import { stringify } from "querystring"; import { z } from "zod"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { getLocation, getRichDescription } from "@calcom/lib/CalEventParser"; import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import type { Calendar, CalendarEvent, EventBusyDate, IntegrationCalendar, NewCalendarEventType, } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import type { CredentialPayload } from "@calcom/types/Credential"; import getAppKeysFromSlug from "../../_utils/getAppKeysFromSlug"; import type { ZohoAuthCredentials, FreeBusy, ZohoCalendarListResp } from "../types/ZohoCalendar"; const zohoKeysSchema = z.object({ client_id: z.string(), client_secret: z.string(), }); export default class ZohoCalendarService implements Calendar { private integrationName = ""; private log: typeof logger; auth: { getToken: () => Promise }; constructor(credential: CredentialPayload) { this.integrationName = "zoho_calendar"; this.auth = this.zohoAuth(credential); this.log = logger.getSubLogger({ prefix: [`[[lib] ${this.integrationName}`], }); } private zohoAuth = (credential: CredentialPayload) => { let zohoCredentials = credential.key as ZohoAuthCredentials; const refreshAccessToken = async () => { try { const appKeys = await getAppKeysFromSlug("zohocalendar"); const { client_id, client_secret } = zohoKeysSchema.parse(appKeys); const params = { client_id, grant_type: "refresh_token", client_secret, refresh_token: zohoCredentials.refresh_token, }; const query = stringify(params); const res = await fetch(`${query}`, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", }, }); const token = await res.json(); const key: ZohoAuthCredentials = { access_token: token.access_token, refresh_token: zohoCredentials.refresh_token, expires_in: Math.round(+new Date() / 1000 + token.expires_in), }; await prisma.credential.update({ where: { id: }, data: { key }, }); zohoCredentials = key; } catch (err) { this.log.error("Error refreshing zoho token", err); } return zohoCredentials; }; return { getToken: async () => { const isExpired = () => new Date(zohoCredentials.expires_in * 1000).getTime() <= new Date().getTime(); return !isExpired() ? Promise.resolve(zohoCredentials) : refreshAccessToken(); }, }; }; private fetcher = async (endpoint: string, init?: RequestInit | undefined) => { const credentials = await this.auth.getToken(); return fetch(`${endpoint}`, { method: "GET", ...init, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${credentials.access_token}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", ...init?.headers, }, }); }; private getUserInfo = async () => { const credentials = await this.auth.getToken(); const response = await fetch(``, { method: "GET", headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${credentials.access_token}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); return this.handleData(response, this.log); }; async createEvent(event: CalendarEvent): Promise { let eventId = ""; let eventRespData; const [mainHostDestinationCalendar] = event.destinationCalendar ?? []; const calendarId = mainHostDestinationCalendar?.externalId; if (!calendarId) { throw new Error("no calendar id"); } try { const query = stringify({ eventdata: JSON.stringify(this.translateEvent(event)), }); const eventResponse = await this.fetcher(`/calendars/${calendarId}/events?${query}`, { method: "POST", }); eventRespData = await this.handleData(eventResponse, this.log); eventId =[0].uid as string; } catch (error) { this.log.error(error); throw error; } try { return {[0], uid:[0].uid as string, id:[0].uid as string, type: "zoho_calendar", password: "", url: "", additionalInfo: {}, }; } catch (error) { this.log.error(error); await this.deleteEvent(eventId, event, calendarId); throw error; } } /** * @param uid * @param event * @returns */ async updateEvent(uid: string, event: CalendarEvent, externalCalendarId?: string) { const eventId = uid; let eventRespData; const [mainHostDestinationCalendar] = event.destinationCalendar ?? []; const calendarId = externalCalendarId || mainHostDestinationCalendar?.externalId; if (!calendarId) { this.log.error("no calendar id provided in updateEvent"); throw new Error("no calendar id provided in updateEvent"); } try { // needed to fetch etag const existingEventResponse = await this.fetcher(`/calendars/${calendarId}/events/${uid}`); const existingEventData = await this.handleData(existingEventResponse, this.log); const query = stringify({ eventdata: JSON.stringify({ ...this.translateEvent(event), etag:[0].etag, }), }); const eventResponse = await this.fetcher(`/calendars/${calendarId}/events/${uid}?