import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import type { UnitTypeLongPlural } from "dayjs"; import { pick } from "lodash"; import z, { ZodNullable, ZodObject, ZodOptional } from "zod"; /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ import type { objectInputType, objectOutputType, ZodNullableDef, ZodOptionalDef, ZodRawShape, ZodTypeAny, } from "zod"; import { appDataSchemas } from "@calcom/app-store/apps.schemas.generated"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { fieldsSchema as formBuilderFieldsSchema } from "@calcom/features/form-builder/FormBuilderFieldsSchema"; import { slugify } from "@calcom/lib/slugify"; import { EventTypeCustomInputType } from "@calcom/prisma/enums"; // Let's not import 118kb just to get an enum export enum Frequency { YEARLY = 0, MONTHLY = 1, WEEKLY = 2, DAILY = 3, HOURLY = 4, MINUTELY = 5, SECONDLY = 6, } export enum BookerLayouts { MONTH_VIEW = "month_view", WEEK_VIEW = "week_view", COLUMN_VIEW = "column_view", } export const bookerLayoutOptions = [ BookerLayouts.MONTH_VIEW, BookerLayouts.WEEK_VIEW, BookerLayouts.COLUMN_VIEW, ]; const layoutOptions = z.union([ z.literal(bookerLayoutOptions[0]), z.literal(bookerLayoutOptions[1]), z.literal(bookerLayoutOptions[2]), ]); export const bookerLayouts = z .object({ enabledLayouts: z.array(layoutOptions), defaultLayout: layoutOptions, }) .nullable(); export const defaultBookerLayoutSettings = { defaultLayout: BookerLayouts.MONTH_VIEW, // if the user has no explicit layouts set (not in user profile and not in event settings), all layouts are enabled. enabledLayouts: bookerLayoutOptions, }; export type BookerLayoutSettings = z.infer; export const RequiresConfirmationThresholdUnits: z.ZodType = z.enum(["hours", "minutes"]); export const EventTypeMetaDataSchema = z .object({ smartContractAddress: z.string().optional(), blockchainId: z.number().optional(), multipleDuration: z.number().array().optional(), giphyThankYouPage: z.string().optional(), apps: z.object(appDataSchemas).partial().optional(), additionalNotesRequired: z.boolean().optional(), disableSuccessPage: z.boolean().optional(), disableStandardEmails: z .object({ confirmation: z .object({ host: z.boolean().optional(), attendee: z.boolean().optional(), }) .optional(), }) .optional(), managedEventConfig: z .object({ unlockedFields: z.custom<{ [k in keyof Omit]: true }>().optional(), }) .optional(), requiresConfirmationThreshold: z .object({ time: z.number(), unit: RequiresConfirmationThresholdUnits, }) .optional(), config: z .object({ useHostSchedulesForTeamEvent: z.boolean().optional(), }) .optional(), bookerLayouts: bookerLayouts.optional(), }) .nullable(); export const eventTypeBookingFields = formBuilderFieldsSchema; export const BookingFieldType = eventTypeBookingFields.element.shape.type.Enum; export type BookingFieldType = typeof BookingFieldType extends z.Values ? T[number] : never; // Validation of user added bookingFields' responses happen using `getBookingResponsesSchema` which requires `eventType`. // So it is a dynamic validation and thus entire validation can't exist here export const bookingResponses = z .object({ email: z.string(), name: z.string(), guests: z.array(z.string()).optional(), notes: z.string().optional(), location: z .object({ optionValue: z.string(), value: z.string(), }) .optional(), smsReminderNumber: z.string().optional(), rescheduleReason: z.string().optional(), }) .nullable(); export const eventTypeLocations = z.array( z.object({ // TODO: Couldn't find a way to make it a union of types from App Store locations // Creating a dynamic union by iterating over the object doesn't seem to make TS happy type: z.string(), address: z.string().optional(), link: z.string().url().optional(), displayLocationPublicly: z.boolean().optional(), hostPhoneNumber: z.string().optional(), credentialId: z.number().optional(), }) ); // Matching