import { GetStaticPropsContext } from "next"; import { i18n } from "next-i18next.config"; import { serverSideTranslations } from "next-i18next/serverSideTranslations"; import superjson from "superjson"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import { createSSGHelpers } from "@calcom/trpc/react/ssg"; import { appRouter } from "@calcom/trpc/server/routers/_app"; /** * Initialize static site rendering tRPC helpers. * Provides a method to prefetch tRPC-queries in a `getStaticProps`-function. * Automatically prefetches i18n based on the passed in `context`-object to prevent i18n-flickering. * Make sure to `return { props: { trpcState: ssr.dehydrate() } }` at the end. */ export async function ssgInit(opts: GetStaticPropsContext) { const requestedLocale = opts.params?.locale || opts.locale || i18n.defaultLocale; const isSupportedLocale = i18n.locales.includes(requestedLocale); if (!isSupportedLocale) { console.warn(`Requested unsupported locale "${requestedLocale}"`); } const locale = isSupportedLocale ? requestedLocale : i18n.defaultLocale; const _i18n = await serverSideTranslations(locale, ["common"]); const ssg = createSSGHelpers({ router: appRouter, transformer: superjson, ctx: { prisma, session: null, user: null, locale, i18n: _i18n, }, }); // always preload i18n await ssg.fetchQuery("viewer.public.i18n"); return ssg; }