// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports import { cloneDeep } from "lodash"; import type { TFunction } from "next-i18next"; import type { EventNameObjectType } from "@calcom/core/event"; import { getEventName } from "@calcom/core/event"; import type BaseEmail from "@calcom/emails/templates/_base-email"; import type { CalendarEvent, Person } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import type { EmailVerifyLink } from "./templates/account-verify-email"; import AccountVerifyEmail from "./templates/account-verify-email"; import type { OrganizationNotification } from "./templates/admin-organization-notification"; import AdminOrganizationNotification from "./templates/admin-organization-notification"; import AttendeeAwaitingPaymentEmail from "./templates/attendee-awaiting-payment-email"; import AttendeeCancelledEmail from "./templates/attendee-cancelled-email"; import AttendeeCancelledSeatEmail from "./templates/attendee-cancelled-seat-email"; import AttendeeDailyVideoDownloadRecordingEmail from "./templates/attendee-daily-video-download-recording-email"; import AttendeeDeclinedEmail from "./templates/attendee-declined-email"; import AttendeeLocationChangeEmail from "./templates/attendee-location-change-email"; import AttendeeRequestEmail from "./templates/attendee-request-email"; import AttendeeRescheduledEmail from "./templates/attendee-rescheduled-email"; import AttendeeScheduledEmail from "./templates/attendee-scheduled-email"; import type { EmailVerifyCode } from "./templates/attendee-verify-email"; import AttendeeVerifyEmail from "./templates/attendee-verify-email"; import AttendeeWasRequestedToRescheduleEmail from "./templates/attendee-was-requested-to-reschedule-email"; import BrokenIntegrationEmail from "./templates/broken-integration-email"; import DisabledAppEmail from "./templates/disabled-app-email"; import type { Feedback } from "./templates/feedback-email"; import FeedbackEmail from "./templates/feedback-email"; import type { PasswordReset } from "./templates/forgot-password-email"; import ForgotPasswordEmail from "./templates/forgot-password-email"; import NoShowFeeChargedEmail from "./templates/no-show-fee-charged-email"; import type { OrgAutoInvite } from "./templates/org-auto-join-invite"; import OrgAutoJoinEmail from "./templates/org-auto-join-invite"; import type { OrganizationEmailVerify } from "./templates/organization-email-verification"; import OrganizationEmailVerification from "./templates/organization-email-verification"; import OrganizerAttendeeCancelledSeatEmail from "./templates/organizer-attendee-cancelled-seat-email"; import OrganizerCancelledEmail from "./templates/organizer-cancelled-email"; import OrganizerDailyVideoDownloadRecordingEmail from "./templates/organizer-daily-video-download-recording-email"; import OrganizerLocationChangeEmail from "./templates/organizer-location-change-email"; import OrganizerPaymentRefundFailedEmail from "./templates/organizer-payment-refund-failed-email"; import OrganizerRequestEmail from "./templates/organizer-request-email"; import OrganizerRequestReminderEmail from "./templates/organizer-request-reminder-email"; import OrganizerRequestedToRescheduleEmail from "./templates/organizer-requested-to-reschedule-email"; import OrganizerRescheduledEmail from "./templates/organizer-rescheduled-email"; import OrganizerScheduledEmail from "./templates/organizer-scheduled-email"; import SlugReplacementEmail from "./templates/slug-replacement-email"; import type { TeamInvite } from "./templates/team-invite-email"; import TeamInviteEmail from "./templates/team-invite-email"; const sendEmail = (prepare: () => BaseEmail) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { const email = prepare(); resolve(email.sendEmail()); } catch (e) { reject(console.error(`${prepare.constructor.name}.sendEmail failed`, e)); } }); }; export const sendScheduledEmails = async ( calEvent: CalendarEvent, eventNameObject?: EventNameObjectType, hostEmailDisabled?: boolean, attendeeEmailDisabled?: boolean ) => { const emailsToSend: Promise[] = []; if (!hostEmailDisabled) { emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerScheduledEmail({ calEvent }))); if (calEvent.team) { for (const teamMember of calEvent.team.members) { emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerScheduledEmail({ calEvent, teamMember }))); } } } if (!attendeeEmailDisabled) { emailsToSend.push( ...calEvent.attendees.map((attendee) => { return sendEmail( () => new AttendeeScheduledEmail( { ...calEvent, ...