RRule.Options: rrule/dist/esm/src/types.d.ts export const recurringEventType = z .object({ dtstart:, interval: z.number(), count: z.number(), freq: z.nativeEnum(Frequency), until:, tzid: z.string().optional(), }) .nullable(); // dayjs iso parsing is very buggy - cant use :( - turns ISO string into Date object export const iso8601 = z.string().transform((val, ctx) => { const time = Date.parse(val); if (!time) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: "Invalid ISO Date", }); } const d = new Date(); d.setTime(time); return d; }); export const intervalLimitsType = z .object({ PER_DAY: z.number().optional(), PER_WEEK: z.number().optional(), PER_MONTH: z.number().optional(), PER_YEAR: z.number().optional(), }) .nullable(); export const eventTypeSlug = z.string().transform((val) => slugify(val.trim())); export const stringToDate = z.string().transform((a) => new Date(a)); export const stringOrNumber = z.union([ z.string().transform((v, ctx) => { const parsed = parseInt(v); if (isNaN(parsed)) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: "Not a number", }); } return parsed; }), z.number().int(), ]); export const stringToDayjs = z.string().transform((val) => dayjs(val)); export const bookingCreateBodySchema = z.object({ end: z.string().optional(), eventTypeId: z.number(), eventTypeSlug: z.string().optional(), rescheduleUid: z.string().optional(), recurringEventId: z.string().optional(), start: z.string(), timeZone: z.string(), user: z.union([z.string(), z.array(z.string())]).optional(), language: z.string(), bookingUid: z.string().optional(), metadata: z.record(z.string()), hasHashedBookingLink: z.boolean().optional(), hashedLink: z.string().nullish(), seatReferenceUid: z.string().optional(), }); export const requiredCustomInputSchema = z.union([ // string must be given & nonempty z.string().trim().min(1), // boolean must be true if set. z.boolean().refine((v) => v === true), ]); export type BookingCreateBody = z.input; export const bookingConfirmPatchBodySchema = z.object({ bookingId: z.number(), confirmed: z.boolean(), recurringEventId: z.string().optional(), reason: z.string().optional(), }); // `responses` is merged with it during handleNewBooking call because `responses` schema is dynamic and depends on eventType export const extendedBookingCreateBody = bookingCreateBodySchema.merge( z.object({ noEmail: z.boolean().optional(), recurringCount: z.number().optional(), allRecurringDates: z.string().array().optional(), currentRecurringIndex: z.number().optional(), appsStatus: z .array( z.object({ appName: z.string(), success: z.number(), failures: z.number(), type: z.string(), errors: z.string().array(), warnings: z.string().array().optional(), }) ) .optional(), }) ); // It has only the legacy props that are part of `responses` now. The API can still hit old props export const bookingCreateSchemaLegacyPropsForApi = z.object({ email: z.string(), name: z.string(), guests: z.array(z.string()).optional(), notes: z.string().optional(), location: z.string(), smsReminderNumber: z.string().optional().nullable(), rescheduleReason: z.string().optional(), customInputs: z.array(z.object({ label: z.string(), value: z.union([z.string(), z.boolean()]) })), }); // This is the schema that is used for the API. It has all the legacy props that are part of `responses` now. export const bookingCreateBodySchemaForApi = extendedBookingCreateBody.merge( bookingCreateSchemaLegacyPropsForApi.partial() ); export const schemaBookingCancelParams = z.object({ id: z.number().optional(), uid: z.string().optional(), allRemainingBookings: z.boolean().optional(), cancellationReason: z.string().optional(), seatReferenceUid: z.string().optional(), }); export const vitalSettingsUpdateSchema = z.object({ connected: z.boolean().optional(), selectedParam: z.string().optional(), sleepValue: z.number().optional(), }); export const