import { NextMiddleware } from "next-api-middleware"; import { hashAPIKey } from "@calcom/ee/lib/api/apiKeys"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; // Used to check if the API key is not expired, could be extracted if reused. but not for now. export const dateInPast = function (date: Date) { const now = new Date(); if (now.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) <= date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)) { return true; } }; // This verifies the API key and sets the user if it is valid. export const verifyApiKey: NextMiddleware = async (req, res, next) => { if (!req.query.apiKey) res.status(401).json({ message: "No api key provided" }); // We remove the prefix from the user provided api_key. If no env set default to "cal_" const strippedApiKey = `${req.query.apiKey}`.replace(process.env.API_KEY_PREFIX || "cal_", ""); // Hash the key again before matching against the database records. const hashedKey = hashAPIKey(strippedApiKey); // Check if the hashed api key exists in database. await prisma.apiKey.findUnique({ where: { hashedKey } }).then(async (apiKey) => { // If we cannot find any api key. Throw a 401 Unauthorized. if (!apiKey) res.status(401).json({ error: "Your api key is not valid" }); if (apiKey && apiKey.expiresAt && dateInPast(apiKey.expiresAt) && apiKey.userId) { // Right now API Keys are user centric, we only allow resources related to this userId throughout the application. // if the api key is not expired, and the user id is present in the database. // Set the user in the request. as x-calcom-user-id. if (apiKey.userId) res.setHeader("X-Calcom-User-ID", apiKey.userId); // Pass the request to the next middleware. await next(); } }); };