import { ALLOWED_HOSTNAMES, RESERVED_SUBDOMAINS, WEBAPP_URL } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; /** * return the org slug * @param hostname */ export function getOrgSlug(hostname: string) { if (!hostname.includes(".")) { // A no-dot domain can never be org domain. It automatically handles localhost return null; } // Find which hostname is being currently used const currentHostname = ALLOWED_HOSTNAMES.find((ahn) => { const url = new URL(WEBAPP_URL); const testHostname = `${url.hostname}${url.port ? `:${url.port}` : ""}`; return testHostname.endsWith(`.${ahn}`); }); if (currentHostname) { // Define which is the current domain/subdomain const slug = hostname.replace(`.${currentHostname}` ?? "", ""); return slug.indexOf(".") === -1 ? slug : null; } return null; } export function orgDomainConfig(hostname: string) { const currentOrgDomain = getOrgSlug(hostname); return { currentOrgDomain, isValidOrgDomain: currentOrgDomain !== null && !RESERVED_SUBDOMAINS.includes(currentOrgDomain), }; } export function subdomainSuffix() { const urlSplit = WEBAPP_URL.replace("https://", "")?.replace("http://", "").split("."); return urlSplit.length === 3 ? urlSplit.slice(1).join(".") : urlSplit.join("."); } export function getOrgFullDomain(slug: string, options: { protocol: boolean } = { protocol: true }) { return `${options.protocol ? `${new URL(WEBAPP_URL).protocol}//` : ""}${slug}.${subdomainSuffix()}/`; }