(eventNameObject && { title: getEventName({ ...eventNameObject, t: attendee.language.translate }), }), }, attendee ) ); }) ); } await Promise.all(emailsToSend); }; export const sendRescheduledEmails = async (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { const emailsToSend: Promise[] = []; emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerRescheduledEmail({ calEvent }))); if (calEvent.team) { for (const teamMember of calEvent.team.members) { emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerRescheduledEmail({ calEvent, teamMember }))); } } emailsToSend.push( ...calEvent.attendees.map((attendee) => { return sendEmail(() => new AttendeeRescheduledEmail(calEvent, attendee)); }) ); await Promise.all(emailsToSend); }; export const sendRescheduledSeatEmail = async (calEvent: CalendarEvent, attendee: Person) => { const clonedCalEvent = cloneDeep(calEvent); const emailsToSend: Promise[] = [ sendEmail(() => new AttendeeRescheduledEmail(clonedCalEvent, attendee)), sendEmail(() => new OrganizerRescheduledEmail({ calEvent })), ]; await Promise.all(emailsToSend); }; export const sendScheduledSeatsEmails = async ( calEvent: CalendarEvent, invitee: Person, newSeat: boolean, showAttendees: boolean ) => { const emailsToSend: Promise[] = []; emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerScheduledEmail({ calEvent, newSeat }))); if (calEvent.team) { for (const teamMember of calEvent.team.members) { emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerScheduledEmail({ calEvent, newSeat, teamMember }))); } } emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new AttendeeScheduledEmail(calEvent, invitee, showAttendees))); await Promise.all(emailsToSend); }; export const sendCancelledSeatEmails = async (calEvent: CalendarEvent, cancelledAttendee: Person) => { const clonedCalEvent = cloneDeep(calEvent); await Promise.all([ sendEmail(() => new AttendeeCancelledSeatEmail(clonedCalEvent, cancelledAttendee)), sendEmail(() => new OrganizerAttendeeCancelledSeatEmail({ calEvent })), ]); }; export const sendOrganizerRequestEmail = async (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { const emailsToSend: Promise[] = []; emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerRequestEmail({ calEvent }))); if (calEvent.team?.members) { for (const teamMember of calEvent.team.members) { emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerRequestEmail({ calEvent, teamMember }))); } } await Promise.all(emailsToSend); }; export const sendAttendeeRequestEmail = async (calEvent: CalendarEvent, attendee: Person) => { await sendEmail(() => new AttendeeRequestEmail(calEvent, attendee)); }; export const sendDeclinedEmails = async (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { const emailsToSend: Promise[] = []; emailsToSend.push( ...calEvent.attendees.map((attendee) => { return sendEmail(() => new AttendeeDeclinedEmail(calEvent, attendee)); }) ); await Promise.all(emailsToSend); }; export const sendCancelledEmails = async ( calEvent: CalendarEvent, eventNameObject: Pick ) => { const emailsToSend: Promise[] = []; emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerCancelledEmail({ calEvent }))); if (calEvent.team?.members) { for (const teamMember of calEvent.team.members) { emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerCancelledEmail({ calEvent, teamMember }))); } } emailsToSend.push( ...calEvent.attendees.map((attendee) => { return sendEmail( () => new AttendeeCancelledEmail( { ...calEvent, title: getEventName({ ...eventNameObject, t: attendee.language.translate, attendeeName: attendee.name, host: calEvent.organizer.name, eventType: calEvent.type, ...(calEvent.responses && { bookingFields: calEvent.responses }), ...