import { RRule } from "rrule"; import type { Dayjs } from "@calcom/dayjs"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { detectBrowserTimeFormat, TimeFormat } from "@calcom/lib/timeFormat"; import type { RecurringEvent } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import { parseZone } from "./parse-zone"; type ExtraOptions = { withDefaultTimeFormat?: boolean; selectedTimeFormat?: TimeFormat }; const processDate = (date: string | null | Dayjs, language: string, options?: ExtraOptions) => { const parsedZone = parseZone(date); if (!parsedZone?.isValid()) return "Invalid date"; const formattedTime = parsedZone?.format( options?.withDefaultTimeFormat ? TimeFormat.TWELVE_HOUR : options?.selectedTimeFormat || detectBrowserTimeFormat ); return formattedTime + ", " + dayjs(date).toDate().toLocaleString(language, { dateStyle: "full" }); }; export const parseDate = (date: string | null | Dayjs, language: string, options?: ExtraOptions) => { if (!date) return ["No date"]; return processDate(date, language, options); }; const timeOptions: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = { hour12: true, hourCycle: "h12", hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", }; const dateOptions: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = { weekday: "long", year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric", }; export const parseDateTimeWithTimeZone = ( date: Date, language: string, timezone: string, options?: ExtraOptions ): string => { timeOptions.timeZone = timezone; dateOptions.timeZone = timezone; if (options?.withDefaultTimeFormat) { timeOptions.hourCycle = "h12"; } else if (options?.selectedTimeFormat) { timeOptions.hourCycle = options.selectedTimeFormat === TimeFormat.TWELVE_HOUR ? "h12" : "h24"; if (timeOptions.hourCycle === "h24") { delete timeOptions.hour12; } } const formattedDate = new Date(date).toLocaleDateString(language, dateOptions); const formattedTime = new Date(date) .toLocaleTimeString(language, timeOptions) .replace(" ", "") .toLowerCase(); return `${formattedTime}, ${formattedDate}`; }; export const parseRecurringDates = ( { startDate, timeZone, recurringEvent, recurringCount, selectedTimeFormat, withDefaultTimeFormat, }: { startDate: string | null | Dayjs; timeZone?: string; recurringEvent: RecurringEvent | null; recurringCount: number; selectedTimeFormat?: TimeFormat; withDefaultTimeFormat?: boolean; }, language: string ): [string[], Date[]] => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const { count, ...restRecurringEvent } = recurringEvent || {}; const rule = new RRule({ ...restRecurringEvent, count: recurringCount, dtstart: new Date(dayjs(startDate).valueOf()), }); const startUtcOffset = dayjs(startDate).utcOffset(); // UTC still need to have DST applied, rrule does not do this. const times = rule.all().map((t) => { // applying the DST offset. return dayjs.utc(t).add(startUtcOffset - dayjs(t).utcOffset(), "minute"); }); const dateStrings = => { // finally; show in local timeZone again return processDate(, language, { selectedTimeFormat, withDefaultTimeFormat }); }); return [dateStrings, => t.toDate())]; };