import { truncate } from "./text"; describe("Text util tests", () => { describe("fn: truncate", () => { it("should return the original text when it is shorter than the max length", () => { const cases = [ { input: "Hello world", maxLength: 100, expected: "Hello world", }, { input: "Hello world", maxLength: 11, expected: "Hello world", }, ]; for (const { input, maxLength, expected } of cases) { const result = truncate(input, maxLength); expect(result).toEqual(expected); } }); it("should return the truncated text when it is longer than the max length", () => { const cases = [ { input: "Hello world", maxLength: 10, expected: "Hello w...", }, { input: "Hello world", maxLength: 5, expected: "He...", }, ]; for (const { input, maxLength, expected } of cases) { const result = truncate(input, maxLength); expect(result).toEqual(expected); } }); it("should return the truncated text without ellipsis when it is longer than the max length and ellipsis is false", () => { const cases = [ { input: "Hello world", maxLength: 10, ellipsis: false, expected: "Hello w", }, { input: "Hello world", maxLength: 5, ellipsis: false, expected: "He", }, ]; for (const { input, maxLength, ellipsis, expected } of cases) { const result = truncate(input, maxLength, ellipsis); expect(result).toEqual(expected); } }); }); });