# Cal.ai Welcome to [Cal.ai](https://cal.ai)! This app lets you chat with your calendar via email: - Turn informal emails into bookings eg. forward "wanna meet tmrw at 2pm?" - List and rearrange your bookings eg. "clear my afternoon" - Answer basic questions about your busiest times eg. "how does my Tuesday look?" The core logic is contained in [agent/route.ts](/apps/ai/src/app/api/agent/route.ts). Here, a [LangChain Agent Executor](https://docs.langchain.com/docs/components/agents/agent-executor) is tasked with following your instructions. Given your last-known timezone, working hours, and busy times, it attempts to CRUD your bookings. _The AI agent can only choose from a set of tools, without ever seeing your API key._ Emails are cleaned and routed in [receive/route.ts](/apps/ai/src/app/api/receive/route.ts) using [MailParser](https://nodemailer.com/extras/mailparser/). Incoming emails are routed by email address. Addresses are verified by [DKIM record](https://support.google.com/a/answer/174124?hl=en), making them hard to spoof. ## Getting Started ### Development If you haven't yet, please run the [root setup](/README.md) steps. Before running the app, please see [env.mjs](./src/env.mjs) for all required environment variables. Run `cp .env.example .env` in this folder to get started. You'll need: - An [OpenAI API key](https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys) with access to GPT-4 - A [SendGrid API key](https://app.sendgrid.com/settings/api_keys) - A default sender email (for example, `me@dev.example.com`) - The Cal.ai app's ID and URL (see [add.ts](/packages/app-store/cal-ai/api/index.ts)) - A unique value for `PARSE_KEY` with `openssl rand -hex 32` To stand up the API and AI apps simultaneously, simply run `yarn dev:ai`. ### Agent Architecture The scheduling agent in [agent/route.ts](/apps/ai/src/app/api/agent/route.ts) calls an LLM (in this case, GPT-4) in a loop to accomplish a multi-step task. We use an [OpenAI Functions agent](https://js.langchain.com/docs/modules/agents/agent_types/openai_functions_agent), which is fine-tuned to output text suited for passing to tools. Tools (eg. [`createBooking`](/apps/ai/src/tools/createBooking.ts)) are simply JavaScript methods wrapped by Zod schemas, telling the agent what format to output. Here is the full architecture: ![Cal.ai architecture](/apps/ai/src/public/architecture.png) ### Email Router To expose the AI app, run `ngrok http 3000` (or the AI app's port number) in a new terminal. You may need to install [nGrok](https://ngrok.com/). To forward incoming emails to the serverless function at `/agent`, we use [SendGrid's Inbound Parse](https://docs.sendgrid.com/for-developers/parsing-email/setting-up-the-inbound-parse-webhook). 1. Ensure you have a [SendGrid account](https://signup.sendgrid.com/) 2. Ensure you have an authenticated domain. Go to Settings > Sender Authentication > Authenticate. For DNS host, select `I'm not sure`. Click Next and add your domain, eg. `example.com`. Choose Manual Setup. You'll be given three CNAME records to add to your DNS settings, eg. in [Vercel Domains](https://vercel.com/dashboard/domains). After adding those records, click Verify. To troubleshoot, see the [full instructions](https://docs.sendgrid.com/ui/account-and-settings/how-to-set-up-domain-authentication). 3. Authorize your domain for email with MX records: one with name `[your domain].com` and value `mx.sendgrid.net.`, and another with name `bounces.[your domain].com` and value `feedback-smtp.us-east-1.amazonses.com`, both with priority `10` if prompted. 4. Go to Settings > [Inbound Parse](https://app.sendgrid.com/settings/parse) > Add Host & URL. Choose your authenticated domain. 5. In the Destination URL field, use the nGrok URL from above along with the path, `/api/receive`, and one param, `parseKey`, which lives in [this app's .env](/apps/ai/.env.example) under `PARSE_KEY`. The full URL should look like `https://abc.ngrok.io/api/receive?parseKey=ABC-123`. 6. Activate "POST the raw, full MIME message". 7. Send an email to `[anyUsername]@example.com`. You should see a ping on the nGrok listener and server. 8. Adjust the logic in [receive/route.ts](/apps/ai/src/app/api/receive/route.ts), save to hot-reload, and send another email to test the behaviour. Please feel free to improve any part of this architecture!