import { Availability } from "@prisma/client"; import dayjs, { ConfigType } from "dayjs"; import customParseFormat from "dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat"; import timezone from "dayjs/plugin/timezone"; import utc from "dayjs/plugin/utc"; import { Schedule, TimeRange, WorkingHours } from "./types/schedule"; dayjs.extend(utc); dayjs.extend(timezone); dayjs.extend(customParseFormat); // sets the desired time in current date, needs to be current date for proper DST translation export const defaultDayRange: TimeRange = { start: new Date(new Date().setUTCHours(9, 0, 0, 0)), end: new Date(new Date().setUTCHours(17, 0, 0, 0)), }; export const DEFAULT_SCHEDULE: Schedule = [ [], [defaultDayRange], [defaultDayRange], [defaultDayRange], [defaultDayRange], [defaultDayRange], [], ]; export function getAvailabilityFromSchedule(schedule: Schedule): Availability[] { return schedule.reduce((availability: Availability[], times: TimeRange[], day: number) => { const addNewTime = (time: TimeRange) => ({ days: [day], startTime: time.start, endTime: time.end, } as Availability); const filteredTimes = times.filter((time) => { let idx; if ( (idx = availability.findIndex( (schedule) => schedule.startTime === time.start && schedule.endTime === time.end )) !== -1 ) { availability[idx].days.push(day); return false; } return true; }); filteredTimes.forEach((time) => { availability.push(addNewTime(time)); }); return availability; }, [] as Availability[]); } export const MINUTES_IN_DAY = 60 * 24; export const MINUTES_DAY_END = MINUTES_IN_DAY - 1; export const MINUTES_DAY_START = 0; /** * Allows "casting" availability (days, startTime, endTime) given in UTC to a timeZone or utcOffset */ export function getWorkingHours( relativeTimeUnit: { timeZone?: string; utcOffset?: number; }, availability: { days: number[]; startTime: ConfigType; endTime: ConfigType }[] ) { // clearly bail when availability is not set, set everything available. if (!availability.length) { return [ { days: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], // shorthand for: dayjs().startOf("day").tz(timeZone).diff(dayjs.utc().startOf("day"), "minutes") startTime: MINUTES_DAY_START, endTime: MINUTES_DAY_END, }, ]; } const utcOffset = relativeTimeUnit.utcOffset || dayjs().tz(relativeTimeUnit.timeZone).utcOffset(); const workingHours = availability.reduce((workingHours: WorkingHours[], schedule) => { // Get times localised to the given utcOffset/timeZone const startTime = dayjs.utc(schedule.startTime).get("hour") * 60 + dayjs.utc(schedule.startTime).get("minute") - utcOffset; const endTime = dayjs.utc(schedule.endTime).get("hour") * 60 + dayjs.utc(schedule.endTime).get("minute") - utcOffset; // add to working hours, keeping startTime and endTimes between bounds (0-1439) const sameDayStartTime = Math.max(MINUTES_DAY_START, Math.min(MINUTES_DAY_END, startTime)); const sameDayEndTime = Math.max(MINUTES_DAY_START, Math.min(MINUTES_DAY_END, endTime)); if (sameDayStartTime !== sameDayEndTime) { workingHours.push({ days: schedule.days, startTime: sameDayStartTime, endTime: sameDayEndTime, }); } // check for overflow to the previous day if (startTime < MINUTES_DAY_START || endTime < MINUTES_DAY_START) { workingHours.push({ days: => day - 1), startTime: startTime + MINUTES_IN_DAY, endTime: Math.min(endTime + MINUTES_IN_DAY, MINUTES_DAY_END), }); } // else, check for overflow in the next day else if (startTime > MINUTES_DAY_END || endTime > MINUTES_DAY_END) { workingHours.push({ days: => day + 1), startTime: Math.max(startTime - MINUTES_IN_DAY, MINUTES_DAY_START), endTime: endTime - MINUTES_IN_DAY, }); } return workingHours; }, []); workingHours.sort((a, b) => a.startTime - b.startTime); return workingHours; }