import { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import { v4 } from "uuid"; import { z } from "zod"; import { getErrorFromUnknown } from "@calcom/lib/errors"; import { WEBHOOK_TRIGGER_EVENTS } from "@lib/webhooks/constants"; import sendPayload from "@lib/webhooks/sendPayload"; import { createProtectedRouter } from "@server/createRouter"; import { getTranslation } from "@server/lib/i18n"; import { TRPCError } from "@trpc/server"; // Common data for all endpoints under webhook const webhookIdAndEventTypeIdSchema = z.object({ // Webhook ID id: z.string().optional(), // Event type ID eventTypeId: z.number().optional(), }); export const webhookRouter = createProtectedRouter() .middleware(async ({ ctx, rawInput, next }) => { // Endpoints that just read the logged in user's data - like 'list' don't necessary have any input if (!rawInput) { return next(); } const webhookIdAndEventTypeId = webhookIdAndEventTypeIdSchema.safeParse(rawInput); if (!webhookIdAndEventTypeId.success) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "PARSE_ERROR" }); } const { eventTypeId, id } =; // A webhook is either linked to Event Type or to a user. if (eventTypeId) { const team = await{ where: { eventTypes: { some: { id: eventTypeId, }, }, }, include: { members: true, }, }); // Team should be available and the user should be a member of the team if (!team?.members.some((membership) => membership.userId === { throw new TRPCError({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED", }); } } else if (id) { const authorizedHook = await ctx.prisma.webhook.findFirst({ where: { id: id, userId:, }, }); if (!authorizedHook) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED", }); } } return next(); }) .query("list", { input: z .object({ eventTypeId: z.number().optional(), }) .optional(), async resolve({ ctx, input }) { const where: Prisma.WebhookWhereInput = { AND: [{ appId: null /* Don't mixup zapier webhooks with normal ones */ }], }; if (Array.isArray(where.AND)) { if (input?.eventTypeId) { where.AND?.push({ eventTypeId: input.eventTypeId }); } else { where.AND?.push({ userId: }); } } return await ctx.prisma.webhook.findMany({ where, }); }, }) .mutation("create", { input: z.object({ subscriberUrl: z.string().url(), eventTriggers: z.enum(WEBHOOK_TRIGGER_EVENTS).array(), active: z.boolean(), payloadTemplate: z.string().nullable(), eventTypeId: z.number().optional(), appId: z.string().optional().nullable(), secret: z.string().optional().nullable(), }), async resolve({ ctx, input }) { if (input.eventTypeId) { return await ctx.prisma.webhook.create({ data: { id: v4(), ...input, }, }); } return await ctx.prisma.webhook.create({ data: { id: v4(), userId:, ...input, }, }); }, }) .mutation("edit", { input: z.object({ id: z.string(), subscriberUrl: z.string().url().optional(), eventTriggers: z.enum(WEBHOOK_TRIGGER_EVENTS).array().optional(), active: z.boolean().optional(), payloadTemplate: z.string().nullable(), eventTypeId: z.number().optional(), appId: z.string().optional().nullable(), secret: z.string().optional().nullable(), }), async resolve({ ctx, input }) { const { id, } = input; const webhook = input.eventTypeId ? await ctx.prisma.webhook.findFirst({ where: { eventTypeId: input.eventTypeId, id, }, }) : await ctx.prisma.webhook.findFirst({ where: { userId:, id, }, }); if (!webhook) { // user does not own this webhook // team event doesn't own this webhook return null; } return await ctx.prisma.webhook.update({ where: { id, }, data, }); }, }) .mutation("delete", { input: z.object({ id: z.string(), eventTypeId: z.number().optional(), }), async resolve({ ctx, input }) { const { id } = input; input.eventTypeId ? await ctx.prisma.eventType.update({ where: { id: input.eventTypeId, }, data: { webhooks: { delete: { id, }, }, }, }) : await ctx.prisma.user.update({ where: { id:, }, data: { webhooks: { delete: { id, }, }, }, }); return { id, }; }, }) .mutation("testTrigger", { input: z.object({ url: z.string().url(), type: z.string(), payloadTemplate: z.string().optional().nullable(), }), async resolve({ input }) { const { url, type, payloadTemplate = null } = input; const translation = await getTranslation("en", "common"); const language = { locale: "en", translate: translation, }; const data = { type: "Test", title: "Test trigger event", description: "", startTime: new Date().toISOString(), endTime: new Date().toISOString(), attendees: [ { email: "", name: "John Doe", timeZone: "Europe/London", language, }, ], organizer: { name: "Cal", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/London", language, }, }; try { const webhook = { subscriberUrl: url, payloadTemplate, appId: null, secret: null }; return await sendPayload(null, type, new Date().toISOString(), webhook, data); } catch (_err) { const error = getErrorFromUnknown(_err); return { ok: false, status: 500, message: error.message, }; } }, });