import dayjs, { Dayjs } from "dayjs"; import localizedFormat from "dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat"; import timezone from "dayjs/plugin/timezone"; import toArray from "dayjs/plugin/toArray"; import utc from "dayjs/plugin/utc"; import nodemailer from "nodemailer"; import { getErrorFromUnknown } from "@calcom/lib/errors"; import { serverConfig } from "@calcom/lib/serverConfig"; dayjs.extend(utc); dayjs.extend(timezone); dayjs.extend(localizedFormat); dayjs.extend(toArray); export default class BaseEmail { name = ""; protected getTimezone() { return ""; } protected getRecipientTime(time: string): Dayjs; protected getRecipientTime(time: string, format: string): string; protected getRecipientTime(time: string, format?: string) { const date = dayjs(time).tz(this.getTimezone()); if (typeof format === "string") return date.format(format); return date; } protected getNodeMailerPayload(): Record { return {}; } public sendEmail() { if (process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_E2E) return new Promise((r) => r("Skipped sendEmail for E2E")); new Promise((resolve, reject) => nodemailer .createTransport(this.getMailerOptions().transport) .sendMail(this.getNodeMailerPayload(), (_err, info) => { if (_err) { const err = getErrorFromUnknown(_err); this.printNodeMailerError(err); reject(err); } else { resolve(info); } }) ).catch((e) => console.error("sendEmail", e)); return new Promise((resolve) => resolve("send mail async")); } protected getMailerOptions() { return { transport: serverConfig.transport, from: serverConfig.from, }; } protected printNodeMailerError(error: Error): void { /** Don't clog the logs with unsent emails in E2E */ if (process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_E2E) return; console.error(`${}_ERROR`, error); } }