import chokidar from "chokidar"; import fs from "fs"; import { debounce } from "lodash"; import path from "path"; import prettier from "prettier"; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore import prettierConfig from "@calcom/config/prettier-preset"; import { AppMeta } from "@calcom/types/App"; import { APP_STORE_PATH } from "./constants"; import { getAppName } from "./utils/getAppName"; let isInWatchMode = false; if (process.argv[2] === "--watch") { isInWatchMode = true; } const formatOutput = (source: string) => prettier.format(source, { parser: "babel", ...prettierConfig, }); const getVariableName = function (appName: string) { return appName.replace(/[-.]/g, "_"); }; const getAppId = function (app: { name: string }) { // Handle stripe separately as it's an old app with different dirName than slug/appId return === "stripepayment" ? "stripe" :; }; type App = Partial & { name: string; path: string; }; function generateFiles() { const browserOutput = [`import dynamic from "next/dynamic"`]; const metadataOutput = []; const schemasOutput = []; const appKeysSchemasOutput = []; const serverOutput = []; const appDirs: { name: string; path: string }[] = []; fs.readdirSync(`${APP_STORE_PATH}`).forEach(function (dir) { if (dir === "ee" || dir === "templates") { fs.readdirSync(path.join(APP_STORE_PATH, dir)).forEach(function (subDir) { if (fs.statSync(path.join(APP_STORE_PATH, dir, subDir)).isDirectory()) { if (getAppName(subDir)) { appDirs.push({ name: subDir, path: path.join(dir, subDir), }); } } }); } else { if (fs.statSync(path.join(APP_STORE_PATH, dir)).isDirectory()) { if (!getAppName(dir)) { return; } appDirs.push({ name: dir, path: dir, }); } } }); function forEachAppDir(callback: (arg: App) => void) { for (let i = 0; i < appDirs.length; i++) { const configPath = path.join(APP_STORE_PATH, appDirs[i].path, "config.json"); let app; if (fs.existsSync(configPath)) { app = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath).toString()); } else { app = {}; } callback({, name: appDirs[i].name, path: appDirs[i].path, }); } } /** * Windows has paths with backslashes, so we need to replace them with forward slashes * .ts and .tsx files are imported without extensions * If a file has index.ts or index.tsx, it can be imported after removing the index.ts* part */ function getModulePath(path: string, moduleName: string) { return ( `./${path.replace(/\\/g, "/")}/` + moduleName.replace(/\/index\.ts|\/index\.tsx/, "").replace(/\.tsx$|\.ts$/, "") ); } type ImportConfig = | { fileToBeImported: string; importName?: string; } | [ { fileToBeImported: string; importName?: string; }, { fileToBeImported: string; importName: string; } ]; /** * If importConfig is an array, only 2 items are allowed. First one is the main one and second one is the fallback */ function getExportedObject( objectName: string, { lazyImport = false, importConfig, entryObjectKeyGetter = (app) =>, }: { lazyImport?: boolean; importConfig: ImportConfig; entryObjectKeyGetter?: (arg: App, importName?: string) => string; } ) { const output: string[] = []; const getLocalImportName = ( app: { name: string }, chosenConfig: ReturnType ) => `${getVariableName(}_${getVariableName(chosenConfig.fileToBeImported)}`; const fileToBeImportedExists = ( app: { path: string }, chosenConfig: ReturnType ) => fs.existsSync(path.join(APP_STORE_PATH, app.path, chosenConfig.fileToBeImported)); addImportStatements(); createExportObject(); return output; function addImportStatements() { forEachAppDir((app) => { const chosenConfig = getChosenImportConfig(importConfig, app); if (fileToBeImportedExists(app, chosenConfig) && chosenConfig.importName) { const importName = chosenConfig.importName; if (!lazyImport) { if (importName !