import { App_RoutingForms_Form, Prisma, User, WebhookTriggerEvents } from "@prisma/client"; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; import { z } from "zod"; import getWebhooks from "@calcom/features/webhooks/lib/getWebhooks"; import { sendGenericWebhookPayload } from "@calcom/features/webhooks/lib/sendPayload"; import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger"; import { RoutingFormSettings } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils"; import { TRPCError } from "@calcom/trpc/server"; import { authedProcedure, publicProcedure, router } from "@calcom/trpc/server/trpc"; import { Ensure } from "@calcom/types/utils"; import ResponseEmail from "./emails/templates/response-email"; import { jsonLogicToPrisma } from "./jsonLogicToPrisma"; import { getSerializableForm } from "./lib/getSerializableForm"; import { isAllowed } from "./lib/isAllowed"; import { Response, SerializableForm } from "./types/types"; import { zodFields, zodRoutes } from "./zod"; async function onFormSubmission( form: Ensure & { user: User }, "fields">, response: Response ) { const fieldResponsesByName: Record = {}; for (const [fieldId, fieldResponse] of Object.entries(response)) { // Use the label lowercased as the key to identify a field. const key = form.fields.find((f) => === fieldId)?.identifier || (fieldResponse.label as keyof typeof fieldResponsesByName); fieldResponsesByName[key] = fieldResponse.value; } const subscriberOptions = { userId:, // It isn't an eventType webhook eventTypeId: -1, triggerEvent: WebhookTriggerEvents.FORM_SUBMITTED, }; const webhooks = await getWebhooks(subscriberOptions); const promises = => { sendGenericWebhookPayload( webhook.secret, "FORM_SUBMITTED", new Date().toISOString(), webhook, fieldResponsesByName ).catch((e) => { console.error(`Error executing routing form webhook`, webhook, e); }); }); await Promise.all(promises); if (form.settings?.emailOwnerOnSubmission) { logger.debug( `Preparing to send Form Response email for Form:${} to form owner: ${}` ); await sendResponseEmail(form, response,; } } const sendResponseEmail = async ( form: Pick, response: Response, ownerEmail: string ) => { try { const email = new ResponseEmail({ form: form, toAddresses: [ownerEmail], response: response }); await email.sendEmail(); } catch (e) { logger.error("Error sending response email", e); } }; const appRoutingForms = router({ public: router({ response: publicProcedure .input( z.object({ formId: z.string(), formFillerId: z.string(), response: z.record( z.object({ label: z.string(), value: z.union([z.string(), z.array(z.string())]), }) ), }) ) .mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { prisma } = ctx; try { const { response, formId } = input; const form = await prisma.app_RoutingForms_Form.findFirst({ where: { id: formId, }, include: { user: true, }, }); if (!form) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "NOT_FOUND", }); } const serializableForm = getSerializableForm(form); if (!serializableForm.fields) { // There is no point in submitting a form that doesn't have fields defined throw new TRPCError({ code: "BAD_REQUEST", }); } const serializableFormWithFields = { ...serializableForm, fields: serializableForm.fields, }; const missingFields = serializableFormWithFields.fields .filter((field) => !(field.required ? response[]?.value : true)) .map((f) => f.label); if (missingFields.length) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "BAD_REQUEST", message: `Missing required fields ${missingFields.join(", ")}`, }); } const invalidFields = serializableFormWithFields.fields .filter((field) => { const fieldValue = response[]?.value; // The field isn't required at this point. Validate only if it's set if (!fieldValue) { return false; } let schema; if (field.type === "email") { schema = z.string().email(); } else if (field.type === "phone") { schema = z.any(); } else { schema = z.any(); } return !schema.safeParse(fieldValue).success; }) .map((f) => ({ label: f.label, type: f.type })); if (invalidFields.length) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "BAD_REQUEST", message: `Invalid fields ${ => `${f.label}: ${f.type}`)}`, }); } const dbFormResponse = await prisma.app_RoutingForms_FormResponse.create({ data: input, }); await onFormSubmission(serializableFormWithFields, dbFormResponse.response as Response); return dbFormResponse; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Prisma.PrismaClientKnownRequestError) { if (e.code === "P2002") { throw new TRPCError({ code: "CONFLICT", }); } } throw e; } }), }), forms: authedProcedure.query(async ({ ctx }) => { const { prisma, user } = ctx; const forms = await prisma.app_RoutingForms_Form.findMany({ where: { userId:, }, orderBy: { createdAt: "desc", }, include: { _count: { select: { responses: true, }, }, }, }); const serializableForms = => getSerializableForm(form)); return serializableForms; }), formQuery: authedProcedure .input( z.object({ id: z.string(), }) ) .query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { prisma, user } = ctx; const form = await prisma.app_RoutingForms_Form.findFirst({ where: { userId:, id:, }, include: { _count: { select: { responses: true, }, }, }, }); if (!form) { return null; } return getSerializableForm(form); }), formMutation: authedProcedure .input( z.object({ id: z.string(), name: z.string(), description: z.string().nullable().optional(), disabled: z.boolean().optional(), fields: zodFields, routes: zodRoutes, addFallback: z.boolean().optional(), duplicateFrom: z.string().nullable().optional(), settings: RoutingFormSettings.optional(), }) ) .mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { user, prisma } = ctx; const { name, id, description, settings, disabled, addFallback, duplicateFrom } = input; if (!