import type { EventType } from "@prisma/client"; import dynamic from "next/dynamic"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import type { z } from "zod"; import type { Dayjs } from "@calcom/dayjs"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import DatePicker from "@calcom/features/calendars/DatePicker"; import classNames from "@calcom/lib/classNames"; import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale"; import type { TimeFormat } from "@calcom/lib/timeFormat"; import type { EventTypeMetaDataSchema } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils"; import { trpc } from "@calcom/trpc/react"; import useRouterQuery from "@lib/hooks/useRouterQuery"; const AvailableTimes = dynamic(() => import("@components/booking/AvailableTimes")); const getRefetchInterval = (refetchCount: number): number => { const intervals = [3000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 30000] as const; return intervals[refetchCount] || intervals[intervals.length - 1]; }; const useSlots = ({ eventTypeId, eventTypeSlug, startTime, endTime, usernameList, timeZone, duration, enabled = true, }: { eventTypeId: number; eventTypeSlug: string; startTime?: Dayjs; endTime?: Dayjs; usernameList: string[]; timeZone?: string; duration?: string; enabled?: boolean; }) => { const [refetchCount, setRefetchCount] = useState(0); const refetchInterval = getRefetchInterval(refetchCount); const { data, isLoading, isPaused, fetchStatus } = trpc.viewer.public.slots.getSchedule.useQuery( { eventTypeId, eventTypeSlug, usernameList, startTime: startTime?.toISOString() || "", endTime: endTime?.toISOString() || "", timeZone, duration, }, { enabled: !!startTime && !!endTime && enabled, refetchInterval, trpc: { context: { skipBatch: true } }, } ); useEffect(() => { if (!!data && fetchStatus === "idle") { setRefetchCount(refetchCount + 1); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [fetchStatus, data]); // The very first time isPaused is set if auto-fetch is disabled, so isPaused should also be considered a loading state. return { slots: data?.slots || {}, isLoading: isLoading || isPaused }; }; export const SlotPicker = ({ eventType, timeFormat, onTimeFormatChange, timeZone, recurringEventCount, users, seatsPerTimeSlot, bookingAttendees, weekStart = 0, ethSignature, }: { eventType: Pick< EventType & { metadata: z.infer }, "id" | "schedulingType" | "slug" | "length" | "metadata" >; timeFormat: TimeFormat; onTimeFormatChange: (is24Hour: boolean) => void; timeZone?: string; seatsPerTimeSlot?: number; bookingAttendees?: number; recurringEventCount?: number; users: string[]; weekStart?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6; ethSignature?: string; }) => { const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useState(); const [browsingDate, setBrowsingDate] = useState(); let { duration = eventType.length.toString() } = useRouterQuery("duration"); const { date, setQuery: setDate } = useRouterQuery("date"); const { month, setQuery: setMonth } = useRouterQuery("month"); const router = useRouter(); if (!eventType.metadata?.multipleDuration) { duration = eventType.length.toString(); } useEffect(() => { if (!router.isReady) return; // Etc/GMT is not actually a timeZone, so handle this select option explicitly to prevent a hard crash. if (timeZone === "Etc/GMT") { setBrowsingDate(dayjs.utc(month).set("date", 1).set("hour", 0).set("minute", 0).set("second", 0)); if (date) { setSelectedDate(dayjs.utc(date)); } } else { // Set the start of the month without shifting time like startOf() may do. setBrowsingDate(, timeZone).set("date", 1).set("hour", 0).set("minute", 0).set("second", 0) ); if (date) { // It's important to set the date immediately to the timeZone, dayjs(date) will convert to browsertime. setSelectedDate(, timeZone)); } } }, [router.isReady, month, date, duration, timeZone]); const { i18n, isLocaleReady } = useLocale(); const { slots: monthSlots, isLoading } = useSlots({ eventTypeId:, eventTypeSlug: eventType.slug, usernameList: users, startTime: dayjs().startOf("day"), endTime: browsingDate?.endOf("month"), timeZone, duration, }); const { slots: selectedDateSlots, isLoading: _isLoadingSelectedDateSlots } = useSlots({ eventTypeId:, eventTypeSlug: eventType.slug, usernameList: users, startTime: selectedDate?.startOf("day"), endTime: selectedDate?.endOf("day"), timeZone, duration, /** Prevent refetching is we already have this data from month slots */ enabled: !!selectedDate, }); /** Hide skeleton if we have the slot loaded in the month query */ const isLoadingSelectedDateSlots = (() => { if (!selectedDate) return _isLoadingSelectedDateSlots; if (!!selectedDateSlots[selectedDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD")]) return false; if (!!monthSlots[selectedDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD")]) return false; return false; })(); return ( <> monthSlots[k].length > 0)} locale={isLocaleReady ? i18n.language : "en"} selected={selectedDate} onChange={(newDate) => { setDate(newDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD")); }} onMonthChange={(newMonth) => { setMonth(newMonth.format("YYYY-MM")); }} browsingDate={browsingDate} weekStart={weekStart} /> ); };