== "default") { // Import with local alias that will be used by createExportObject output.push( `import { ${importName} as ${getLocalImportName(app, chosenConfig)} } from "${getModulePath( app.path, chosenConfig.fileToBeImported )}"` ); } else { // Default Import output.push( `import ${getLocalImportName(app, chosenConfig)} from "${getModulePath( app.path, chosenConfig.fileToBeImported )}"` ); } } } }); } function createExportObject() { output.push(`export const ${objectName} = {`); forEachAppDir((app) => { const chosenConfig = getChosenImportConfig(importConfig, app); if (fileToBeImportedExists(app, chosenConfig)) { if (!lazyImport) { const key = entryObjectKeyGetter(app); output.push(`"${key}": ${getLocalImportName(app, chosenConfig)},`); } else { const key = entryObjectKeyGetter(app); if (chosenConfig.fileToBeImported.endsWith(".tsx")) { output.push( `"${key}": dynamic(() => import("${getModulePath( app.path, chosenConfig.fileToBeImported )}")),` ); } else { output.push(`"${key}": import("${getModulePath(app.path, chosenConfig.fileToBeImported)}"),`); } } } }); output.push(`};`); } function getChosenImportConfig(importConfig: ImportConfig, app: { path: string }) { let chosenConfig; if (!(importConfig instanceof Array)) { chosenConfig = importConfig; } else { if (fs.existsSync(path.join(APP_STORE_PATH, app.path, importConfig[0].fileToBeImported))) { chosenConfig = importConfig[0]; } else { chosenConfig = importConfig[1]; } } return chosenConfig; } } serverOutput.push( ...getExportedObject("apiHandlers", { importConfig: { fileToBeImported: "api/index.ts", }, lazyImport: true, }) ); metadataOutput.push( ...getExportedObject("appStoreMetadata", { // Try looking for config.json and if it's not found use _metadata.ts to generate appStoreMetadata importConfig: [ { fileToBeImported: "config.json", importName: "default", }, { fileToBeImported: "_metadata.ts", importName: "metadata", }, ], }) ); schemasOutput.push( ...getExportedObject("appDataSchemas", { // Import path must have / even for windows and not \ importConfig: { fileToBeImported: "zod.ts", importName: "appDataSchema", }, // HACK: Key must be appId as this is used by eventType metadata and lookup is by appId // This can be removed once we rename the ids of apps like stripe to that of their app folder name entryObjectKeyGetter: (app) => getAppId(app), }) ); appKeysSchemasOutput.push( ...getExportedObject("appKeysSchemas", { importConfig: { fileToBeImported: "zod.ts", importName: "appKeysSchema", }, // HACK: Key must be appId as this is used by eventType metadata and lookup is by appId // This can be removed once we rename the ids of apps like stripe to that of their app folder name entryObjectKeyGetter: (app) => getAppId(app), }) ); browserOutput.push( ...getExportedObject("InstallAppButtonMap", { importConfig: { fileToBeImported: "components/InstallAppButton.tsx", }, lazyImport: true, }) ); // TODO: Make a component map creator that accepts ComponentName and does the rest. // TODO: dailyvideo has a slug of daily-video, so that mapping needs to be taken care of. But it is an old app, so it doesn't need AppSettings browserOutput.push( ...getExportedObject("AppSettingsComponentsMap", { importConfig: { fileToBeImported: "components/AppSettingsInterface.tsx", }, lazyImport: true, }) ); browserOutput.push( ...getExportedObject("EventTypeAddonMap", { importConfig: { fileToBeImported: path.join("components", "EventTypeAppCardInterface.tsx"), }, lazyImport: true, }) ); const banner = `/** This file is autogenerated using the command \`yarn app-store:build --watch\`. Don't modify this file manually. **/ `; const filesToGenerate: [string, string[]][] = [ ["apps.metadata.generated.ts", metadataOutput], ["apps.server.generated.ts", serverOutput], ["apps.browser.generated.tsx", browserOutput], ["apps.schemas.generated.ts", schemasOutput], ["apps.keys-schemas.generated.ts", appKeysSchemasOutput], ]; filesToGenerate.forEach(([fileName, output]) => { fs.writeFileSync(`${APP_STORE_PATH}/${fileName}`, formatOutput(`${banner}${output.join("\n")}`)); }); console.log(`Generated ${[fileName]) => fileName).join(", ")}`); } const debouncedGenerateFiles = debounce(generateFiles); if (isInWatchMode) { chokidar .watch(APP_STORE_PATH) .on("addDir", (dirPath) => { const appName = getAppName(dirPath); if (appName) { console.log(`Added ${appName}`); debouncedGenerateFiles(); } }) .on("change", (filePath) => { if (filePath.endsWith("config.json")) { console.log("Config file changed"); debouncedGenerateFiles(); } }) .on("unlinkDir", (dirPath) => { const appName = getAppName(dirPath); if (appName) { console.log(`Removed ${appName}`); debouncedGenerateFiles(); } }); } else { generateFiles(); }