import type { Page } from "@playwright/test"; import { expect } from "@playwright/test"; import type { Fixtures } from "@calcom/web/playwright/lib/fixtures"; import { test } from "@calcom/web/playwright/lib/fixtures"; import { gotoRoutingLink } from "@calcom/web/playwright/lib/testUtils"; function todo(title: string) { // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test, @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function test.skip(title, () => {}); } test.describe("Routing Forms", () => { test.describe("Zero State Routing Forms", () => { test("should be able to add a new form and view it", async ({ page }) => { await page.waitForSelector('[data-testid="empty-screen"]'); const formId = await addForm(page); await'[href="/apps/routing-forms/forms"]'); await page.waitForSelector('[data-testid="routing-forms-list"]'); // Ensure that it's visible in forms list expect(await page.locator('[data-testid="routing-forms-list"] > li').count()).toBe(1); await gotoRoutingLink({ page, formId }); await expect(page.locator("text=Test Form Name")).toBeVisible(); await page.goto(`apps/routing-forms/route-builder/${formId}`); await disableForm(page); await gotoRoutingLink({ page, formId }); await expect(page.locator("text=ERROR 404")).toBeVisible(); }); test("should be able to edit the form", async ({ page }) => { const formId = await addForm(page); const description = "Test Description"; const label = "Test Label"; const createdFields: Record = {}; const { fieldTypesList: types, fields } = await addAllTypesOfFieldsAndSaveForm(formId, page, { description, label, }); expect(await page.inputValue(`[data-testid="description"]`)).toBe(description); expect(await page.locator('[data-testid="field"]').count()).toBe(types.length); fields.forEach((item, index) => { createdFields[index] = { label: item.label, typeIndex: index }; }); await expectCurrentFormToHaveFields(page, createdFields, types); await'[href*="/apps/routing-forms/route-builder/"]'); await selectNewRoute(page); await'[data-testid="add-rule"]'); const options = Object.values(createdFields).map((item) => item.label); await verifyFieldOptionsInRule(options, page); }); test.describe("F1<-F2 Relationship", () => { test("Create relationship by adding F1 as route.Editing F1 should update F2", async ({ page }) => { const form1Id = await addForm(page, { name: "F1" }); const form2Id = await addForm(page, { name: "F2" }); await addOneFieldAndDescriptionAndSaveForm(form1Id, page, { description: "Form 1 Description", field: { label: "F1 Field1", typeIndex: 1, }, }); const { types } = await addOneFieldAndDescriptionAndSaveForm(form2Id, page, { description: "Form 2 Description", field: { label: "F2 Field1", //TODO: Maybe choose some other type and choose type by it's name and not index typeIndex: 1, }, }); // Add F1 as Router to F2 await page.goto(`/apps/routing-forms/route-builder/${form2Id}`); await selectNewRoute(page, { // It should be F1. TODO: Verify that it's F1 routeSelectNumber: 2, }); await saveCurrentForm(page); // Expect F1 fields to be available in F2 await page.goto(`/apps/routing-forms/form-edit/${form2Id}`); //FIXME: Figure out why this delay is required. Without it field count comes out to be 1 only await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); expect(await page.locator('[data-testid="field"]').count()).toBe(2); await expectCurrentFormToHaveFields(page, { 1: { label: "F1 Field1", typeIndex: 1 } }, types); // Add 1 more field in F1 await addOneFieldAndDescriptionAndSaveForm(form1Id, page, { field: { label: "F1 Field2", typeIndex: 1, }, }); await page.goto(`/apps/routing-forms/form-edit/${form2Id}`); //FIXME: Figure out why this delay is required. Without it field count comes out to be 1 only await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); expect(await page.locator('[data-testid="field"]').count()).toBe(3); await expectCurrentFormToHaveFields(page, { 2: { label: "F1 Field2", typeIndex: 1 } }, types); }); todo("Create relationship by using duplicate with live connect"); }); test("should be able to submit a prefilled form with all types of fields", async ({ page }) => { const formId = await addForm(page); await'[href*="/apps/routing-forms/route-builder/"]'); await selectNewRoute(page); await selectOption({ selector: { selector: ".data-testid-select-routing-action", nth: 0, }, option: 2, page, }); await page.fill("[name=externalRedirectUrl]", ""); await saveCurrentForm(page); const { fields } = await addAllTypesOfFieldsAndSaveForm(formId, page, { description: "Description", label: "Test Field", }); const queryString = "firstField=456&Test Field Number=456&Test Field Single Selection=456&Test Field Multiple Selection=456&Test Field Multiple Selection=789&Test Field Phone=456&Test Field"; await gotoRoutingLink({ page, queryString }); await page.fill('[data-testid="form-field-Test Field Long Text"]', "manual-fill"); expect(await page.locator(`[data-testid="form-field-firstField"]`).inputValue()).toBe("456"); expect(await page.locator(`[data-testid="form-field-Test Field Number"]`).inputValue()).toBe("456"); // TODO: Verify select and multiselect has prefilled values. // expect(await page.locator(`[data-testid="form-field-Test Field Select"]`).inputValue()).toBe("456"); // expect(await page.locator(`[data-testid="form-field-Test Field MultiSelect"]`).inputValue()).toBe("456"); expect(await page.locator(`[data-testid="form-field-Test Field Phone"]`).inputValue()).toBe("456"); expect(await page.locator(`[data-testid="form-field-Test Field Email"]`).inputValue()).toBe( "" ); await'button[type="submit"]'); await page.waitForURL((url) => { return url.hostname.includes(""); }); const url = new URL(page.url()); // Coming from the response filled by booker expect(url.searchParams.get("firstField")).toBe("456"); // All other params come from prefill URL expect(url.searchParams.get("Test Field Number")).toBe("456"); expect(url.searchParams.get("Test Field Long Text")).toBe("manual-fill"); expect(url.searchParams.get("Test Field Multiple Selection")).toBe("456"); expect(url.searchParams.getAll("Test Field Multiple Selection")).toMatchObject(["456", "789"]); expect(url.searchParams.get("Test Field Phone")).toBe("456"); expect(url.searchParams.get("Test Field Email")).toBe(""); }); // TODO: How to install the app just once? test.beforeEach(async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create( { username: "routing-forms" }, { hasTeam: true, } ); await user.apiLogin(); // Install app await page.goto(`/apps/routing-forms`); await'[data-testid="install-app-button"]'); await page.waitForURL((url) => url.pathname === `/apps/routing-forms/forms`); }); test.afterEach(async ({ users }) => { // This also delete forms on cascade await users.deleteAll(); }); }); todo("should be able to duplicate form"); test.describe("Seeded Routing Form ", () => { test.afterEach(async ({ users }) => { // This also delete forms on cascade await users.deleteAll(); }); const createUserAndLoginAndInstallApp = async function ({ users, page, }: { users: Fixtures["users"]; page: Page; }) { const user = await users.create( { username: "routing-forms" }, { seedRoutingForms: true, hasTeam: true } ); await user.apiLogin(); // Install app await page.goto(`/apps/routing-forms`); await'[data-testid="install-app-button"]'); await page.waitForURL((url) => url.pathname === `/apps/routing-forms/forms`); return user; }; test("Routing Link - Reporting and CSV Download ", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await createUserAndLoginAndInstallApp({ users, page }); const routingForm = user.routingForms[0]; test.setTimeout(120000); // Fill form when you are logged out await users.logout(); await fillSeededForm(page,; // Log back in to view form responses. await user.apiLogin(); await page.goto(`/apps/routing-forms/reporting/${}`); // Can't keep waiting forever. So, added a timeout of 5000ms await