/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference */ /// import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import ICAL from "ical.js"; import type { Attendee, DateArray, DurationObject, Person } from "ics"; import { createEvent } from "ics"; import type { DAVAccount, DAVCalendar, DAVObject } from "tsdav"; import { createAccount, createCalendarObject, deleteCalendarObject, fetchCalendarObjects, fetchCalendars, getBasicAuthHeaders, updateCalendarObject, } from "tsdav"; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import sanitizeCalendarObject from "@calcom/lib/sanitizeCalendarObject"; import type { Calendar, CalendarEvent, CalendarEventType, EventBusyDate, IntegrationCalendar, NewCalendarEventType, } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import type { CredentialPayload } from "@calcom/types/Credential"; import { getLocation, getRichDescription } from "./CalEventParser"; import { symmetricDecrypt } from "./crypto"; import logger from "./logger"; const TIMEZONE_FORMAT = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]"; const DEFAULT_CALENDAR_TYPE = "caldav"; const CALENDSO_ENCRYPTION_KEY = process.env.CALENDSO_ENCRYPTION_KEY || ""; type FetchObjectsWithOptionalExpandOptionsType = { selectedCalendars: IntegrationCalendar[]; startISOString: string; dateTo: string; headers?: Record; }; function hasFileExtension(url: string): boolean { // Get the last portion of the URL (after the last '/') const fileName = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); // Check if the file name has a '.' in it and no '/' after the '.' return fileName.includes(".") && !fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".")).includes("/"); } function getFileExtension(url: string): string { // Return null if the URL does not have a file extension if (!hasFileExtension(url)) return "ics"; // Get the last portion of the URL (after the last '/') const fileName = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); // Extract the file extension return fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); } const convertDate = (date: string): DateArray => dayjs(date) .utc() .toArray() .slice(0, 6) .map((v, i) => (i === 1 ? v + 1 : v)) as DateArray; const getDuration = (start: string, end: string): DurationObject => ({ minutes: dayjs(end).diff(dayjs(start), "minute"), }); const getAttendees = (attendees: Person[]): Attendee[] => attendees.map(({ email, name }) => ({ name, email, partstat: "NEEDS-ACTION" })); export default abstract class BaseCalendarService implements Calendar { private url = ""; private credentials: Record = {}; private headers: Record = {}; protected integrationName = ""; private log: typeof logger; constructor(credential: CredentialPayload, integrationName: string, url?: string) { this.integrationName = integrationName; const { username, password, url: credentialURL, } = JSON.parse(symmetricDecrypt(credential.key as string, CALENDSO_ENCRYPTION_KEY)); this.url = url || credentialURL; this.credentials = { username, password }; this.headers = getBasicAuthHeaders({ username, password }); this.log = logger.getChildLogger({ prefix: [`[[lib] ${this.integrationName}`] }); } async createEvent(event: CalendarEvent): Promise { try { const calendars = await this.listCalendars(event); const uid = uuidv4(); // We create local ICS files const { error, value: iCalString } = createEvent({ uid, startInputType: "utc", start: convertDate(event.startTime), duration: getDuration(event.startTime, event.endTime), title: event.title, description: getRichDescription(event), location: getLocation(event), organizer: { email: event.organizer.email, name: event.organizer.name }, attendees: [ ...getAttendees(event.attendees), ...(event.team?.members ? getAttendees(event.team.members) : []), ], /** according to https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2446#section-3.2.1, in a published iCalendar component. * "Attendees" MUST NOT be present * `attendees: this.getAttendees(event.attendees),` * [UPDATE]: Since we're not using the PUBLISH method to publish the iCalendar event and creating the event directly on iCal, * this shouldn't be an issue and we should be able to add attendees to the event right here. */ }); if (error || !iCalString) throw new Error(`Error creating iCalString:=> ${error?.message} : ${error?.name} `); // We create the event directly on iCal const responses = await Promise.all( calendars .filter((c) => event.destinationCalendar?.externalId ? c.externalId === event.destinationCalendar.externalId : true ) .map((calendar) => createCalendarObject({ calendar: { url: calendar.externalId, }, filename: `${uid}.ics`, // according to https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4791#section-4.1, Calendar object resources contained in calendar collections MUST NOT specify the iCalendar METHOD property. iCalString: iCalString.replace(/METHOD:[^\r\n]+\r\n/g, ""), headers: this.headers, }) ) ); if (responses.some((r) => !r.ok)) { throw new Error( `Error creating event: ${(await Promise.all(responses.map((r) => r.text()))).join(", ")}` ); } return { uid, id: uid, type: this.integrationName, password: "", url: "", additionalInfo: {}, }; } catch (reason) { logger.error(reason); throw reason; } } async updateEvent( uid: string, event: CalendarEvent ): Promise { try { const events = await this.getEventsByUID(uid); /** We generate the ICS files */ const { error, value: iCalString } = createEvent({ uid, startInputType: "utc", start: convertDate(event.startTime), duration: getDuration(event.startTime, event.endTime), title: event.title, description: getRichDescription(event), location: getLocation(event), organizer: { email: event.organizer.email, name: event.organizer.name }, attendees: [ ...getAttendees(event.attendees), ...(event.team?.members ? getAttendees(event.team.members) : []), ], }); if (error) { this.log.debug("Error creating iCalString"); return { uid, type: event.type, id: typeof event.uid === "string" ? event.uid : "-1", password: "", url: typeof event.location === "string" ? event.location : "-1", additionalInfo: {}, }; } let calendarEvent: CalendarEventType; const eventsToUpdate = events.filter((e) => e.uid === uid); return Promise.all( eventsToUpdate.map((eventItem) => { calendarEvent = eventItem; return updateCalendarObject({ calendarObject: { url: calendarEvent.url, // ensures compliance with standard iCal string (known as iCal2.0 by some) required by various providers data: iCalString?.replace(/METHOD:[^\r\n]+\r\n/g, ""), etag: calendarEvent?.etag, }, headers: this.headers, }); }) ).then((responses) => responses.map((response) => { if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { return { uid, type: this.credentials.type, id: typeof calendarEvent.uid === "string" ? calendarEvent.uid : "-1", password: "", url: calendarEvent.url, additionalInfo: typeof event.additionalInformation === "string" ? event.additionalInformation : {}, }; } else { this.log.error("Error: Status Code", response.status); return { uid, type: event.type, id: typeof event.uid === "string" ? event.uid : "-1", password: "", url: typeof event.location === "string" ? event.location : "-1", additionalInfo: typeof event.additionalInformation === "string" ? event.additionalInformation : {}, }; } }) ); } catch (reason) { this.log.error(reason); throw reason; } } async deleteEvent(uid: string): Promise { try { const events = await this.getEventsByUID(uid); const eventsToDelete = events.filter((event) => event.uid === uid); await Promise.all( eventsToDelete.map((event) => { return deleteCalendarObject({ calendarObject: { url: event.url, etag: event?.etag, }, headers: this.headers, }); }) ); } catch (reason) { this.log.error(reason); throw reason; } } /** * getUserTimezoneFromDB() retrieves the timezone of a user from the database. * * @param {number} id - The user's unique identifier. * @returns {Promise} - A Promise that resolves to the user's timezone or "Europe/London" as a default value if the timezone is not found. */ getUserTimezoneFromDB = async (id: number): Promise => { const prisma = await import("@calcom/prisma").then((mod) => mod.default); const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { id, }, select: { timeZone: true, }, }); return user?.timeZone; }; /** * getUserId() extracts the user ID from the first calendar in an array of IntegrationCalendars. * * @param {IntegrationCalendar[]} selectedCalendars - An array of IntegrationCalendars. * @returns {number | null} - The user ID associated with the first calendar in the array, or null if the array is empty or the user ID is not found. */ getUserId = (selectedCalendars: IntegrationCalendar[]): number | null => { if (selectedCalendars.length === 0) { return null; } return selectedCalendars[0].userId || null; }; isValidFormat = (url: string): boolean => { const allowedExtensions = ["eml", "ics"]; const urlExtension = getFileExtension(url); if (!allowedExtensions.includes(urlExtension)) { console.error(`Unsupported calendar object format: ${urlExtension}`); return false; } return true; }; async getAvailability( dateFrom: string, dateTo: string, selectedCalendars: IntegrationCalendar[] ): Promise { const startISOString = new Date(dateFrom).toISOString(); const objects = await this.fetchObjectsWithOptionalExpand({ selectedCalendars, startISOString, dateTo, headers: this.headers, }); const userId = this.getUserId(selectedCalendars); // we use the userId from selectedCalendars to fetch the user's timeZone from the database primarily for all-day events without any timezone information const userTimeZone = userId ? await this.getUserTimezoneFromDB(userId) : "Europe/London"; const events: { start: string; end: string }[] = []; objects.forEach((object) => { if (!object || object.data == null || JSON.stringify(object.data) == "{}") return; let vcalendar: ICAL.Component; try { const jcalData = ICAL.parse(sanitizeCalendarObject(object)); vcalendar = new ICAL.Component(jcalData); } catch (e) { console.error("Error parsing calendar object: ", e); return; } const