createdEventSchema = z .object({ id: z.string(), password: z.union([z.string(), z.undefined()]), onlineMeetingUrl: z.string().nullable(), iCalUID: z.string().optional(), }) .passthrough(); export const userMetadata = z .object({ proPaidForByTeamId: z.number().optional(), stripeCustomerId: z.string().optional(), vitalSettings: vitalSettingsUpdateSchema.optional(), isPremium: z.boolean().optional(), sessionTimeout: z.number().optional(), // Minutes defaultConferencingApp: z .object({ appSlug: z.string().default("daily-video").optional(), appLink: z.string().optional(), }) .optional(), defaultBookerLayouts: bookerLayouts.optional(), }) .nullable(); export const teamMetadataSchema = z .object({ requestedSlug: z.string(), paymentId: z.string(), subscriptionId: z.string().nullable(), subscriptionItemId: z.string().nullable(), isOrganization: z.boolean().nullable(), isOrganizationVerified: z.boolean().nullable(), orgAutoAcceptEmail: z.string().nullable(), }) .partial() .nullable(); export const bookingMetadataSchema = z .object({ videoCallUrl: z.string().optional(), }) .and(z.record(z.string())) .nullable(); export const customInputOptionSchema = z.array( z.object({ label: z.string(), type: z.string(), }) ); export const customInputSchema = z.object({ id: z.number(), eventTypeId: z.number(), label: z.string(), type: z.nativeEnum(EventTypeCustomInputType), options: customInputOptionSchema.optional().nullable(), required: z.boolean(), placeholder: z.string(), hasToBeCreated: z.boolean().optional(), }); export type CustomInputSchema = z.infer; export const recordingItemSchema = z.object({ id: z.string(), room_name: z.string(), start_ts: z.number(), status: z.string(), max_participants: z.number(), duration: z.number(), share_token: z.string(), }); export const recordingItemsSchema = z.array(recordingItemSchema); export type RecordingItemSchema = z.infer; export const getRecordingsResponseSchema = z.union([ z.object({ total_count: z.number(), data: recordingItemsSchema, }), z.object({}), ]); export type GetRecordingsResponseSchema = z.infer; /** * Ensures that it is a valid HTTP URL * It automatically avoids * - XSS attempts through javascript:alert('hi') * - mailto: links */ export const successRedirectUrl = z .union([ z.literal(""), z .string() .url() .regex(/^http(s)?:\/\/.*/), ]) .optional(); export const RoutingFormSettings = z .object({ emailOwnerOnSubmission: z.boolean(), }) .nullable(); export const DeploymentTheme = z .object({ brand: z.string().default("#292929"), textBrand: z.string().default("#ffffff"), darkBrand: z.string().default("#fafafa"), textDarkBrand: z.string().default("#292929"), bookingHighlight: z.string().default("#10B981"), bookingLightest: z.string().default("#E1E1E1"), bookingLighter: z.string().default("#ACACAC"), bookingLight: z.string().default("#888888"), bookingMedian: z.string().default("#494949"), bookingDark: z.string().default("#313131"), bookingDarker: z.string().default("#292929"), fontName: z.string().default("Cal Sans"), fontSrc: z.string().default(""), }) .optional(); export type ZodDenullish = T extends ZodNullable | ZodOptional ? ZodDenullish : T; export type ZodDenullishShape = { [k in keyof T]: ZodDenullish; }; export const denullish = (schema: T): ZodDenullish => (schema instanceof ZodNullable || schema instanceof ZodOptional ? denullish((schema._def as ZodNullableDef | ZodOptionalDef).innerType) : schema) as ZodDenullish; type UnknownKeysParam = "passthrough" | "strict" | "strip"; /** * @see */ export function denullishShape< T extends ZodRawShape, UnknownKeys extends UnknownKeysParam = "strip", Catchall extends ZodTypeAny = ZodTypeAny, Output = objectOutputType, Input = objectInputType >( obj: ZodObject ): ZodObject, UnknownKeys, Catchall> { const a = entries(obj.shape).map(([field, schema]) => [field, denullish(schema)] as const) as { [K in keyof T]: [K, ZodDenullish]; }[keyof