import type { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client"; import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger"; import { TRPCError } from "@calcom/trpc/server"; import { jsonLogicToPrisma } from "../jsonLogicToPrisma"; import { getSerializableForm } from "../lib/getSerializableForm"; import type { Response } from "../types/types"; import type { TReportInputSchema } from "./report.schema"; interface ReportHandlerOptions { ctx: { prisma: PrismaClient; }; input: TReportInputSchema; } export const reportHandler = async ({ ctx: { prisma }, input }: ReportHandlerOptions) => { // Can be any prisma `where` clause // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const prismaWhere: Record = input.jsonLogicQuery ? jsonLogicToPrisma(input.jsonLogicQuery) : {}; const skip = input.cursor ?? 0; const take = 50; logger.debug( `Built Prisma where ${JSON.stringify(prismaWhere)} from jsonLogicQuery ${JSON.stringify( input.jsonLogicQuery )}` ); const form = await prisma.app_RoutingForms_Form.findUnique({ where: { id: input.formId, }, }); if (!form) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "NOT_FOUND", message: "Form not found", }); } // TODO: Second argument is required to return deleted operators. const serializedForm = await getSerializableForm(form, true); const rows = await prisma.app_RoutingForms_FormResponse.findMany({ where: { formId: input.formId, ...prismaWhere, }, take, skip, }); const fields = serializedForm?.fields || []; const headers = => f.label + (f.deleted ? "(Deleted)" : "")); const responses: string[][] = []; rows.forEach((r) => { const rowResponses: string[] = []; responses.push(rowResponses); fields.forEach((field) => { if (!r.response) { return; } const response = r.response as Response; const value = response[]?.value || ""; let stringValue = ""; if (value instanceof Array) { stringValue = value.join(", "); } else { stringValue = value; } rowResponses.push(stringValue); }); }); const areThereNoResultsOrLessThanAskedFor = !rows.length || rows.length < take; return { headers, responses, nextCursor: areThereNoResultsOrLessThanAskedFor ? null : skip + rows.length, }; };