import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import crypto from "crypto"; import { z } from "zod"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { authedProcedure, isAuthed, router } from "@calcom/trpc/server/trpc"; import { TRPCError } from "@trpc/server"; import { EventsInsights } from "./events"; const UserBelongsToTeamInput = z.object({ teamId: z.coerce.number().optional(), }); const userBelongsToTeamMiddleware = isAuthed.unstable_pipe(async ({ ctx, next, rawInput }) => { const parse = UserBelongsToTeamInput.safeParse(rawInput); if (!parse.success) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "BAD_REQUEST" }); } const team = await ctx.prisma.membership.findFirst({ where: { userId:, teamId:, }, }); if (!team) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED" }); } return next(); }); const userBelongsToTeamProcedure = authedProcedure.use(userBelongsToTeamMiddleware); const UserSelect = { id: true, name: true, email: true, avatar: true, }; const emptyResponseEventsByStatus = { empty: true, created: { count: 0, deltaPrevious: 0, }, completed: { count: 0, deltaPrevious: 0, }, rescheduled: { count: 0, deltaPrevious: 0, }, cancelled: { count: 0, deltaPrevious: 0, }, previousRange: { startDate: dayjs().toISOString(), endDate: dayjs().toISOString(), }, }; export const insightsRouter = router({ eventsByStatus: userBelongsToTeamProcedure .input( z.object({ teamId: z.coerce.number().optional().nullable(), startDate: z.string(), endDate: z.string(), eventTypeId: z.coerce.number().optional(), userId: z.coerce.number().optional(), }) ) .query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { teamId, startDate, endDate, eventTypeId, userId } = input; if (!input.teamId) { return emptyResponseEventsByStatus; } const whereConditional: Prisma.BookingWhereInput = { eventType: { teamId: teamId, }, }; if (eventTypeId) { whereConditional["eventTypeId"] = eventTypeId; } else if (userId) { whereConditional["userId"] = userId; } // Migrate to use prisma views const baseBookings = await EventsInsights.getBaseBookingForEventStatus({ ...whereConditional, createdAt: { gte: new Date(startDate), lte: new Date(endDate), }, eventType: { teamId: teamId, }, }); const startTimeEndTimeDiff = dayjs(endDate).diff(dayjs(startDate), "day"); const baseBookingIds = =>; const totalRescheduled = await EventsInsights.getTotalRescheduledEvents(baseBookingIds); const totalCancelled = await EventsInsights.getTotalCancelledEvents(baseBookingIds); const lastPeriodStartDate = dayjs(startDate).subtract(startTimeEndTimeDiff, "day"); const lastPeriodEndDate = dayjs(endDate).subtract(startTimeEndTimeDiff, "day"); const lastPeriodBaseBookings = await EventsInsights.getBaseBookingForEventStatus({ ...whereConditional, createdAt: { gte: lastPeriodStartDate.toDate(), lte: lastPeriodEndDate.toDate(), }, eventType: { teamId: teamId, }, }); const lastPeriodBaseBookingIds = =>; const lastPeriodTotalRescheduled = await EventsInsights.getTotalRescheduledEvents( lastPeriodBaseBookingIds ); const lastPeriodTotalCancelled = await EventsInsights.getTotalCancelledEvents(lastPeriodBaseBookingIds); return { empty: false, created: { count: baseBookings.length, deltaPrevious: EventsInsights.getPercentage(baseBookings.length, lastPeriodBaseBookings.length), }, completed: { count: baseBookings.length - totalCancelled - totalRescheduled, deltaPrevious: EventsInsights.getPercentage( baseBookings.length - totalCancelled - totalRescheduled, lastPeriodBaseBookings.length - lastPeriodTotalCancelled - lastPeriodTotalRescheduled ), }, rescheduled: { count: totalRescheduled, deltaPrevious: EventsInsights.getPercentage(totalRescheduled, lastPeriodTotalRescheduled), }, cancelled: { count: totalCancelled, deltaPrevious: EventsInsights.getPercentage(totalCancelled, lastPeriodTotalCancelled), }, previousRange: { startDate: lastPeriodStartDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), endDate: lastPeriodEndDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), }, }; }), eventsTimeline: userBelongsToTeamProcedure .input( z.object({ teamId: z.coerce.number().optional(), startDate: z.string(), endDate: z.string(), eventTypeId: z.coerce.number().optional(), userId: z.coerce.number().optional(), timeView: z.enum(["week", "month", "year"]), }) ) .query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { teamId, startDate: startDateString, endDate: endDateString, eventTypeId, userId, timeView: inputTimeView, } = input; const startDate = dayjs(startDateString); const endDate = dayjs(endDateString); const user = ctx.user; const timeView = inputTimeView; let whereConditional: Prisma.BookingWhereInput = { eventType: { teamId: teamId, }, }; if (userId) { delete whereConditional.eventType; whereConditional = { ...whereConditional, userId, }; } if (eventTypeId && !!whereConditional) { delete whereConditional.eventType; delete whereConditional.userId; whereConditional = { ...whereConditional, eventTypeId: eventTypeId, }; } // Get timeline data const timeline = await EventsInsights.getTimeLine(timeView, dayjs(startDate), dayjs(endDate)); // iterate timeline and fetch data if (!timeline) { return []; } const dateFormat: string = timeView === "year" ? "YYYY" : timeView === "month" ? "MMM YYYY" : "ll"; const result = []; for (const date of timeline) { const EventData = { Month: dayjs(date).format(dateFormat), Created: 0, Completed: 0, Rescheduled: 0, Cancelled: 0, }; const startOfEndOf = timeView === "year" ? "year" : timeView === "month" ? "month" : "week"; const startDate = dayjs(date).startOf(startOfEndOf); const endDate = dayjs(date).endOf(startOfEndOf); const promisesResult = await Promise.all([ EventsInsights.getCreatedEventsInTimeRange( { start: startDate, end: endDate, }, whereConditional ), EventsInsights.getCompletedEventsInTimeRange( { start: startDate, end: endDate, }, whereConditional ), EventsInsights.getRescheduledEventsInTimeRange( { start: startDate, end: endDate, }, whereConditional ), EventsInsights.getCancelledEventsInTimeRange( { start: startDate, end: endDate, }, whereConditional ), ]); EventData["Created"] = promisesResult[0]; EventData["Completed"] = promisesResult[1]; EventData["Rescheduled"] = promisesResult[2]; EventData["Cancelled"] = promisesResult[3]; result.push(EventData); } return result; }), popularEventTypes: userBelongsToTeamProcedure .input( z.object({ userId: z.coerce.number().optional(), teamId: z.coerce.number().optional().nullable(), startDate: z.string(), endDate: z.string(), }) ) .query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { teamId, startDate, endDate, userId } = input; const user = ctx.user; if (!input.teamId) { return []; } const eventTypeWhere: Prisma.EventTypeWhereInput = { teamId: teamId, }; const bookingWhere: Prisma.BookingWhereInput = { eventType: eventTypeWhere, createdAt: { gte: dayjs(startDate).startOf("day").toDate(), lte: dayjs(endDate).endOf("day").toDate(), }, }; if (userId) { bookingWhere.userId = userId; } const bookingsFromTeam = await{ by: ["eventTypeId"], where: bookingWhere, _count: { id: true, }, orderBy: { _count: { id: "desc", }, }, take: 10, }); const eventTypeIds = bookingsFromTeam .filter((booking) => typeof booking.eventTypeId === "number") .map((booking) => booking.eventTypeId); const eventTypesFromTeam = await ctx.prisma.eventType.findMany({ where: { teamId: teamId, id: { in: eventTypeIds as number[], }, }, }); const eventTypeHashMap = new Map(); eventTypesFromTeam.forEach((eventType) => { eventTypeHashMap.set(, eventType.title); }); const result = => { return { eventTypeId: booking.eventTypeId, eventTypeName: eventTypeHashMap.get(booking.eventTypeId), count:, }; }); return result; }), averageEventDuration: userBelongsToTeamProcedure .input( z.object({ userId: z.coerce.number().optional(), teamId: z.coerce.number().optional().nullable(), startDate: z.string(), endDate: z.string(), }) ) .query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { teamId, startDate: startDateString, endDate: endDateString, userId } = input; if (!teamId) { return []; } const user = ctx.user; const startDate = dayjs(startDateString); const endDate = dayjs(endDateString); const whereConditional: Prisma.BookingWhereInput = { eventType: { teamId: teamId, }, createdAt: { gte: dayjs(startDate).startOf("day").toDate(), lte: dayjs(endDate).endOf("day").toDate(), }, }; if (userId) { whereConditional["userId"] = userId; } const timeView = EventsInsights.getTimeView("week", startDate, endDate); const timeLine = await EventsInsights.getTimeLine("week", startDate, endDate); if (!timeLine) { return []; } const dateFormat = "ll"; const result = []; for (const date of timeLine) { const EventData = { Date: dayjs(date).format(dateFormat), Average: 0, }; const startOfEndOf = timeView === "year" ? "year" : timeView === "month" ? "month" : "week"; const startDate = dayjs(date).startOf(startOfEndOf); const endDate = dayjs(date).endOf(startOfEndOf); const bookingsInTimeRange = await{ where: { ...whereConditional, createdAt: { gte: startDate.toDate(), lte: endDate.toDate(), }, }, include: { eventType: true, }, }); const avgDuration = bookingsInTimeRange.reduce((acc, booking) => { const duration = booking.eventType?.length || 0; return acc + duration; }, 0) / bookingsInTimeRange.length; EventData["Average"] = Number(avgDuration) || 0; result.push(EventData); } return result; }), membersWithMostBookings: userBelongsToTeamProcedure .input( z.object({ teamId: z.coerce.number().nullable(), startDate: