import { DefaultSeo } from "next-seo"; import { Inter } from "next/font/google"; import localFont from "next/font/local"; import Head from "next/head"; import Script from "next/script"; import "@calcom/embed-core/src/embed-iframe"; import LicenseRequired from "@calcom/features/ee/common/components/LicenseRequired"; import { WEBAPP_URL, IS_CALCOM } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; import { buildCanonical } from "@calcom/lib/next-seo.config"; import type { AppProps } from "@lib/app-providers"; import AppProviders from "@lib/app-providers"; import { seoConfig } from "@lib/config/next-seo.config"; import I18nLanguageHandler from "@components/I18nLanguageHandler"; export interface CalPageWrapper { (props?: AppProps): JSX.Element; PageWrapper?: AppProps["Component"]["PageWrapper"]; } const interFont = Inter({ subsets: ["latin"], variable: "--font-inter", preload: true, display: "swap" }); const calFont = localFont({ src: "../fonts/CalSans-SemiBold.woff2", variable: "--font-cal", preload: true, display: "swap", }); function PageWrapper(props: AppProps) { const { Component, pageProps, err, router } = props; let pageStatus = "200"; if (router.pathname === "/404") { pageStatus = "404"; } else if (router.pathname === "/500") { pageStatus = "500"; } // On client side don't let nonce creep into DOM // It also avoids hydration warning that says that Client has the nonce value but server has "" because browser removes nonce attributes before DOM is built // See // Set "" only if server had it set otherwise keep it undefined because server has to match with client to avoid hydration error const nonce = typeof window !== "undefined" ? (pageProps.nonce ? "" : undefined) : pageProps.nonce; const providerProps = { ...props, pageProps: { ...props.pageProps, nonce, }, }; // Use the layout defined at the page level, if available const getLayout = Component.getLayout ?? ((page) => page); const path = router.asPath; return (