import { usePathname } from "next/navigation"; import { getOrgFullDomain } from "@calcom/features/ee/organizations/lib/orgDomains"; import { CAL_URL, WEBAPP_URL } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; import { SchedulingType } from "@calcom/prisma/enums"; import { AvatarGroup } from "@calcom/ui"; import type { PublicEvent } from "../../types"; export interface EventMembersProps { /** * Used to determine whether all members should be shown or not. * In case of Round Robin type, members aren't shown. */ schedulingType: PublicEvent["schedulingType"]; users: PublicEvent["users"]; profile: PublicEvent["profile"]; entity: PublicEvent["entity"]; } type Avatar = { title: string; image: string | undefined; alt: string | undefined; href: string | undefined; }; type AvatarWithRequiredImage = Avatar & { image: string }; export const EventMembers = ({ schedulingType, users, profile, entity }: EventMembersProps) => { const pathname = usePathname(); const showMembers = schedulingType !== SchedulingType.ROUND_ROBIN; const shownUsers = showMembers ? users : []; // In some cases we don't show the user's names, but only show the profile name. const showOnlyProfileName = ( && schedulingType === SchedulingType.ROUND_ROBIN) || !users.length || ( !== users[0].name && schedulingType === SchedulingType.COLLECTIVE); const avatars: Avatar[] = => ({ title: `${ || user.username}`, image: "image" in user ? `${user.image}` : `/${user.username}/avatar.png`, alt: || undefined, href: `/${user.username}`, })); // Add organization avatar if (entity.orgSlug) { avatars.unshift({ title: `${}`, image: `${WEBAPP_URL}/team/${entity.orgSlug}/avatar.png`, alt: || undefined, href: getOrgFullDomain(entity.orgSlug), }); } // Add profile later since we don't want to force creating an avatar for this if it doesn't exist. avatars.unshift({ title: `${ || profile.username}`, image: "logo" in profile && profile.logo ? `${profile.logo}` : undefined, alt: || undefined, href: profile.username ? `${CAL_URL}${pathname?.indexOf("/team/") !== -1 ? "/team" : ""}/${profile.username}` : undefined, }); const uniqueAvatars = avatars .filter((item): item is AvatarWithRequiredImage => !!item.image) .filter((item, index, self) => self.findIndex((t) => t.image === item.image) === index); return ( <>

{showOnlyProfileName ? : shownUsers .map((user) => .filter((name) => name) .join(", ")}

); };