import { PlaywrightTestConfig, devices } from "@playwright/test"; import { addAliases } from "module-alias"; // Add aliases for the paths specified in the tsconfig.json file. // This is needed because playwright does not consider tsconfig.json // For more info, see: // // addAliases({ "@components": __dirname + "/components", "@lib": __dirname + "/lib", "@server": __dirname + "/server", "@ee": __dirname + "/ee", }); const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = { forbidOnly: !!process.env.CI, testDir: "playwright", timeout: 60_000, reporter: [ [process.env.CI ? "github" : "list"], ["html", { outputFolder: "./playwright/reports/playwright-html-report", open: "never" }], ["junit", { outputFile: "./playwright/reports/results.xml" }], ], globalSetup: require.resolve("./playwright/lib/globalSetup"), outputDir: "playwright/results", webServer: { command: "yarn start", port: 3000, timeout: 60_000, reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI, }, use: { baseURL: "http://localhost:3000", locale: "en-US", trace: "retain-on-failure", headless: !!process.env.CI || !!process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_HEADLESS, }, projects: [ { name: "chromium", use: { ...devices["Desktop Chrome"] }, }, /* { name: "firefox", use: { ...devices["Desktop Firefox"] }, }, { name: "webkit", use: { ...devices["Desktop Safari"] }, }, */ ], }; export default config;