import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import { handleErrorsJson, handleErrorsRaw } from "@calcom/lib/errors"; import { HttpError } from "@calcom/lib/http-error"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import type { CalendarEvent } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import type { CredentialPayload } from "@calcom/types/Credential"; import type { PartialReference } from "@calcom/types/EventManager"; import type { VideoApiAdapter, VideoCallData } from "@calcom/types/VideoApiAdapter"; import getAppKeysFromSlug from "../../_utils/getAppKeysFromSlug"; let client_id = ""; let client_secret = ""; /** @link */ export interface TeamsEventResult { creationDateTime: string; startDateTime: string; endDateTime: string; id: string; joinWebUrl: string; subject: string; } interface O365AuthCredentials { email: string; scope: string; token_type: string; expiry_date: number; access_token: string; refresh_token: string; ext_expires_in: number; } interface ITokenResponse { expiry_date: number; expires_in?: number; token_type: string; scope: string; access_token: string; refresh_token: string; error?: string; error_description?: string; } // Checks to see if our O365 user token is valid or if we need to refresh const o365Auth = async (credential: CredentialPayload) => { const appKeys = await getAppKeysFromSlug("msteams"); if (typeof appKeys.client_id === "string") client_id = appKeys.client_id; if (typeof appKeys.client_secret === "string") client_secret = appKeys.client_secret; if (!client_id) throw new HttpError({ statusCode: 400, message: "MS teams client_id missing." }); if (!client_secret) throw new HttpError({ statusCode: 400, message: "MS teams client_secret missing." }); const isExpired = (expiryDate: number) => expiryDate < Math.round(+new Date()); const o365AuthCredentials = credential.key as unknown as O365AuthCredentials; const refreshAccessToken = async (refreshToken: string) => { const response = await fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, body: new URLSearchParams({ client_id, refresh_token: refreshToken, grant_type: "refresh_token", client_secret, }), }); const responseBody = await handleErrorsJson(response); if (responseBody?.error) { console.error(responseBody); throw new HttpError({ statusCode: 500, message: `Error contacting MS Teams: ${responseBody.error}` }); } // set expiry date as offset from current time. responseBody.expiry_date = Math.round( + (responseBody?.expires_in || 0) * 1000); delete responseBody.expires_in; // Store new tokens in database. await prisma.credential.update({ where: { id:, }, data: { // @NOTE: prisma doesn't know key its a JSON so do as responseBody key: responseBody as unknown as Prisma.InputJsonValue, }, }); o365AuthCredentials.expiry_date = responseBody.expiry_date; o365AuthCredentials.access_token = responseBody.access_token; return o365AuthCredentials.access_token; }; return { getToken: () => isExpired(o365AuthCredentials.expiry_date) ? refreshAccessToken(o365AuthCredentials.refresh_token) : Promise.resolve(o365AuthCredentials.access_token), }; }; const TeamsVideoApiAdapter = (credential: CredentialPayload): VideoApiAdapter => { const auth = o365Auth(credential); const translateEvent = (event: CalendarEvent) => { return { startDateTime: event.startTime, endDateTime: event.endTime, subject: event.title, }; }; // Since the meeting link is not tied to an event we only need the create and update functions return { getAvailability: () => { return Promise.resolve([]); }, updateMeeting: async (bookingRef: PartialReference, event: CalendarEvent) => { const accessToken = await (await auth).getToken(); const resultString = await fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(translateEvent(event)), }).then(handleErrorsRaw); const resultObject = JSON.parse(resultString); return Promise.resolve({ type: "office365_video", id:, password: "", url: resultObject.joinUrl, }); }, deleteMeeting: () => { return Promise.resolve([]); }, createMeeting: async (event: CalendarEvent): Promise => { const accessToken = await (await auth).getToken(); const resultString = await fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(translateEvent(event)), }).then(handleErrorsRaw); const resultObject = JSON.parse(resultString); if (! || !resultObject.joinUrl || !resultObject.joinWebUrl) { throw new HttpError({ statusCode: 500, message: `Error creating MS Teams meeting: ${resultObject.error.message}`, }); } return Promise.resolve({ type: "office365_video", id:, password: "", url: resultObject.joinWebUrl || resultObject.joinUrl, }); }, }; }; export default TeamsVideoApiAdapter;