contactIds = await getCloseComCustomActivityTypeFieldsIds( [ ["Attendees", "", true, true], ["Date & Time", "", true, true], ["Time Zone", "", true, true], ], closeCom ); expect(contactIds).toEqual({ activityType: "type1", fields: ["field9A", "field11D", "field9T"], }); }); // getCloseComCustomActivityTypeFieldsIds test("retrieve custom fields for custom activity type: type exists, no field created", async () => { CloseCom.prototype.activity = { type: { get: () => [], }, } as any; CloseCom.prototype.customActivity = { type: { get: () => ({ data: [{ id: "typeX", name: " Activity" }] }), }, } as any; CloseCom.prototype.customField = { activity: { get: () => ({ data: [{ id: "fieldY", custom_activity_type_id: "typeX", name: "Attendees" }] }), create: (data: { name: string }) => ({ id: `field${}${[0]}` }), }, } as any; const closeCom = new CloseCom("someKey"); const contactIds = await getCloseComCustomActivityTypeFieldsIds( [ ["Attendees", "", true, true], ["Date & Time", "", true, true], ["Time Zone", "", true, true], ], closeCom ); expect(contactIds).toEqual({ activityType: "typeX", fields: ["fieldY", "field11D", "field9T"], }); }); // getCustomActivityTypeInstanceData test("prepare data to create custom activity type instance: two attendees, no additional notes", async () => { const attendees = [ { email: "", id: "test1", timeZone: "America/Montevideo" }, { email: "" }, ]; const now = new Date(); const event = { attendees, startTime: now.toISOString(), } as unknown as CalendarEvent; CloseCom.prototype.activity = { type: { get: () => [], }, } as any; CloseCom.prototype.customActivity = { type: { get: () => ({ data: [] }), create: () => ({ id: "type1" }), }, } as any; CloseCom.prototype.customField = { activity: { create: (data: { name: string }) => ({ id: `field${}${[0]}` }), }, } as any; CloseCom.prototype.lead = { list: () => ({ data: [], }), create: () => ({ id: "def" }), } as any; const closeCom = new CloseCom("someKey"); const data = await getCustomActivityTypeInstanceData( event, [ ["Attendees", "", true, true], ["Date & Time", "", true, true], ["Time Zone", "", true, true], ], closeCom ); expect(data).toEqual({ custom_activity_type_id: "type1", lead_id: "def", "custom.field9A": ["test3"], "custom.field11D": now.toISOString(), "custom.field9T": "America/Montevideo", }); }); // getCustomActivityTypeInstanceData test("prepare data to create custom activity type instance: one attendees, with additional notes", async () => { const attendees = [{ email: "", id: "test1", timeZone: "America/Montevideo" }]; const now = new Date(); const event = { attendees, startTime: now.toISOString(), additionalNotes: "Some comment!", } as any; CloseCom.prototype.activity = { type: { get: () => [], }, } as any; CloseCom.prototype.customActivity = { type: { get: () => ({ data: [] }), create: () => ({ id: "type1" }), }, } as any; CloseCom.prototype.customField = { activity: { create: (data: { name: string }) => ({ id: `field${}${[0]}` }), }, } as any; CloseCom.prototype.lead = { list: () => ({ data: [{ name: "From", id: "abc" }], }), } as any; const closeCom = new CloseCom("someKey"); const data = await getCustomActivityTypeInstanceData( event, [ ["Attendees", "", true, true], ["Date & Time", "", true, true], ["Time Zone", "", true, true], ], closeCom ); expect(data).toEqual({ custom_activity_type_id: "type1", lead_id: "abc", "custom.field9A": null, "custom.field11D": now.toISOString(), "custom.field9T": "America/Montevideo", }); });