import { expect, Page, test } from "@playwright/test"; function chooseEmbedType(page: Page, embedType: string) { page.locator(`[data-testid=${embedType}]`).click(); } async function gotToPreviewTab(page: Page) { // To prevent early timeouts // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-wait-for-timeout await page.waitForTimeout(1000); await page.locator("[data-testid=embed-tabs]").locator("text=Preview").click(); } async function clickEmbedButton(page: Page) { const embedButton = page.locator("[data-testid=event-type-embed]"); const eventTypeId = await embedButton.getAttribute("data-test-eventtype-id");; return eventTypeId; } async function clickFirstEventTypeEmbedButton(page: Page) { const menu = page.locator("[data-testid*=event-type-options]").first(); await; const eventTypeId = await clickEmbedButton(page); return eventTypeId; } async function expectToBeNavigatingToEmbedTypesDialog( page: Page, { eventTypeId, basePage }: { eventTypeId: string | null; basePage: string } ) { if (!eventTypeId) { throw new Error("Couldn't find eventTypeId"); } await page.waitForNavigation({ url: (url) => { return ( url.pathname === basePage && url.searchParams.get("dialog") === "embed" && url.searchParams.get("eventTypeId") === eventTypeId ); }, }); } async function expectToBeNavigatingToEmbedCodeAndPreviewDialog( page: Page, { eventTypeId, embedType, basePage }: { eventTypeId: string | null; embedType: string; basePage: string } ) { if (!eventTypeId) { throw new Error("Couldn't find eventTypeId"); } await page.waitForNavigation({ url: (url) => { return ( url.pathname === basePage && url.searchParams.get("dialog") === "embed" && url.searchParams.get("eventTypeId") === eventTypeId && url.searchParams.get("embedType") === embedType && url.searchParams.get("tabName") === "embed-code" ); }, }); } async function expectToContainValidCode(page: Page, { embedType }: { embedType: string }) { const embedCode = await page.locator("[data-testid=embed-code]").inputValue(); expect(embedCode.includes("(function (C, A, L)")).toBe(true); expect(embedCode.includes(`Cal ${embedType} embed code begins`)).toBe(true); return { message: () => `passed`, pass: true, }; } async function expectToContainValidPreviewIframe( page: Page, { embedType, calLink }: { embedType: string; calLink: string } ) { expect(await page.locator("[data-testid=embed-preview]").getAttribute("src")).toContain( `/preview.html?embedType=${embedType}&calLink=${calLink}` ); } test.describe.configure({ mode: "parallel" }); test.describe("Embed Code Generator Tests", () => { test.use({ storageState: "playwright/artifacts/proStorageState.json" }); test.describe("Event Types Page", () => { test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto("/event-types"); }); test("open Embed Dialog and choose Inline for First Event Type", async ({ page }) => { const eventTypeId = await clickFirstEventTypeEmbedButton(page); await expectToBeNavigatingToEmbedTypesDialog(page, { eventTypeId, basePage: "/event-types", }); chooseEmbedType(page, "inline"); await expectToBeNavigatingToEmbedCodeAndPreviewDialog(page, { eventTypeId, embedType: "inline", basePage: "/event-types", }); await expectToContainValidCode(page, { embedType: "inline" }); await gotToPreviewTab(page); await expectToContainValidPreviewIframe(page, { embedType: "inline", calLink: "pro/30min" }); }); test("open Embed Dialog and choose floating-popup for First Event Type", async ({ page }) => { const eventTypeId = await clickFirstEventTypeEmbedButton(page); await expectToBeNavigatingToEmbedTypesDialog(page, { eventTypeId, basePage: "/event-types", }); chooseEmbedType(page, "floating-popup"); await expectToBeNavigatingToEmbedCodeAndPreviewDialog(page, { eventTypeId, embedType: "floating-popup", basePage: "/event-types", }); await expectToContainValidCode(page, { embedType: "floating-popup" }); await gotToPreviewTab(page); await expectToContainValidPreviewIframe(page, { embedType: "floating-popup", calLink: "pro/30min" }); }); test("open Embed Dialog and choose element-click for First Event Type", async ({ page }) => { const eventTypeId = await clickFirstEventTypeEmbedButton(page); await expectToBeNavigatingToEmbedTypesDialog(page, { eventTypeId, basePage: "/event-types", }); chooseEmbedType(page, "element-click"); await expectToBeNavigatingToEmbedCodeAndPreviewDialog(page, { eventTypeId, embedType: "element-click", basePage: "/event-types", }); await expectToContainValidCode(page, { embedType: "element-click" }); await gotToPreviewTab(page); await expectToContainValidPreviewIframe(page, { embedType: "element-click", calLink: "pro/30min" }); }); }); test.describe("Event Type Edit Page", () => { test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto("/event-types/3"); }); test("open Embed Dialog for the Event Type", async ({ page }) => { const eventTypeId = await clickEmbedButton(page); await expectToBeNavigatingToEmbedTypesDialog(page, { eventTypeId, basePage: "/event-types/3", }); chooseEmbedType(page, "inline"); await expectToBeNavigatingToEmbedCodeAndPreviewDialog(page, { eventTypeId, basePage: "/event-types/3", embedType: "inline", }); await expectToContainValidCode(page, { embedType: "inline", }); await gotToPreviewTab(page); await expectToContainValidPreviewIframe(page, { embedType: "inline", calLink: "pro/30min", }); }); }); });