require("dotenv").config({ path: "../../../.env" }); process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_VERCEL_URL = process.env.VERCEL_URL; const path = require("path"); const { defineConfig } = require("vite"); module.exports = defineConfig((configEnv) => { const config = { envPrefix: "NEXT_PUBLIC_", base: "/embed/", build: { minify: "terser", terserOptions: { format: { comments: false, }, }, rollupOptions: { input: { preview: path.resolve(__dirname, "preview.html"), embed: path.resolve(__dirname, "src/embed.ts"), }, output: { entryFileNames: "[name].js", //FIXME: Can't specify UMD as import because preview is an app which doesn't support `format` and this setting apply to both input //format: "umd", dir: "../../../apps/web/public/embed", }, }, }, }; if (configEnv.mode === "development") { = { include: ["src/**"], }; } return config; });