(calEvent.location && { location: calEvent.location }), }), }, attendee ) ); }) ); await Promise.all(emailsToSend); }; export const sendOrganizerRequestReminderEmail = async (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { const emailsToSend: Promise[] = []; emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerRequestReminderEmail({ calEvent }))); if (calEvent.team?.members) { for (const teamMember of calEvent.team.members) { emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerRequestReminderEmail({ calEvent, teamMember }))); } } }; export const sendAwaitingPaymentEmail = async (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { const emailsToSend: Promise[] = []; emailsToSend.push( ...calEvent.attendees.map((attendee) => { return sendEmail(() => new AttendeeAwaitingPaymentEmail(calEvent, attendee)); }) ); await Promise.all(emailsToSend); }; export const sendOrganizerPaymentRefundFailedEmail = async (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { const emailsToSend: Promise[] = []; emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerPaymentRefundFailedEmail({ calEvent }))); if (calEvent.team?.members) { for (const teamMember of calEvent.team.members) { emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerPaymentRefundFailedEmail({ calEvent, teamMember }))); } } await Promise.all(emailsToSend); }; export const sendPasswordResetEmail = async (passwordResetEvent: PasswordReset) => { await sendEmail(() => new ForgotPasswordEmail(passwordResetEvent)); }; export const sendTeamInviteEmail = async (teamInviteEvent: TeamInvite) => { await sendEmail(() => new TeamInviteEmail(teamInviteEvent)); }; export const sendOrganizationAutoJoinEmail = async (orgInviteEvent: OrgAutoInvite) => { await sendEmail(() => new OrgAutoJoinEmail(orgInviteEvent)); }; export const sendEmailVerificationLink = async (verificationInput: EmailVerifyLink) => { await sendEmail(() => new AccountVerifyEmail(verificationInput)); }; export const sendEmailVerificationCode = async (verificationInput: EmailVerifyCode) => { await sendEmail(() => new AttendeeVerifyEmail(verificationInput)); }; export const sendRequestRescheduleEmail = async ( calEvent: CalendarEvent, metadata: { rescheduleLink: string } ) => { const emailsToSend: Promise[] = []; emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerRequestedToRescheduleEmail(calEvent, metadata))); emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new AttendeeWasRequestedToRescheduleEmail(calEvent, metadata))); await Promise.all(emailsToSend); }; export const sendLocationChangeEmails = async (calEvent: CalendarEvent) => { const emailsToSend: Promise[] = []; emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerLocationChangeEmail({ calEvent }))); if (calEvent.team?.members) { for (const teamMember of calEvent.team.members) { emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerLocationChangeEmail({ calEvent, teamMember }))); } } emailsToSend.push( ...calEvent.attendees.map((attendee) => { return sendEmail(() => new AttendeeLocationChangeEmail(calEvent, attendee)); }) ); await Promise.all(emailsToSend); }; export const sendFeedbackEmail = async (feedback: Feedback) => { await sendEmail(() => new FeedbackEmail(feedback)); }; export const sendBrokenIntegrationEmail = async (evt: CalendarEvent, type: "video" | "calendar") => { await sendEmail(() => new BrokenIntegrationEmail(evt, type)); }; export const sendDisabledAppEmail = async ({ email, appName, appType, t, title = undefined, eventTypeId = undefined, }: { email: string; appName: string; appType: string[]; t: TFunction; title?: string; eventTypeId?: number; }) => { await sendEmail(() => new DisabledAppEmail(email, appName, appType, t, title, eventTypeId)); }; export const sendSlugReplacementEmail = async ({ email, name, teamName, t, slug, }: { email: string; name: string; teamName: string | null; t: TFunction; slug: string; }) => { await sendEmail(() => new SlugReplacementEmail(email, name, teamName, slug, t)); }; export const sendNoShowFeeChargedEmail = async (attendee: Person, evt: CalendarEvent) => { await sendEmail(() => new NoShowFeeChargedEmail(evt, attendee)); }; export const sendDailyVideoRecordingEmails = async (calEvent: CalendarEvent, downloadLink: string) => { const emailsToSend: Promise[] = []; emailsToSend.push(sendEmail(() => new OrganizerDailyVideoDownloadRecordingEmail(calEvent, downloadLink))); for (const attendee of calEvent.attendees) { emailsToSend.push( sendEmail(() => new AttendeeDailyVideoDownloadRecordingEmail(calEvent, attendee, downloadLink)) ); } await Promise.all(emailsToSend); }; export const sendOrganizationEmailVerification = async (sendOrgInput: OrganizationEmailVerify) => { await sendEmail(() => new OrganizationEmailVerification(sendOrgInput)); }; export const sendAdminOrganizationNotification = async (input: OrganizationNotification) => { await sendEmail(() => new AdminOrganizationNotification(input)); };