page.waitForResponse((response) => response.url().includes("appRoutingForms/report"), { timeout: 5000, }); const headerEls = page.locator("[data-testid='reporting-header'] th"); // Once the response is there, React would soon render it, so 500ms is enough // FIXME: Sometimes it takes more than 500ms, so added a timeout of 1000ms for now. There might be something wrong with rendering. await headerEls.first().waitFor({ timeout: 1000, }); const numHeaderEls = await headerEls.count(); const headers = []; for (let i = 0; i < numHeaderEls; i++) { headers.push(await headerEls.nth(i).innerText()); } const responses = []; const responseRows = page.locator("[data-testid='reporting-row']"); const numResponseRows = await responseRows.count(); for (let i = 0; i < numResponseRows; i++) { const rowLocator = responseRows.nth(i).locator("td"); const numRowEls = await rowLocator.count(); const rowResponses = []; for (let j = 0; j < numRowEls; j++) { rowResponses.push(await rowLocator.nth(j).innerText()); } responses.push(rowResponses); } expect(headers).toEqual(["Test field", "Multi Select"]); expect(responses).toEqual([ ["event-routing", ""], ["external-redirect", ""], ["custom-page", ""], ]); const [download] = await Promise.all([ // Start waiting for the download page.waitForEvent("download"), // Perform the action that initiates download'[data-testid="download-responses"]'), ]); const downloadStream = await download.createReadStream(); expect(download.suggestedFilename()).toEqual(`${}-${}.csv`); const csv: string = await new Promise((resolve) => { let body = ""; downloadStream?.on("data", (chunk) => { body += chunk; }); downloadStream?.on("end", () => { resolve(body); }); }); const csvRows = csv.trim().split("\n"); const csvHeaderRow = csvRows[0]; expect(csvHeaderRow).toEqual("Test field,Multi Select,Submission Time"); const firstResponseCells = csvRows[1].split(","); const secondResponseCells = csvRows[2].split(","); const thirdResponseCells = csvRows[3].split(","); expect(firstResponseCells.slice(0, -1).join(",")).toEqual("event-routing,"); expect(new Date( as string).getDay()).toEqual(new Date().getDay()); expect(secondResponseCells.slice(0, -1).join(",")).toEqual("external-redirect,"); expect(new Date( as string).getDay()).toEqual(new Date().getDay()); expect(thirdResponseCells.slice(0, -1).join(",")).toEqual("custom-page,"); expect(new Date( as string).getDay()).toEqual(new Date().getDay()); }); test("Router URL should work", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await createUserAndLoginAndInstallApp({ users, page }); const routingForm = user.routingForms[0]; // Router should be publicly accessible await users.logout(); page.goto(`/router?form=${}&Test field=event-routing`); await page.waitForURL((url) => { return url.pathname.endsWith("/pro/30min"); }); page.goto(`/router?form=${}&Test field=external-redirect`); await page.waitForURL((url) => { return url.hostname.includes(""); }); await page.goto(`/router?form=${}&Test field=custom-page`); await expect(page.locator("text=Custom Page Result")).toBeVisible(); await page.goto(`/router?form=${}&Test field=doesntmatter&multi=Option-2`); await expect(page.locator("text=Multiselect chosen")).toBeVisible(); }); test("Routing Link should validate fields", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await createUserAndLoginAndInstallApp({ users, page }); const routingForm = user.routingForms[0]; await gotoRoutingLink({ page, formId: });'button[type="submit"]'); const firstInputMissingValue = await page.evaluate(() => { return document.querySelectorAll("input")[0].validity.valueMissing; }); expect(firstInputMissingValue).toBe(true); expect(await page.locator('button[type="submit"][disabled]').count()).toBe(0); }); test("Test preview should return correct route", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await createUserAndLoginAndInstallApp({ users, page }); const routingForm = user.routingForms[0]; page.goto(`apps/routing-forms/form-edit/${}`); await'[data-testid="test-preview"]'); await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle"); // //event redirect await page.fill('[data-testid="form-field-Test field"]', "event-routing"); await'[data-testid="test-routing"]'); let routingType = await page.locator('[data-testid="test-routing-result-type"]').innerText(); let route = await page.locator('[data-testid="test-routing-result"]').innerText(); expect(routingType).toBe("Event Redirect"); expect(route).toBe("pro/30min"); //custom page await page.fill('[data-testid="form-field-Test field"]', "custom-page"); await'[data-testid="test-routing"]'); routingType = await page.locator('[data-testid="test-routing-result-type"]').innerText(); route = await page.locator('[data-testid="test-routing-result"]').innerText(); expect(routingType).toBe("Custom Page"); expect(route).toBe("Custom Page Result"); //external redirect await page.fill('[data-testid="form-field-Test field"]', "external-redirect"); await'[data-testid="test-routing"]'); routingType = await page.locator('[data-testid="test-routing-result-type"]').innerText(); route = await page.locator('[data-testid="test-routing-result"]').innerText(); expect(routingType).toBe("External Redirect"); expect(route).toBe(""); //fallback route await page.fill('[data-testid="form-field-Test field"]', "fallback"); await'[data-testid="test-routing"]'); routingType = await page.locator('[data-testid="test-routing-result-type"]').innerText(); route = await page.locator('[data-testid="test-routing-result"]').innerText(); expect(routingType).toBe("Custom Page"); expect(route).toBe("Fallback Message"); }); }); }); async function disableForm(page: Page) { await'[data-testid="toggle-form"] [value="on"]'); await page.waitForSelector(".data-testid-toast-success"); } async function expectCurrentFormToHaveFields( page: Page, fields: { [key: number]: { label: string; typeIndex: number }; }, types: string[] ) { for (const [index, field] of Object.entries(fields)) { expect(await page.inputValue(`[name="fields.${index}.label"]`)).toBe(field.label); expect(await page.locator(".data-testid-field-type").nth(+index).locator("div").nth(1).innerText()).toBe( types[field.typeIndex] ); } } async function fillSeededForm(page: Page, routingFormId: string) { await gotoRoutingLink({ page, formId: routingFormId }); await page.fill('[data-testid="form-field-Test field"]', "event-routing");'button[type="submit"]'); await page.waitForURL((url) => { return url.pathname.endsWith("/pro/30min"); }); await gotoRoutingLink({ page, formId: routingFormId }); await page.fill('[data-testid="form-field-Test field"]', "external-redirect");'button[type="submit"]'); await page.waitForURL((url) => { return url.hostname.includes(""); }); await gotoRoutingLink({ page, formId: routingFormId }); await page.fill('[data-testid="form-field-Test field"]', "custom-page"); await'button[type="submit"]'); await expect(page.locator("text=Custom Page Result")).toBeVisible(); } export async function addForm(page: Page, { name = "Test Form Name" } = {}) { await page.goto("/apps/routing-forms/forms"); await'[data-testid="new-routing-form"]'); // Choose to create the Form for the user(which is the first option) and not the team await'[data-testid="option-0"]'); await page.fill("input[name]", name); await'[data-testid="add-form"]'); await page.waitForSelector('[data-testid="add-field"]'); const url = page.url(); const formId = new URL(url).pathname.split("/").at(-1); if (!formId) { throw new Error("Form ID couldn't be determined from url"); } return formId; } async function addAllTypesOfFieldsAndSaveForm( formId: string, page: Page, form: { description: string; label: string } ) { await page.goto(`apps/routing-forms/form-edit/${formId}`); await'[data-testid="add-field"]'); await page.fill('[data-testid="description"]', form.description); const { optionsInUi: fieldTypesList } = await verifySelectOptions( { selector: ".data-testid-field-type", nth: 0 }, ["Email", "Long Text", "Multiple Selection", "Number", "Phone", "Single Selection", "Short Text"], page ); const fields = []; for (let index = 0; index < fieldTypesList.length; index++) { const fieldTypeLabel = fieldTypesList[index]; const nth = index; const label = `${form.label} ${fieldTypeLabel}`; let identifier = ""; if (index !