import { defaultAvatarSrc, getPlaceholderAvatar } from "./defaultAvatarImage"; describe("Default Avatar Image tests", () => { describe("fn: defaultAvatarSrc", () => { it("should return a gravatar URL when an email is provided", () => { const email = ""; const result = defaultAvatarSrc({ email }); expect(result).toEqual( "" ); }); it("should return a gravatar URL when an MD5 hash is provided", () => { const md5 = "my-md5-hash"; const result = defaultAvatarSrc({ md5 }); expect(result).toEqual(""); }); it("should return a gravatar URL using the MD5 hash when an email and MD5 hash are provided", () => { const email = ""; const md5 = "my-md5-hash"; const result = defaultAvatarSrc({ email, md5 }); expect(result).toEqual(""); }); it("should return an empty string when neither an email or MD5 hash is provided", () => { const result = defaultAvatarSrc({}); expect(result).toEqual(""); }); }); describe("fn: getPlaceholderAvatar", () => { it("should return the avatar URL when one is provided", () => { const avatar = ""; const name = "John Doe"; const result = getPlaceholderAvatar(avatar, name); expect(result).toEqual(avatar); }); it("should return a placeholder avatar URL when no avatar is provided", () => { const name = "John Doe"; const result = getPlaceholderAvatar(null, name); expect(result).toEqual( "" ); }); it("should return a placeholder avatar URL when no avatar is provided and no name is provided", () => { const result = getPlaceholderAvatar(null, null); expect(result).toEqual( "" ); }); }); });