import short from "short-uuid"; import { v5 as uuidv5 } from "uuid"; import appStore from "@calcom/app-store"; import { getDailyAppKeys } from "@calcom/app-store/dailyvideo/lib/getDailyAppKeys"; import { sendBrokenIntegrationEmail } from "@calcom/emails"; import { getUid } from "@calcom/lib/CalEventParser"; import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger"; import { prisma } from "@calcom/prisma"; import type { GetRecordingsResponseSchema } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils"; import type { CalendarEvent, EventBusyDate } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import type { CredentialPayload, CredentialWithAppName } from "@calcom/types/Credential"; import type { EventResult, PartialReference } from "@calcom/types/EventManager"; import type { VideoApiAdapter, VideoApiAdapterFactory, VideoCallData } from "@calcom/types/VideoApiAdapter"; const log = logger.getChildLogger({ prefix: ["[lib] videoClient"] }); const translator = short(); // factory const getVideoAdapters = async (withCredentials: CredentialPayload[]): Promise => { const videoAdapters: VideoApiAdapter[] = []; for (const cred of withCredentials) { const appName = cred.type.split("_").join(""); // Transform `zoom_video` to `zoomvideo`; const appImportFn = appStore[appName as keyof typeof appStore]; // Static Link Video Apps don't exist in packages/app-store/index.ts(it's manually maintained at the moment) and they aren't needed there anyway. const app = appImportFn ? await appImportFn() : null; if (!app) { log.error(`Couldn't get adapter for ${appName}`); continue; } if ("lib" in app && "VideoApiAdapter" in app.lib) { const makeVideoApiAdapter = app.lib.VideoApiAdapter as VideoApiAdapterFactory; const videoAdapter = makeVideoApiAdapter(cred); videoAdapters.push(videoAdapter); } } return videoAdapters; }; const getBusyVideoTimes = async (withCredentials: CredentialPayload[]) => Promise.all((await getVideoAdapters(withCredentials)).map((c) => c?.getAvailability())).then((results) => results.reduce((acc, availability) => acc.concat(availability), [] as (EventBusyDate | undefined)[]) ); const createMeeting = async (credential: CredentialWithAppName, calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { const uid: string = getUid(calEvent); if (!credential || !credential.appId) { throw new Error( "Credentials must be set! Video platforms are optional, so this method shouldn't even be called when no video credentials are set." ); } const videoAdapters = await getVideoAdapters([credential]); const [firstVideoAdapter] = videoAdapters; let createdMeeting; let returnObject: { appName: string; type: string; uid: string; originalEvent: CalendarEvent; success: boolean; createdEvent: VideoCallData | undefined; credentialId: number; } = { appName: credential.appName, type: credential.type, uid, originalEvent: calEvent, success: false, createdEvent: undefined, credentialId:, }; try { // Check to see if video app is enabled const enabledApp = await{ where: { slug: credential.appId, }, select: { enabled: true, }, }); if (!enabledApp?.enabled) throw "Current location app is not enabled"; createdMeeting = await firstVideoAdapter?.createMeeting(calEvent); returnObject = { ...returnObject, createdEvent: createdMeeting, success: true }; } catch (err) { await sendBrokenIntegrationEmail(calEvent, "video"); console.error("createMeeting failed", err, calEvent); // Default to calVideo const defaultMeeting = await createMeetingWithCalVideo(calEvent); if (defaultMeeting) { calEvent.location = "integrations:dailyvideo"; } returnObject = { ...returnObject, createdEvent: defaultMeeting }; } return returnObject; }; const updateMeeting = async ( credential: CredentialWithAppName, calEvent: CalendarEvent, bookingRef: PartialReference | null ): Promise> => { const uid = translator.fromUUID(uuidv5(JSON.stringify(calEvent), uuidv5.URL)); let success = true; const [firstVideoAdapter] = await getVideoAdapters([credential]); const updatedMeeting = credential && bookingRef ? await firstVideoAdapter?.updateMeeting(bookingRef, calEvent).catch(async (e) => { await sendBrokenIntegrationEmail(calEvent, "video"); log.error("updateMeeting failed", e, calEvent); success = false; return undefined; }) : undefined; if (!updatedMeeting) { return { appName: credential.appName, type: credential.type, success, uid, originalEvent: calEvent, }; } return { appName: credential.appName, type: credential.type, success, uid, updatedEvent: updatedMeeting, originalEvent: calEvent, }; }; const deleteMeeting = async (credential: CredentialPayload, uid: string): Promise => { if (credential) { const videoAdapter = (await getVideoAdapters([credential]))[0]; logger.debug("videoAdapter inside deleteMeeting", { credential, uid }); // There are certain video apps with no video adapter defined. e.g. riverby,whereby if (videoAdapter) { return videoAdapter.deleteMeeting(uid); } } return Promise.resolve({}); }; // @TODO: This is a temporary solution to create a meeting with video as fallback url const createMeetingWithCalVideo = async (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { let dailyAppKeys: Awaited>; try { dailyAppKeys = await getDailyAppKeys(); } catch (e) { return; } const [videoAdapter] = await getVideoAdapters([ { id: 0, appId: "daily-video", type: "daily_video", userId: null, teamId: null, key: dailyAppKeys, invalid: false, }, ]); return videoAdapter?.createMeeting(calEvent); }; const getRecordingsOfCalVideoByRoomName = async ( roomName: string ): Promise => { let dailyAppKeys: Awaited>; try { dailyAppKeys = await getDailyAppKeys(); } catch (e) { console.error("Error: Cal video provider is not installed."); return; } const [videoAdapter] = await getVideoAdapters([ { id: 0, appId: "daily-video", type: "daily_video", userId: null, teamId: null, key: dailyAppKeys, invalid: false, }, ]); return videoAdapter?.getRecordings?.(roomName); }; const getDownloadLinkOfCalVideoByRecordingId = async (recordingId: string) => { let dailyAppKeys: Awaited>; try { dailyAppKeys = await getDailyAppKeys(); } catch (e) { console.error("Error: Cal video provider is not installed."); return; } const [videoAdapter] = await getVideoAdapters([ { id: 0, appId: "daily-video", type: "daily_video", userId: null, teamId: null, key: dailyAppKeys, invalid: false, }, ]); return videoAdapter?.getRecordingDownloadLink?.(recordingId); }; export { getBusyVideoTimes, createMeeting, updateMeeting, deleteMeeting, getRecordingsOfCalVideoByRoomName, getDownloadLinkOfCalVideoByRecordingId, };