## App Contribution Guidelines #### `DESCRIPTION.md` 1. images - include atleast 4 images (do we have a recommended size here?). Can show app in use and/or installation steps 2. add only file name for images, path not required. i.e. `1.jpeg`, not `/app-store/zohocalendar/1.jpeg` 3. description should include what the integration with Cal allows the user to do e.g. `Allows you to sync Cal bookings with your Zoho Calendar` #### `README.md` 1. Include installation instructions and links to the app's website. 2. For url use `/api/integrations`, rather than `/api/integrations` #### `config.json` 1. set `"logo": "icon.svg"` and save icon in `/static`. Don't use paths here. 2. description here should not exceed 10 words (this is arbitrary, but should not be long otherwise it's truncated in the app store) #### Others 1. Add API documentation links in comments for files `api`, `lib` and `types` 2. Use [`AppDeclarativeHandler`](../types/AppHandler.d.ts) across all apps. Whatever isn't supported in it, support that. 3. README should be added in the respective app and can be linked in main README [like this](https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/pull/10429/files/155ac84537d12026f595551fe3542e810b029714#diff-b335630551682c19a781afebcf4d07bf978fb1f8ac04c6bf87428ed5106870f5R509) 4. Also, no env variables should be added by an app. They should be [added in `zod.ts`](https://github.com/calcom/cal.com/blob/main/packages/app-store/jitsivideo/zod.ts) and then they would be automatically available to be modified by the cal.com app admin.