import type { Dayjs } from "@calcom/dayjs"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import type { Availability } from "@calcom/prisma/client"; export type DateRange = { start: Dayjs; end: Dayjs; }; export type DateOverride = Pick; export type WorkingHours = Pick; export function processWorkingHours({ item, timeZone, dateFrom, dateTo, }: { item: WorkingHours; timeZone: string; dateFrom: Dayjs; dateTo: Dayjs; }) { const results = []; for (let date ="day"); dateTo.isAfter(date); date = date.add(1, "day")) { const dateInTz =; if (!item.days.includes( { continue; } let start = dateInTz.hour(item.startTime.getUTCHours()).minute(item.startTime.getUTCMinutes()).second(0); let end = dateInTz.hour(item.endTime.getUTCHours()).minute(item.endTime.getUTCMinutes()).second(0); const offsetBeginningOfDay = dayjs(start.format("YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm")).tz(timeZone).utcOffset(); const offsetDiff = start.utcOffset() - offsetBeginningOfDay; // there will be 60 min offset on the day day of DST change start = start.add(offsetDiff, "minute"); end = end.add(offsetDiff, "minute"); const startResult = dayjs.max(start,; const endResult = dayjs.min(end,; if (startResult.isAfter(endResult)) { // if an event ends before start, it's not a result. continue; } results.push({ start: startResult, end: endResult, }); } return results; } export function processDateOverride({ item, timeZone }: { item: DateOverride; timeZone: string }) { const startDate = dayjs .utc( .startOf("day") .add(item.startTime.getUTCHours(), "hours") .add(item.startTime.getUTCMinutes(), "minutes") .second(0) .tz(timeZone, true); const endDate = dayjs .utc( .startOf("day") .add(item.endTime.getUTCHours(), "hours") .add(item.endTime.getUTCMinutes(), "minutes") .second(0) .tz(timeZone, true); return { start: startDate, end: endDate, }; } export function buildDateRanges({ availability, timeZone /* Organizer timeZone */, dateFrom /* Attendee dateFrom */, dateTo /* `` dateTo */, }: { timeZone: string; availability: (DateOverride | WorkingHours)[]; dateFrom: Dayjs; dateTo: Dayjs; }): DateRange[] { const groupedWorkingHours = groupByDate( availability.reduce((processed: DateRange[], item) => { if ("days" in item) { processed = processed.concat(processWorkingHours({ item, timeZone, dateFrom, dateTo })); } return processed; }, []) ); const groupedDateOverrides = groupByDate( availability.reduce((processed: DateRange[], item) => { if ("date" in item && !! { processed.push(processDateOverride({ item, timeZone })); } return processed; }, []) ); const dateRanges = Object.values({ ...groupedWorkingHours, ...groupedDateOverrides, }).map( // remove 0-length overrides that were kept to cancel out working dates until now. (ranges) => ranges.filter((range) => range.start.valueOf() !== range.end.valueOf()) ); return dateRanges.flat(); } export function groupByDate(ranges: DateRange[]): { [x: string]: DateRange[] } { const results = ranges.reduce( ( previousValue: { [date: string]: DateRange[]; }, currentValue ) => { const dateString = dayjs(currentValue.start).format("YYYY-MM-DD"); previousValue[dateString] = typeof previousValue[dateString] === "undefined" ? [currentValue] : [...previousValue[dateString], currentValue]; return previousValue; }, {} ); return results; } export function intersect(ranges: DateRange[][]): DateRange[] { if (!ranges.length) return []; // Get the ranges of the first user let commonAvailability = ranges[0]; // For each of the remaining users, find the intersection of their ranges with the current common availability for (let i = 1; i < ranges.length; i++) { const userRanges = ranges[i]; const intersectedRanges: { start: Dayjs; end: Dayjs; }[] = []; commonAvailability.forEach((commonRange) => { userRanges.forEach((userRange) => { const intersection = getIntersection(commonRange, userRange); if (intersection !== null) { // If the current common range intersects with the user range, add the intersected time range to the new array intersectedRanges.push(intersection); } }); }); commonAvailability = intersectedRanges; } // If the common availability is empty, there is no time when all users are available if (commonAvailability.length === 0) { return []; } return commonAvailability; } function getIntersection(range1: DateRange, range2: DateRange) { const start = range1.start.utc().isAfter(range2.start) ? range1.start : range2.start; const end = range1.end.utc().isBefore(range2.end) ? range1.end : range2.end; if (start.utc().isBefore(end)) { return { start, end }; } return null; } export function subtract( sourceRanges: (DateRange & { [x: string]: unknown })[], excludedRanges: DateRange[] ) { const result: DateRange[] = []; for (const { start: sourceStart, end: sourceEnd, ...passThrough } of sourceRanges) { let currentStart = sourceStart; const overlappingRanges = excludedRanges.filter( ({ start, end }) => start.isBefore(sourceEnd) && end.isAfter(sourceStart) ); overlappingRanges.sort((a, b) => (a.start.isAfter(b.start) ? 1 : -1)); for (const { start: excludedStart, end: excludedEnd } of overlappingRanges) { if (excludedStart.isAfter(currentStart)) { result.push({ start: currentStart, end: excludedStart }); } currentStart = excludedEnd.isAfter(currentStart) ? excludedEnd : currentStart; } if (sourceEnd.isAfter(currentStart)) { result.push({ start: currentStart, end: sourceEnd, ...passThrough }); } } return result; }