import stripe from "@calcom/app-store/stripepayment/lib/server"; import type { TStripeCheckoutSessionInputSchema } from "./stripeCheckoutSession.schema"; import { ZStripeCheckoutSessionInputSchema } from "./stripeCheckoutSession.schema"; type StripeCheckoutSessionOptions = { input: TStripeCheckoutSessionInputSchema; }; export const stripeCheckoutSessionHandler = async ({ input }: StripeCheckoutSessionOptions) => { const { checkoutSessionId, stripeCustomerId } = input; // Moved the following data checks to superRefine const validationResult = ZStripeCheckoutSessionInputSchema.parse(input); let customerId: string; let isPremiumUsername = false; let hasPaymentFailed = false; if (checkoutSessionId) { try { const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.retrieve(checkoutSessionId); if (typeof session.customer !== "string") { return { valid: false, }; } customerId = session.customer; isPremiumUsername = true; hasPaymentFailed = session.payment_status !== "paid"; } catch (e) { return { valid: false, }; } } else { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion customerId = stripeCustomerId!; } try { const customer = await stripe.customers.retrieve(customerId); if (customer.deleted) { return { valid: false, }; } return { valid: true, hasPaymentFailed, isPremiumUsername, customer: { username: customer.metadata.username, email:, stripeCustomerId: customerId, }, }; } catch (e) { return { valid: false, }; } };