import type { Booking, EventType } from "@prisma/client"; import { getBusyCalendarTimes } from "@calcom/core/CalendarManager"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { subtract } from "@calcom/lib/date-ranges"; import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger"; import { performance } from "@calcom/lib/server/perfObserver"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import type { SelectedCalendar } from "@calcom/prisma/client"; import { BookingStatus } from "@calcom/prisma/enums"; import type { EventBusyDetails } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import type { CredentialPayload } from "@calcom/types/Credential"; export async function getBusyTimes(params: { credentials: CredentialPayload[]; userId: number; userEmail: string; username: string; eventTypeId?: number; startTime: string; beforeEventBuffer?: number; afterEventBuffer?: number; endTime: string; selectedCalendars: SelectedCalendar[]; seatedEvent?: boolean; rescheduleUid?: string | null; duration?: number | null; currentBookings?: | (Pick & { eventType: Pick< EventType, "id" | "beforeEventBuffer" | "afterEventBuffer" | "seatsPerTimeSlot" > | null; _count?: { seatsReferences: number; }; })[] | null; }) { const { credentials, userId, userEmail, username, eventTypeId, startTime, endTime, beforeEventBuffer, afterEventBuffer, selectedCalendars, seatedEvent, rescheduleUid, duration, } = params; logger.silly( `Checking Busy time from Cal Bookings in range ${startTime} to ${endTime} for input ${JSON.stringify({ userId, eventTypeId, status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, })}` ); /** * A user is considered busy within a given time period if there * is a booking they own OR attend. * * Performs a query for all bookings where: * - The given booking is owned by this user, or.. * - The current user has a different booking at this time he/she attends * * See further discussion within this GH issue: * * * NOTE: Changes here will likely require changes to some mocking * logic within getSchedule.test.ts:addBookings */ performance.mark("prismaBookingGetStart"); const startTimeDate = rescheduleUid && duration ? dayjs(startTime).subtract(duration, "minute").toDate() : new Date(startTime); const endTimeDate = rescheduleUid && duration ? dayjs(endTime).add(duration, "minute").toDate() : new Date(endTime); const sharedQuery = { startTime: { gte: startTimeDate }, endTime: { lte: endTimeDate }, status: { in: [BookingStatus.ACCEPTED], }, }; // INFO: Refactored to allow this method to take in a list of current bookings for the user. // Will keep support for retrieving a user's bookings if the caller does not already supply them. // This function is called from multiple places but we aren't refactoring all of them at this moment // to avoid potential side effects. const bookings = params.currentBookings ? params.currentBookings : await{ where: { OR: [ // User is primary host (individual events, or primary organizer) { ...sharedQuery, userId, }, // The current user has a different booking at this time he/she attends { ...sharedQuery, attendees: { some: { email: userEmail, }, }, }, ], }, select: { id: true, uid: true, userId: true, startTime: true, endTime: true, title: true, eventType: { select: { id: true, afterEventBuffer: true, beforeEventBuffer: true, seatsPerTimeSlot: true, }, }, ...