import { expect } from "@playwright/test"; import { prisma } from "@calcom/prisma"; import { MembershipRole } from "@calcom/prisma/enums"; import { test } from "./lib/fixtures"; import { bookTimeSlot, selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth, testName } from "./lib/testUtils"; test.describe.configure({ mode: "parallel" }); test.afterEach(({ users }) => users.deleteAll()); test.describe("Teams", () => { test("Can create teams via Wizard", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create(); const inviteeEmail = `${user.username}`; await user.apiLogin(); await page.goto("/teams"); await test.step("Can create team", async () => { // Click text=Create Team await page.locator("text=Create Team").click(); await page.waitForURL("/settings/teams/new"); // Fill input[name="name"] await page.locator('input[name="name"]').fill(`${user.username}'s Team`); // Click text=Continue await page.locator("text=Continue").click(); await page.waitForURL(/\/settings\/teams\/(\d+)\/onboard-members$/i); await page.waitForSelector('[data-testid="pending-member-list"]'); expect(await page.locator('[data-testid="pending-member-item"]').count()).toBe(1); }); await test.step("Can add members", async () => { // Click [data-testid="new-member-button"] await page.locator('[data-testid="new-member-button"]').click(); // Fill [placeholder="email\@example\.com"] await page.locator('[placeholder="email\\@example\\.com"]').fill(inviteeEmail); // Click [data-testid="invite-new-member-button"] await page.locator('[data-testid="invite-new-member-button"]').click(); await expect(page.locator(`li:has-text("${inviteeEmail}")`)).toBeVisible(); expect(await page.locator('[data-testid="pending-member-item"]').count()).toBe(2); }); await test.step("Can remove members", async () => { const removeMemberButton = page.locator('[data-testid="remove-member-button"]'); await; await removeMemberButton.waitFor({ state: "hidden" }); expect(await page.locator('[data-testid="pending-member-item"]').count()).toBe(1); // Cleanup here since this user is created without our fixtures. await prisma.user.delete({ where: { email: inviteeEmail } }); }); await test.step("Can publish team", async () => { await page.locator("text=Publish team").click(); await page.waitForURL(/\/settings\/teams\/(\d+)\/profile$/i); }); await test.step("Can disband team", async () => { await page.locator("text=Disband Team").click(); await page.locator("text=Yes, disband team").click(); await page.waitForURL("/teams"); await expect(await page.locator(`text=${user.username}'s Team`).count()).toEqual(0); // FLAKY: If other tests are running async this may mean there are >0 teams, empty screen will not be shown. // await expect(page.locator('[data-testid="empty-screen"]')).toBeVisible(); }); }); test("Can create a booking for Collective EventType", async ({ page, users }) => { const ownerObj = { username: "pro-user", name: "pro-user" }; const teamMate1Obj = { username: "teammate-1", name: "teammate-1" }; const teamMate2Obj = { username: "teammate-2", name: "teammate-2" }; const owner = await users.create(ownerObj, { hasTeam: true }); const teamMate1 = await users.create(teamMate1Obj); const teamMate2 = await users.create(teamMate2Obj); teamMate1.username, teamMate2.username; // TODO: Create a fixture and follow DRY const { team } = await prisma.membership.findFirstOrThrow({ where: { userId: }, include: { team: true }, }); // Add teamMate1 to the team await prisma.membership.create({ data: { teamId:, userId:, role: MembershipRole.MEMBER, accepted: true, }, }); // Add teamMate2 to the team await prisma.membership.create({ data: { teamId:, userId:, role: MembershipRole.MEMBER, accepted: true, }, }); // No need to remove membership row manually as it will be deleted with the user, at the end of the test. const { id: eventTypeId } = await prisma.eventType.findFirstOrThrow({ where: { userId:, teamId: }, select: { id: true }, }); // Assign owner and teammates to the eventtype host list await{ data: { userId:, eventTypeId, isFixed: true, }, }); await{ data: { userId:, eventTypeId, isFixed: true, }, }); await{ data: { userId:, eventTypeId, isFixed: true, }, }); await page.goto(`/team/${team.slug}/team-event-30min`); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); await bookTimeSlot(page); await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=success-page]")).toBeVisible(); await expect(page.locator(`[data-testid="attendee-name-${testName}"]`)).toHaveText(testName); // The first user added to the host list will be the host name await expect(page.locator(`[data-testid="host-name-${}"]`)).toHaveText(; // The remaining hosts will be shown as the attendees await expect(page.locator(`[data-testid="attendee-name-${}"]`)).toHaveText( ); await expect(page.locator(`[data-testid="attendee-name-${}"]`)).toHaveText( ); // TODO: Assert whether the user received an email }); });