import { z } from "zod"; import { _UserModel as User } from "@calcom/prisma/zod"; import { timeZone } from "@lib/validations/shared/timeZone"; import { jsonSchema } from "./shared/jsonSchema"; // @note: These are the ONLY values allowed as weekStart. So user don't introduce bad data. enum weekdays { MONDAY = "Monday", TUESDAY = "Tuesday", WEDNESDAY = "Wednesday", THURSDAY = "Thursday", FRIDAY = "Friday", SATURDAY = "Saturday", SUNDAY = "Sunday", } // @note: extracted from apps/web/next-i18next.config.js, update if new locales. enum locales { EN = "en", FR = "fr", IT = "it", RU = "ru", ES = "es", DE = "de", PT = "pt", RO = "ro", NL = "nl", PT_BR = "pt-BR", ES_419 = "es-419", KO = "ko", JA = "ja", PL = "pl", AR = "ar", IW = "iw", ZH_CN = "zh-CN", ZH_TW = "zh-TW", CS = "cs", SR = "sr", SV = "sv", VI = "vi", } enum theme { DARK = "dark", LIGHT = "light", } enum timeFormat { TWELVE = 12, TWENTY_FOUR = 24, } // @note: These are the values that are editable via PATCH method on the user Model export const schemaUserBaseBodyParams = User.pick({ name: true, bio: true, timeZone: true, weekStart: true, endTime: true, bufferTime: true, theme: true, defaultScheduleId: true, locale: true, timeFormat: true, brandColor: true, darkBrandColor: true, allowDynamicBooking: true, away: true, // @note: disallowing avatar changes via API for now. We can add it later if needed. User should upload image via UI. // avatar: true, }).partial(); // @note: partial() is used to allow for the user to edit only the fields they want to edit making all optional, // if want to make any required do it in the schemaRequiredParams // Here we can both require or not (adding optional or nullish) and also rewrite validations for any value // for example making weekStart only accept weekdays as input const schemaUserEditParams = z.object({ weekStart: z.nativeEnum(weekdays).optional(), brandColor: z.string().min(4).max(9).regex(/^#/).optional(), darkBrandColor: z.string().min(4).max(9).regex(/^#/).optional(), timeZone: timeZone.optional(), bufferTime: z.number().min(0).max(86400).optional(), startTime: z.number().min(0).max(86400).optional(), endTime: z.number().min(0).max(86400).optional(), theme: z.nativeEnum(theme).optional().nullable(), timeFormat: z.nativeEnum(timeFormat).optional(), defaultScheduleId: z .number() .refine((id: number) => id > 0) .optional() .nullable(), locale: z.nativeEnum(locales).optional().nullable(), }); // @note: These are the values that are editable via PATCH method on the user Model, // merging both BaseBodyParams with RequiredParams, and omiting whatever we want at the end. const schemaUserCreateParams = z.object({ email: z.string().email(), weekStart: z.nativeEnum(weekdays).optional(), brandColor: z.string().min(4).max(9).regex(/^#/).optional(), darkBrandColor: z.string().min(4).max(9).regex(/^#/).optional(), timeZone: timeZone.optional(), bufferTime: z.number().min(0).max(86400).optional(), startTime: z.number().min(0).max(86400).optional(), endTime: z.number().min(0).max(86400).optional(), theme: z.nativeEnum(theme).optional().nullable(), timeFormat: z.nativeEnum(timeFormat).optional(), defaultScheduleId: z .number() .refine((id: number) => id > 0) .optional() .nullable(), locale: z.nativeEnum(locales).optional(), createdDate: z.string().or(, }); // @note: These are the values that are editable via PATCH method on the user Model, // merging both BaseBodyParams with RequiredParams, and omiting whatever we want at the end. export const schemaUserEditBodyParams = schemaUserBaseBodyParams .merge(schemaUserEditParams) .omit({}) .strict(); export const schemaUserCreateBodyParams = schemaUserBaseBodyParams .merge(schemaUserCreateParams) .omit({}) .strict(); // @note: These are the values that are always returned when reading a user export const schemaUserReadPublic = User.pick({ id: true, username: true, name: true, email: true, emailVerified: true, bio: true, avatar: true, timeZone: true, weekStart: true, endTime: true, bufferTime: true, theme: true, defaultScheduleId: true, locale: true, timeFormat: true, brandColor: true, darkBrandColor: true, allowDynamicBooking: true, away: true, createdDate: true, verified: true, invitedTo: true, }); export const schemaUsersReadPublic = z.array(schemaUserReadPublic);