(seatedEvent && { _count: { select: { seatsReferences: true, }, }, }), }, }); const bookingSeatCountMap: { [x: string]: number } = {}; const busyTimes = bookings.reduce( (aggregate: EventBusyDetails[], { id, startTime, endTime, eventType, title, }) => { if (rest._count?.seatsReferences) { const bookedAt = dayjs(startTime).utc().format() + "<>" + dayjs(endTime).utc().format(); bookingSeatCountMap[bookedAt] = bookingSeatCountMap[bookedAt] || 0; bookingSeatCountMap[bookedAt]++; // Seat references on the current event are non-blocking until the event is fully booked. if ( // there are still seats available. bookingSeatCountMap[bookedAt] < (eventType?.seatsPerTimeSlot || 1) && // and this is the seated event, other event types should be blocked. eventTypeId === eventType?.id ) { // then we do not add the booking to the busyTimes. return aggregate; } // if it does get blocked at this point; we remove the bookingSeatCountMap entry // doing this allows using the map later to remove the ranges from calendar busy times. delete bookingSeatCountMap[bookedAt]; } if (rest.uid === rescheduleUid) { return aggregate; } aggregate.push({ start: dayjs(startTime) .subtract((eventType?.beforeEventBuffer || 0) + (afterEventBuffer || 0), "minute") .toDate(), end: dayjs(endTime) .add((eventType?.afterEventBuffer || 0) + (beforeEventBuffer || 0), "minute") .toDate(), title, source: `eventType-${eventType?.id}-booking-${id}`, }); return aggregate; }, [] ); logger.silly(`Busy Time from Cal Bookings ${JSON.stringify(busyTimes)}`); performance.mark("prismaBookingGetEnd"); performance.measure(`prisma booking get took $1'`, "prismaBookingGetStart", "prismaBookingGetEnd"); if (credentials?.length > 0) { const startConnectedCalendarsGet =; const calendarBusyTimes = await getBusyCalendarTimes( username, credentials, startTime, endTime, selectedCalendars ); const endConnectedCalendarsGet =; logger.debug( `Connected Calendars get took ${ endConnectedCalendarsGet - startConnectedCalendarsGet } ms for user ${username}` ); const openSeatsDateRanges = Object.keys(bookingSeatCountMap).map((key) => { const [start, end] = key.split("<>"); return { start: dayjs(start), end: dayjs(end), }; }); if (rescheduleUid) { const originalRescheduleBooking = bookings.find((booking) => booking.uid === rescheduleUid); // calendar busy time from original rescheduled booking should not be blocked if (originalRescheduleBooking) { openSeatsDateRanges.push({ start: dayjs(originalRescheduleBooking.startTime), end: dayjs(originalRescheduleBooking.endTime), }); } } const result = subtract( => ({ ...value, end: dayjs(value.end), start: dayjs(value.start), })), openSeatsDateRanges ); busyTimes.push( => ({ ...busyTime, start: busyTime.start.subtract(afterEventBuffer || 0, "minute").toDate(), end: busyTime.end.add(beforeEventBuffer || 0, "minute").toDate(), })) ); /* // TODO: Disabled until we can filter Zoom events by date. Also this is adding too much latency. const videoBusyTimes = (await getBusyVideoTimes(credentials)).filter(notEmpty); console.log("videoBusyTimes", videoBusyTimes); busyTimes.push(...videoBusyTimes); */ } return busyTimes; } export async function getBusyTimesForLimitChecks(params: { userId: number; eventTypeId: number; startDate: Date; endDate: Date; }) { const { userId, eventTypeId, startDate, endDate } = params; logger.silly( `Fetch limit checks bookings in range ${startDate} to ${endDate} for input ${JSON.stringify({ userId, eventTypeId, status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, })}` ); performance.mark("getBusyTimesForLimitChecksStart"); const bookings = await{ where: { userId, eventTypeId, status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, // FIXME: bookings that overlap on one side will never be counted startTime: { gte: startDate, }, endTime: { lte: endDate, }, }, select: { id: true, startTime: true, endTime: true, eventType: { select: { id: true, }, }, title: true, }, }); const busyTimes ={ id, startTime, endTime, eventType, title }) => ({ start: dayjs(startTime).toDate(), end: dayjs(endTime).toDate(), title, source: `eventType-${eventType?.id}-booking-${id}`, })); logger.silly(`Fetch limit checks bookings for eventId: ${eventTypeId} ${JSON.stringify(busyTimes)}`); performance.mark("getBusyTimesForLimitChecksEnd"); performance.measure( `prisma booking get for limits took $1'`, "getBusyTimesForLimitChecksStart", "getBusyTimesForLimitChecksEnd" ); return busyTimes; } export default getBusyTimes;