z.string(), endDate: z.string(), eventTypeId: z.coerce.number().optional(), }) ) .query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { teamId, startDate, endDate, eventTypeId } = input; if (!teamId) { return []; } const user = ctx.user; const eventTypeWhere: Prisma.EventTypeWhereInput = { teamId: teamId, }; if (eventTypeId) { eventTypeWhere["id"] = eventTypeId; } const bookingsFromTeam = await{ by: ["userId"], where: { eventType: eventTypeWhere, createdAt: { gte: dayjs(startDate).startOf("day").toDate(), lte: dayjs(endDate).endOf("day").toDate(), }, }, _count: { id: true, }, orderBy: { _count: { id: "desc", }, }, take: 10, }); const userIds = bookingsFromTeam .filter((booking) => typeof booking.userId === "number") .map((booking) => booking.userId); const usersFromTeam = await ctx.prisma.user.findMany({ where: { id: { in: userIds as number[], }, }, }); const userHashMap = new Map(); usersFromTeam.forEach((user) => { userHashMap.set(, user); }); const result = => { return { userId: booking.userId, user: userHashMap.get(booking.userId), emailMd5: crypto.createHash("md5").update("hex"), count:, }; }); return result; }), membersWithLeastBookings: userBelongsToTeamProcedure .input( z.object({ teamId: z.coerce.number().nullable(), startDate: z.string(), endDate: z.string(), eventTypeId: z.coerce.number().optional(), }) ) .query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const { teamId, startDate, endDate, eventTypeId } = input; if (!teamId) { return []; } const eventTypeWhere: Prisma.EventTypeWhereInput = { teamId: teamId, }; if (eventTypeId) { eventTypeWhere["id"] = eventTypeId; } const bookingsFromTeam = await{ by: ["userId"], where: { eventType: eventTypeWhere, createdAt: { gte: dayjs(startDate).startOf("day").toDate(), lte: dayjs(endDate).endOf("day").toDate(), }, }, _count: { id: true, }, orderBy: { _count: { id: "asc", }, }, take: 10, }); // Users are obtained from bookings so if a user has 0 they won't be in the list const userIds = bookingsFromTeam .filter((booking) => typeof booking.userId === "number") .map((booking) => booking.userId); const usersWithNoBookings = await ctx.prisma.user.findMany({ select: UserSelect, where: { id: { notIn: userIds as number[], }, teams: { some: { teamId: teamId, }, }, }, }); let usersFromTeam: Prisma.UserGetPayload<{ select: typeof UserSelect; }>[] = []; if (usersWithNoBookings.length < 10) { usersFromTeam = await ctx.prisma.user.findMany({ where: { id: { in: userIds as number[], }, }, select: UserSelect, take: 10 - usersWithNoBookings.length, }); } const userHashMap = new Map(); [...usersWithNoBookings, ...usersFromTeam].forEach((user) => { userHashMap.set(, user); }); const result = => { const user = userHashMap.get(booking.userId); return { userId: booking.userId, user, emailMd5: crypto.createHash("md5").update("hex"), count:, Username: || "No Username found", }; }); return result; }), teamListForUser: authedProcedure.query(async ({ ctx }) => { const user = ctx.user; // Look if user it's admin in multiple teams const belongsToTeams = await ctx.prisma.membership.findMany({ where: { userId:, team: { slug: { not: null }, }, OR: [ { role: "ADMIN", }, { role: "OWNER", }, ], }, include: { team: { select: { id: true, name: true, logo: true, slug: true, }, }, }, }); const result = =>; return result; }), userList: userBelongsToTeamProcedure .input( z.object({ teamId: z.coerce.number().nullable(), }) ) .query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const user = ctx.user; if (!input.teamId) { return []; } const membership = await ctx.prisma.membership.findFirst({ where: { userId:, teamId: input.teamId, }, include: { user: { select: UserSelect, }, }, }); // If user is not admin, return himself only if (membership && membership.role === "MEMBER") { return [membership.user]; } const usersInTeam = await ctx.prisma.membership.findMany({ where: { teamId: input.teamId, }, include: { user: { select: UserSelect, }, }, }); return => membership.user); }), eventTypeList: userBelongsToTeamProcedure .input( z.object({ teamId: z.coerce.number().nullable(), }) ) .query(async ({ ctx, input }) => { const user = ctx.user; if (!input.teamId) { return []; } const membership = await ctx.prisma.membership.findFirst({ where: { userId:, teamId: input.teamId, }, }); if (membership && membership.role === "MEMBER") { const eventTypes = await ctx.prisma.eventType.findMany({ where: { teamId: input.teamId, // user its listed as direct user or as part of a group OR: [ { userId:, }, { users: { some: { id:, }, }, }, ], }, }); return eventTypes; } const eventTypes = await ctx.prisma.eventType.findMany({ select: { id: true, slug: true, teamId: true, title: true, }, where: { teamId: input.teamId, }, }); return eventTypes; }), });