${query}`, { method: "PUT", }); eventRespData = await this.handleData(eventResponse, this.log); } catch (error) { this.log.error(error); throw error; } try { return {[0], uid:[0].uid as string, id:[0].uid as string, type: "zoho_calendar", password: "", url: "", additionalInfo: {}, }; } catch (error) { this.log.error(error); await this.deleteEvent(eventId, event); throw error; } } /** * @param uid * @param event * @returns */ async deleteEvent(uid: string, event: CalendarEvent, externalCalendarId?: string) { const [mainHostDestinationCalendar] = event.destinationCalendar ?? []; const calendarId = externalCalendarId || mainHostDestinationCalendar?.externalId; if (!calendarId) { this.log.error("no calendar id provided in deleteEvent"); throw new Error("no calendar id provided in deleteEvent"); } try { // needed to fetch etag const existingEventResponse = await this.fetcher(`/calendars/${calendarId}/events/${uid}`); const existingEventData = await this.handleData(existingEventResponse, this.log); const response = await this.fetcher(`/calendars/${calendarId}/events/${uid}`, { method: "DELETE", headers: { etag:[0].etag, }, }); await this.handleData(response, this.log); } catch (error) { this.log.error(error); throw error; } } private async getBusyData(dateFrom: string, dateTo: string, userEmail: string) { const query = stringify({ sdate: dateFrom, edate: dateTo, ftype: "eventbased", uemail: userEmail, }); const response = await this.fetcher(`/calendars/freebusy?${query}`, { method: "GET", }); const data = await this.handleData(response, this.log); if (data.fb_not_enabled || data.NODATA) return []; return ( data.freebusy .filter((freebusy: FreeBusy) => freebusy.fbtype === "busy") .map((freebusy: FreeBusy) => ({ // using dayjs utc plugin because by default, dayjs parses and displays in local time, which causes a mismatch start: dayjs.utc(freebusy.startTime, "YYYYMMDD[T]HHmmss[Z]").toISOString(), end: dayjs.utc(freebusy.endTime, "YYYYMMDD[T]HHmmss[Z]").toISOString(), })) || [] ); } async getAvailability( dateFrom: string, dateTo: string, selectedCalendars: IntegrationCalendar[] ): Promise { const selectedCalendarIds = selectedCalendars .filter((e) => e.integration === this.integrationName) .map((e) => e.externalId); if (selectedCalendarIds.length === 0 && selectedCalendars.length > 0) { // Only calendars of other integrations selected return Promise.resolve([]); } try { let queryIds = selectedCalendarIds; if (queryIds.length === 0) { queryIds = (await this.listCalendars()).map((e) => e.externalId) || []; if (queryIds.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve([]); } } if (!selectedCalendars[0]) return []; const userInfo = await this.getUserInfo(); const originalStartDate = dayjs(dateFrom); const originalEndDate = dayjs(dateTo); const diff = originalEndDate.diff(originalStartDate, "days"); if (diff <= 30) { const busyData = await this.getBusyData( originalStartDate.format("YYYYMMDD[T]HHmmss[Z]"), originalEndDate.format("YYYYMMDD[T]HHmmss[Z]"), userInfo.Email ); return busyData; } else { // Zoho only supports 31 days of freebusy data const busyData = []; const loopsNumber = Math.ceil(diff / 30); let startDate = originalStartDate; let endDate = originalStartDate.add(30, "days"); for (let i = 0; i < loopsNumber; i++) { if (endDate.isAfter(originalEndDate)) endDate = originalEndDate; busyData.push( ...(await this.getBusyData( startDate.format("YYYYMMDD[T]HHmmss[Z]"), endDate.format("YYYYMMDD[T]HHmmss[Z]"), userInfo.Email )) ); startDate = endDate.add(1, "minutes"); endDate = startDate.add(30, "days"); } return busyData; } } catch (error) { this.log.error(error); return []; } } async listCalendars(): Promise { try { const resp = await this.fetcher(`/calendars`); const data = (await this.handleData(resp, this.log)) as ZohoCalendarListResp; const result = data.calendars .filter((cal) => { if (cal.privilege === "owner") { return true; } return false; }) .map((cal) => { const calendar: IntegrationCalendar = { externalId: cal.uid ?? "No Id", integration: this.integrationName, name: || "No calendar name", primary: cal.isdefault, email: cal.uid ?? "", }; return calendar; }); if (result.some((cal) => !!cal.primary)) { return result; } // No primary calendar found, get primary calendar directly const respPrimary = await this.fetcher(`/calendars?category=own`); const dataPrimary = (await this.handleData(respPrimary, this.log)) as ZohoCalendarListResp; return => { const calendar: IntegrationCalendar = { externalId: cal.uid ?? "No Id", integration: this.integrationName, name: || "No calendar name", primary: cal.isdefault, email: cal.uid ?? "", }; return calendar; }); } catch (err) { this.log.error("There was an error contacting zoho calendar service: ", err); throw err; } } async handleData(response: Response, log: typeof logger) { const data = await response.json(); if (!response.ok) { log.debug("zoho request with data", data); throw data; } log.debug("zoho request with data", data); return data; } private translateEvent = (event: CalendarEvent) => { const zohoEvent = { title: event.title, description: getRichDescription(event), dateandtime: { start: dayjs(event.startTime).format("YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZZ"), end: dayjs(event.endTime).format("YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZZ"), timezone: event.organizer.timeZone, }, attendees: => ({ email: })), isprivate: event.seatsShowAttendees, reminders: [ { minutes: "-15", action: "popup", }, ], location: event.location ? getLocation(event) : undefined, }; return zohoEvent; }; }