== 0) { identifier = label; // Click on the field type dropdown. await page.locator(".data-testid-field-type").nth(nth).click(); // Click on the dropdown option. await page.locator(`[data-testid^="select-option-"]`).filter({ hasText: fieldTypeLabel }).click(); } else { // Set the identifier manually for the first field to test out a case when identifier isn't computed from label automatically // First field type is by default selected. So, no need to choose from dropdown identifier = "firstField"; } if (fieldTypeLabel === "MultiSelect" || fieldTypeLabel === "Select") { await page.fill(`[name="fields.${nth}.selectText"]`, "123\n456\n789"); } await page.fill(`[name="fields.${nth}.label"]`, label); if (identifier !== label) { await page.fill(`[name="fields.${nth}.identifier"]`, identifier); } if (index !== fieldTypesList.length - 1) { await'[data-testid="add-field"]'); } fields.push({ identifier: identifier, label, type: fieldTypeLabel }); } await saveCurrentForm(page); return { fieldTypesList, fields, }; } export async function addOneFieldAndDescriptionAndSaveForm( formId: string, page: Page, form: { description?: string; field?: { typeIndex: number; label: string } } ) { await page.goto(`apps/routing-forms/form-edit/${formId}`); await'[data-testid="add-field"]'); if (form.description) { await page.fill('[data-testid="description"]', form.description); } // Verify all Options of SelectBox const { optionsInUi: types } = await verifySelectOptions( { selector: ".data-testid-field-type", nth: 0 }, ["Email", "Long Text", "Multiple Selection", "Number", "Phone", "Single Selection", "Short Text"], page ); const nextFieldIndex = (await page.locator('[data-testid="field"]').count()) - 1; if (form.field) { await page.fill(`[name="fields.${nextFieldIndex}.label"]`, form.field.label); await page .locator('[data-testid="field"]') .nth(nextFieldIndex) .locator(".data-testid-field-type") .click(); await page .locator('[data-testid="field"]') .nth(nextFieldIndex) .locator('[id*="react-select-"][aria-disabled]') .nth(form.field.typeIndex) .click(); } await saveCurrentForm(page); return { types, }; } async function selectOption({ page, selector, option, }: { page: Page; selector: { selector: string; nth: number }; /** * Index of option to select. Starts from 1 */ option: number; }) { const locatorForSelect = page.locator(selector.selector).nth(selector.nth); await; await locatorForSelect .locator('[id*="react-select-"][aria-disabled]') .nth(option - 1) .click(); } async function verifyFieldOptionsInRule(options: string[], page: Page) { await verifySelectOptions( { selector: ".rule-container .data-testid-field-select", nth: 0, }, options, page ); } async function verifySelectOptions( selector: { selector: string; nth: number }, expectedOptions: string[], page: Page ) { await page.locator(selector.selector).nth(selector.nth).click(); const selectOptions = await page .locator(selector.selector) .nth(selector.nth) .locator('[id*="react-select-"][aria-disabled]') .allInnerTexts(); const sortedSelectOptions = [...selectOptions].sort(); const sortedExpectedOptions = [...expectedOptions].sort(); expect(sortedSelectOptions).toEqual(sortedExpectedOptions); return { optionsInUi: selectOptions, }; } async function selectNewRoute(page: Page, { routeSelectNumber = 1 } = {}) { await selectOption({ selector: { selector: ".data-testid-select-router", nth: 0, }, option: routeSelectNumber, page, }); } async function saveCurrentForm(page: Page) { await'[data-testid="update-form"]'); await page.waitForSelector(".data-testid-toast-success"); }