import { UserPlan } from "@prisma/client"; import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next"; import Stripe from "stripe"; import { getPremiumPlanMode, getPremiumPlanPrice, getPremiumPlanProductId, } from "@calcom/app-store/stripepayment/lib/utils"; import { checkPremiumUsername } from "@calcom/features/ee/common/lib/checkPremiumUsername"; import hasKeyInMetadata from "@calcom/lib/hasKeyInMetadata"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import { Prisma } from "@calcom/prisma/client"; import { PRO_PLAN_PRICE, PRO_PLAN_PRODUCT_ID } from "../lib/constants"; import { getStripeCustomerIdFromUserId } from "../lib/customer"; import stripe from "../lib/server"; export enum UsernameChangeStatusEnum { NORMAL = "NORMAL", UPGRADE = "UPGRADE", DOWNGRADE = "DOWNGRADE", } export default async function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) { if (req.method === "GET") { const userId = req.session?; let { intentUsername = null } = req.query; const { action, callbackUrl } = req.query; if (!userId || !intentUsername) { res.status(404).end(); return; } if (intentUsername && typeof intentUsername === "object") { intentUsername = intentUsername[0]; } const customerId = await getStripeCustomerIdFromUserId(userId); if (!customerId) { res.status(404).json({ message: "Missing customer id" }); return; } const userData = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { id: userId }, select: { id: true, plan: true, metadata: true }, }); if (!userData) { res.status(404).json({ message: "Missing user data" }); return; } const isCurrentlyPremium = hasKeyInMetadata(userData, "isPremium") && !!userData.metadata.isPremium; const return_url = `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL}/api/integrations/stripepayment/paymentCallback?checkoutSessionId={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}&callbackUrl=${callbackUrl}`; const createSessionParams: Stripe.BillingPortal.SessionCreateParams = { customer: customerId, return_url, }; const checkPremiumResult = await checkPremiumUsername(intentUsername); if (!checkPremiumResult.available) { return res.status(404).json({ message: "Intent username not available" }); } const stripeCustomer = await stripe.customers.retrieve(customerId); if (!stripeCustomer || stripeCustomer.deleted) { return res.status(400).json({ message: "Stripe customer not found or deleted" }); } await stripe.customers.update(customerId, { metadata: { ...stripeCustomer.metadata, username: intentUsername, }, }); if (userData && (userData.plan === UserPlan.FREE || userData.plan === UserPlan.TRIAL)) { const subscriptionPrice = checkPremiumResult.premium ? getPremiumPlanPrice() : PRO_PLAN_PRICE; const checkoutSession = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({ mode: getPremiumPlanMode(), payment_method_types: ["card"], customer: customerId, line_items: [ { price: subscriptionPrice, quantity: 1, }, ], success_url: return_url, cancel_url: return_url, allow_promotion_codes: true, }); // Save the intentUsername in the metadata await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: userId }, data: { metadata: { ...(userData.metadata as Prisma.JsonObject), checkoutSessionId:, intentUsername, }, }, }); if (checkoutSession && checkoutSession.url) { return res.redirect(checkoutSession.url).end(); } return res.status(404).json({ message: "Couldn't redirect to stripe checkout session" }); } if (action && userData) { let actionText = ""; const customProductsSession = []; if (action === UsernameChangeStatusEnum.UPGRADE) { actionText = "Upgrade your plan account"; if (checkPremiumResult.premium) { customProductsSession.push({ prices: [getPremiumPlanPrice()], product: getPremiumPlanProductId() }); } else { customProductsSession.push({ prices: [PRO_PLAN_PRICE], product: PRO_PLAN_PRODUCT_ID }); } } else if (action === UsernameChangeStatusEnum.DOWNGRADE) { actionText = "Downgrade your plan account"; if (isCurrentlyPremium) { customProductsSession.push({ prices: [PRO_PLAN_PRICE], product: PRO_PLAN_PRODUCT_ID }); } } const configuration = await stripe.billingPortal.configurations.create({ business_profile: { headline: actionText, }, features: { payment_method_update: { enabled: true, }, subscription_update: { enabled: true, proration_behavior: "always_invoice", default_allowed_updates: ["price"], products: customProductsSession, }, }, }); await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: userId }, data: { metadata: { ...(userData.metadata as Prisma.JsonObject), intentUsername, }, }, }); if (configuration) { createSessionParams.configuration =; } } const stripeSession = await stripe.billingPortal.sessions.create(createSessionParams); res.redirect(stripeSession.url).end(); } }