vevents = vcalendar.getAllSubcomponents("vevent"); vevents.forEach((vevent) => { // if event status is free or transparent, return if (vevent?.getFirstPropertyValue("transp") === "TRANSPARENT") return; const event = new ICAL.Event(vevent); const dtstart: { [key: string]: string } | undefined = vevent?.getFirstPropertyValue("dtstart"); const timezone = dtstart ? dtstart["timezone"] : undefined; // We check if the dtstart timezone is in UTC which is actually represented by Z instead, but not recognized as that in ICAL.js as UTC const isUTC = timezone === "Z"; const tzid: string | undefined = vevent?.getFirstPropertyValue("tzid") || isUTC ? "UTC" : timezone; // In case of icalendar, when only tzid is available without vtimezone, we need to add vtimezone explicitly to take care of timezone diff if (!vcalendar.getFirstSubcomponent("vtimezone")) { const timezoneToUse = tzid || userTimeZone; if (timezoneToUse) { try { const timezoneComp = new ICAL.Component("vtimezone"); timezoneComp.addPropertyWithValue("tzid", timezoneToUse); const standard = new ICAL.Component("standard"); // get timezone offset const tzoffsetfrom = dayjs(event.startDate.toJSDate()).tz(timezoneToUse).format("Z"); const tzoffsetto = dayjs(event.endDate.toJSDate()).tz(timezoneToUse).format("Z"); // set timezone offset standard.addPropertyWithValue("tzoffsetfrom", tzoffsetfrom); standard.addPropertyWithValue("tzoffsetto", tzoffsetto); // provide a standard dtstart standard.addPropertyWithValue("dtstart", "1601-01-01T00:00:00"); timezoneComp.addSubcomponent(standard); vcalendar.addSubcomponent(timezoneComp); } catch (e) { // Adds try-catch to ensure the code proceeds when Apple Calendar provides non-standard TZIDs console.log("error in adding vtimezone", e); } } else { console.error("No timezone found"); } } const vtimezone = vcalendar.getFirstSubcomponent("vtimezone"); if (event.isRecurring()) { let maxIterations = 365; if (["HOURLY", "SECONDLY", "MINUTELY"].includes(event.getRecurrenceTypes())) { console.error(`Won't handle [${event.getRecurrenceTypes()}] recurrence`); return; } const start = dayjs(dateFrom); const end = dayjs(dateTo); const startDate = ICAL.Time.fromDateTimeString(startISOString); startDate.hour = event.startDate.hour; startDate.minute = event.startDate.minute; startDate.second = event.startDate.second; const iterator = event.iterator(startDate); let current: ICAL.Time; let currentEvent; let currentStart = null; let currentError; while ( maxIterations > 0 && (currentStart === null || currentStart.isAfter(end) === false) && // this iterator was poorly implemented, normally done is expected to be // returned (current = iterator.next()) ) { maxIterations -= 1; try { // @see https://github.com/mozilla-comm/ical.js/issues/514 currentEvent = event.getOccurrenceDetails(current); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error && error.message !== currentError) { currentError = error.message; this.log.error("error", error); } } if (!currentEvent) return; // do not mix up caldav and icalendar! For the recurring events here, the timezone // provided is relevant, not as pointed out in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4791#section-9.6.5 // where recurring events are always in utc (in caldav!). Thus, apply the time zone here. if (vtimezone) { const zone = new ICAL.Timezone(vtimezone); currentEvent.startDate = currentEvent.startDate.convertToZone(zone); currentEvent.endDate = currentEvent.endDate.convertToZone(zone); } currentStart = dayjs(currentEvent.startDate.toJSDate()); if (currentStart.isBetween(start, end) === true) { events.push({ start: currentStart.toISOString(), end: dayjs(currentEvent.endDate.toJSDate()).toISOString(), }); } } if (maxIterations <= 0) { console.warn("could not find any occurrence for recurring event in 365 iterations"); } return; } if (vtimezone) { const zone = new ICAL.Timezone(vtimezone); event.startDate = event.startDate.convertToZone(zone); event.endDate = event.endDate.convertToZone(zone); } return events.push({ start: dayjs(event.startDate.toJSDate()).toISOString(), end: dayjs(event.endDate.toJSDate()).toISOString(), }); }); }); return Promise.resolve(events); } async listCalendars(event?: CalendarEvent): Promise { try { const account = await this.getAccount(); const calendars = (await fetchCalendars({ account, headers: this.headers, })) /** @url https://github.com/natelindev/tsdav/pull/139 */ as (Omit & { displayName?: string | Record; })[]; return calendars.reduce((newCalendars, calendar) => { if (!calendar.components?.includes("VEVENT")) return newCalendars; newCalendars.push({ externalId: calendar.url, /** @url https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/issues/7186 */ name: typeof calendar.displayName === "string" ? calendar.displayName : "", primary: event?.destinationCalendar?.externalId ? event.destinationCalendar.externalId === calendar.url : false, integration: this.integrationName, email: this.credentials.username ?? "", }); return newCalendars; }, []); } catch (reason) { logger.error(reason); throw reason; } } /** * The fetchObjectsWithOptionalExpand function is responsible for fetching calendar objects * from an array of selectedCalendars. It attempts to fetch objects with the expand option * alone such that it works if a calendar supports it. If any calendar object has an undefined 'data' property * and etag isn't undefined, the function makes a new request without the expand option to retrieve the data. * The result is a flattened array of calendar objects with the structure { url: ..., etag: ..., data: ...