import type { Availability as AvailabilityModel, Schedule as ScheduleModel, User } from "@prisma/client"; import type { PrismaClient } from "@calcom/prisma/client"; import type { Schedule } from "@calcom/types/schedule"; export const getDefaultScheduleId = async (userId: number, prisma: PrismaClient) => { const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { id: userId, }, select: { defaultScheduleId: true, }, }); if (user?.defaultScheduleId) { return user.defaultScheduleId; } // If we're returning the default schedule for the first time then we should set it in the user record const defaultSchedule = await prisma.schedule.findFirst({ where: { userId, }, select: { id: true, }, }); if (!defaultSchedule) { // Handle case where defaultSchedule is null by throwing an error throw new Error("No schedules found for user"); } return; }; export const hasDefaultSchedule = async (user: Partial, prisma: PrismaClient) => { const defaultSchedule = await prisma.schedule.findFirst({ where: { userId:, }, }); return !!user.defaultScheduleId || !!defaultSchedule; }; export const convertScheduleToAvailability = ( schedule: Partial & { availability: AvailabilityModel[] } ) => { return schedule.availability.reduce( (schedule: Schedule, availability) => { availability.days.forEach((day) => { schedule[day].push({ start: new Date( Date.UTC( new Date().getUTCFullYear(), new Date().getUTCMonth(), new Date().getUTCDate(), availability.startTime.getUTCHours(), availability.startTime.getUTCMinutes() ) ), end: new Date( Date.UTC( new Date().getUTCFullYear(), new Date().getUTCMonth(), new Date().getUTCDate(), availability.endTime.getUTCHours(), availability.endTime.getUTCMinutes() ) ), }); }); return schedule; }, Array.from([...Array(7)]).map(() => []) ); }; export const setupDefaultSchedule = async (userId: number, scheduleId: number, prisma: PrismaClient) => { return prisma.user.update({ where: { id: userId, }, data: { defaultScheduleId: scheduleId, }, }); };