T][]; return new ZodObject({ ...obj._def, shape: () => fromEntries(a) as unknown as ZodDenullishShape, // TODO: Safely assert type }); } /** * Like Object.entries, but with actually useful typings * @param obj The object to turn into a tuple array (`[key, value][]`) * @returns The constructed tuple array from the given object * @see */ export const entries = >( obj: O ): { readonly [K in keyof O]: [K, O[K]]; }[keyof O][] => { return Object.entries(obj) as { [K in keyof O]: [K, O[K]]; }[keyof O][]; }; /** * Returns a type with all readonly notations removed (traverses recursively on an object) */ type DeepWriteable = T extends Readonly<{ -readonly [K in keyof T]: T[K]; }> ? { -readonly [K in keyof T]: DeepWriteable; } : T; /* Make it work with readonly types (this is not strictly necessary) */ type FromEntries = T extends [infer Keys, unknown][] ? { [K in Keys & PropertyKey]: Extract[1] } : never; /** * Like Object.fromEntries, but with actually useful typings * @param arr The tuple array (`[key, value][]`) to turn into an object * @returns Object constructed from the given entries * @see */ export const fromEntries = < E extends [PropertyKey, unknown][] | ReadonlyArray >( entries: E ): FromEntries> => { return Object.fromEntries(entries) as FromEntries>; }; export const getAccessLinkResponseSchema = z.object({ download_link: z.string().url(), }); export type GetAccessLinkResponseSchema = z.infer; /** Facilitates converting values from Select inputs to plain ones before submitting */ export const optionToValueSchema = (valueSchema: T) => z .object({ label: z.string(), value: valueSchema, }) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any .transform((foo) => (foo as any).value as z.infer); /** * Allows parsing without losing original data inference. * @url */ export const getParserWithGeneric = (valueSchema: T) => (data: Data) => { type Output = z.infer; return valueSchema.parse(data) as { [key in keyof Data]: key extends keyof Output ? Output[key] : Data[key]; }; }; export const sendDailyVideoRecordingEmailsSchema = z.object({ recordingId: z.string(), bookingUID: z.string(), }); export const downloadLinkSchema = z.object({ download_link: z.string(), }); // All properties within event type that can and will be updated if needed export const allManagedEventTypeProps: { [k in keyof Omit]: true } = { title: true, description: true, currency: true, periodDays: true, position: true, price: true, slug: true, length: true, offsetStart: true, locations: true, hidden: true, availability: true, recurringEvent: true, customInputs: true, disableGuests: true, requiresConfirmation: true, eventName: true, metadata: true, children: true, hideCalendarNotes: true, minimumBookingNotice: true, beforeEventBuffer: true, afterEventBuffer: true, successRedirectUrl: true, seatsPerTimeSlot: true, seatsShowAttendees: true, periodType: true, hashedLink: true, webhooks: true, periodStartDate: true, periodEndDate: true, destinationCalendar: true, periodCountCalendarDays: true, bookingLimits: true, slotInterval: true, scheduleId: true, workflows: true, bookingFields: true, durationLimits: true, }; // All properties that are defined as unlocked based on all managed props // Eventually this is going to be just a default and the user can change the config through the UI export const unlockedManagedEventTypeProps = { ...pick(allManagedEventTypeProps, ["locations", "scheduleId", "destinationCalendar"]), }; // The PR at addresses this issue and improves email validation // I introduced this refinement(to be used with as a short term solution until we upgrade to a zod // version that will include updates in the above PR. export const emailSchemaRefinement = (value: string) => { const emailRegex = /^([A-Z0-9_+-]+\.?)*[A-Z0-9_+-]@([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9-]*\.)+[A-Z]{2,}$/i; return emailRegex.test(value); };