}. * * @param {Object} options - The options object containing the following properties: * @param {IntegrationCalendar[]} options.selectedCalendars - An array of IntegrationCalendar objects to fetch data from. * @param {string} options.startISOString - The start date of the date range to fetch events from, in ISO 8601 format. * @param {string} options.dateTo - The end date of the date range to fetch events from. * @param {Object} options.headers - Headers to be included in the API requests. * @returns {Promise} - A promise that resolves to a flattened array of calendar objects with the structure { url: ..., etag: ..., data: ...}. */ async fetchObjectsWithOptionalExpand({ selectedCalendars, startISOString, dateTo, headers, }: FetchObjectsWithOptionalExpandOptionsType): Promise { const filteredCalendars = selectedCalendars.filter((sc) => sc.externalId); const fetchPromises = filteredCalendars.map(async (sc) => { const response = await fetchCalendarObjects({ urlFilter: (url) => this.isValidFormat(url), calendar: { url: sc.externalId, }, headers, expand: true, timeRange: { start: startISOString, end: new Date(dateTo).toISOString(), }, }); const processedResponse = await Promise.all( response.map(async (calendarObject) => { const calendarObjectHasEtag = calendarObject.etag !== undefined; const calendarObjectDataUndefined = calendarObject.data === undefined; if (calendarObjectDataUndefined && calendarObjectHasEtag) { const responseWithoutExpand = await fetchCalendarObjects({ urlFilter: (url) => this.isValidFormat(url), calendar: { url: sc.externalId, }, headers, expand: false, timeRange: { start: startISOString, end: new Date(dateTo).toISOString(), }, }); return responseWithoutExpand.find( (obj) => obj.url === calendarObject.url && obj.etag === calendarObject.etag ); } return calendarObject; }) ); return processedResponse; }); const resolvedPromises = await Promise.allSettled(fetchPromises); const fulfilledPromises = resolvedPromises.filter( (promise): promise is PromiseFulfilledResult<(DAVObject | undefined)[]> => promise.status === "fulfilled" ); const flatResult = fulfilledPromises .map((promise) => promise.value) .flat() .filter((obj) => obj !== null); return flatResult as DAVObject[]; } private async getEvents( calId: string, dateFrom: string | null, dateTo: string | null, objectUrls?: string[] | null ) { try { const objects = await fetchCalendarObjects({ calendar: { url: calId, }, objectUrls: objectUrls ? objectUrls : undefined, timeRange: dateFrom && dateTo ? { start: dayjs(dateFrom).utc().format(TIMEZONE_FORMAT), end: dayjs(dateTo).utc().format(TIMEZONE_FORMAT), } : undefined, headers: this.headers, }); const events = objects .filter((e) => !!e.data) .map((object) => { const jcalData = ICAL.parse(sanitizeCalendarObject(object)); const vcalendar = new ICAL.Component(jcalData); const vevent = vcalendar.getFirstSubcomponent("vevent"); const event = new ICAL.Event(vevent); const calendarTimezone = vcalendar.getFirstSubcomponent("vtimezone")?.getFirstPropertyValue("tzid") || ""; const startDate = calendarTimezone ? dayjs.tz(event.startDate.toString(), calendarTimezone) : new Date(event.startDate.toUnixTime() * 1000); const endDate = calendarTimezone ? dayjs.tz(event.endDate.toString(), calendarTimezone) : new Date(event.endDate.toUnixTime() * 1000); return { uid: event.uid, etag: object.etag, url: object.url, summary: event.summary, description: event.description, location: event.location, sequence: event.sequence, startDate, endDate, duration: { weeks: event.duration.weeks, days: event.duration.days, hours: event.duration.hours, minutes: event.duration.minutes, seconds: event.duration.seconds, isNegative: event.duration.isNegative, }, organizer: event.organizer, attendees: event.attendees.map((a) => a.getValues()), recurrenceId: event.recurrenceId, timezone: calendarTimezone, }; }); return events; } catch (reason) { console.error(reason); throw reason; } } private async getEventsByUID(uid: string): Promise { const events: Prisma.PromiseReturnType = []; const calendars = await this.listCalendars(); for (const cal of calendars) { const calEvents = await this.getEvents(cal.externalId, null, null, [`${cal.externalId}${uid}.ics`]); for (const ev of calEvents) { events.push(ev); } } return events; } private async getAccount(): Promise { return createAccount({ account: { serverUrl: this.url, accountType: DEFAULT_CALENDAR_TYPE, credentials: this.credentials, }, headers: this.headers, }); } }