import { Page, test } from "@playwright/test"; import { deleteAllBookingsByEmail } from "./lib/teardown"; import { bookFirstEvent, bookTimeSlot, selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth, selectSecondAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth, } from "./lib/testUtils"; test.describe("dynamic booking", () => { test.use({ storageState: "playwright/artifacts/proStorageState.json" }); test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await deleteAllBookingsByEmail(""); await deleteAllBookingsByEmail(""); await page.goto("/pro+free"); }); test.afterAll(async () => { // delete test bookings await deleteAllBookingsByEmail(""); await deleteAllBookingsByEmail(""); }); test("book an event first day in next month", async ({ page }) => { // Click first event type await'[data-testid="event-type-link"]'); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); await bookTimeSlot(page); // Make sure we're navigated to the success page await page.waitForNavigation({ url(url) { return url.pathname.endsWith("/success"); }, }); }); test("can reschedule a booking", async ({ page }) => { await bookFirstEvent(page); // Logged in await page.goto("/bookings/upcoming"); await page.locator('[data-testid="reschedule"]').click(); await page.waitForNavigation({ url: (url) => { const bookingId = url.searchParams.get("rescheduleUid"); return !!bookingId; }, }); await selectSecondAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); // --- fill form await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm-reschedule-button"]').click(); await page.waitForNavigation({ url(url) { return url.pathname === "/success" && url.searchParams.get("reschedule") === "true"; }, }); }); test("Can cancel the recently created booking", async ({ page }) => { await bookFirstEvent(page); await page.goto("/bookings/upcoming"); await page.locator('[data-testid="cancel"]').first().click(); await page.waitForNavigation({ url: (url) => { return url.pathname.startsWith("/cancel"); }, }); // --- fill form await page.locator('[data-testid="cancel"]').click(); await page.waitForNavigation({ url(url) { return url.pathname === "/cancel/success"; }, }); }); });