(await isAllowed({ userId:, formId: id }))) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "FORBIDDEN", }); } let { routes } = input; let { fields } = input; if (duplicateFrom) { const sourceForm = await prisma.app_RoutingForms_Form.findFirst({ where: { userId:, id: duplicateFrom, }, select: { fields: true, routes: true, }, }); if (!sourceForm) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "BAD_REQUEST", message: `Form to duplicate: ${duplicateFrom} not found`, }); } const fieldParsed = zodFields.safeParse(sourceForm.fields); const routesParsed = zodRoutes.safeParse(sourceForm.routes); if (!fieldParsed.success || !routesParsed.success) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", message: "Could not parse source form's fields or routes", }); } // Duplicate just routes and fields // We don't want name, description and responses to be copied routes =; fields =; } fields = fields || []; const form = await prisma.app_RoutingForms_Form.findUnique({ where: { id: id, }, select: { id: true, user: true, name: true, description: true, userId: true, disabled: true, createdAt: true, updatedAt: true, routes: true, fields: true, settings: true, }, }); // Add back deleted fields in the end. Fields can't be deleted, to make sure columns never decrease which hugely simplifies CSV generation if (form) { const serializedForm = getSerializableForm(form, true); // Find all fields that are in DB(including deleted) but not in the mutation const deletedFields = serializedForm.fields?.filter((f) => !fields!.find((field) => === || []; fields = fields.concat( => { f.deleted = true; return f; }) ); } if (addFallback) { const uuid = uuidv4(); routes = routes || []; // Add a fallback route if there is none if (!routes.find((route) => route.isFallback)) { routes.push({ id: uuid, isFallback: true, action: { type: "customPageMessage", value: "Thank you for your interest! We will be in touch soon.", }, queryValue: { id: uuid, type: "group" }, }); } } return await prisma.app_RoutingForms_Form.upsert({ where: { id: id, }, create: { user: { connect: { id:, }, }, fields: fields, name: name, description, // Prisma doesn't allow setting null value directly for JSON. It recommends using JsonNull for that case. routes: routes === null ? Prisma.JsonNull : routes, id: id, }, update: { disabled: disabled, fields: fields, name: name, description, settings: settings === null ? Prisma.JsonNull : settings, routes: routes === null ? Prisma.JsonNull : routes, }, }); }), deleteForm: authedProcedure .input( z.object({ id: z.string(), }) ) .mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { user, prisma } = ctx; if (!(await isAllowed({ userId:, formId: }))) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "FORBIDDEN", }); } return await prisma.app_RoutingForms_Form.deleteMany({ where: { id:, userId:, }, }); }), report: authedProcedure .input( z.object({ formId: z.string(), jsonLogicQuery: z.object({ logic: z.union([z.record(z.any()), z.null()]), }), cursor: z.number().nullish(), // <-- "cursor" needs to exist when using useInfiniteQuery, but can be any type }) ) .query(async ({ ctx: { prisma }, input }) => { // Can be any prisma `where` clause // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const prismaWhere: Record = input.jsonLogicQuery ? jsonLogicToPrisma(input.jsonLogicQuery) : {}; const skip = input.cursor ?? 0; const take = 50; logger.debug( `Built Prisma where ${JSON.stringify(prismaWhere)} from jsonLogicQuery ${JSON.stringify( input.jsonLogicQuery )}` ); const form = await prisma.app_RoutingForms_Form.findUnique({ where: { id: input.formId, }, }); if (!form) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "NOT_FOUND", message: "Form not found", }); } // TODO: Second argument is required to return deleted operators. const serializedForm = getSerializableForm(form, true); const rows = await prisma.app_RoutingForms_FormResponse.findMany({ where: { formId: input.formId, ...prismaWhere, }, take, skip, }); const fields = serializedForm?.fields || []; const headers = => f.label + (f.deleted ? "(Deleted)" : "")); const responses: string[][] = []; rows.forEach((r) => { const rowResponses: string[] = []; responses.push(rowResponses); fields.forEach((field) => { if (!r.response) { return; } const response = r.response as Response; const value = response[]?.value || ""; let stringValue = ""; if (value instanceof Array) { stringValue = value.join(", "); } else { stringValue = value; } rowResponses.push(stringValue); }); }); const areThereNoResultsOrLessThanAskedFor = !rows.length || rows.length < take; return { headers, responses, nextCursor: areThereNoResultsOrLessThanAskedFor ? null : skip + rows.length, }; }), }); export default appRoutingForms;