# Embeds This folder contains all the various flavours of embeds. `core` contains the core library written in vanilla JS that manages the embed. `snippet` contains the Vanilla JS Code Snippet that can be installed on any website and would automatically fetch the `core` library. Please see the respective folder READMEs for details on them. ## Publishing to NPM - Soon to be automated using changesets github action To publish the packages. Following steps should be followed. All commands are to be run at the root. 1. `yarn changeset` -> Creates changelog files and adds summary to changelog. Select embed packages only here. 2. `yarn changeset version` -> Bumps the versions as required 3. Get the PR reviewed and merged 4. `yarn publish-embed` -> Releases all packages. We can't use `yarn changeset publish` because it doesn't support workspace: prefix removal yet. See https://github.com/changesets/changesets/issues/432#issuecomment-1016365428