const WEBAPP_URL = import.meta.env.EMBED_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL || `https://${import.meta.env.EMBED_PUBLIC_VERCEL_URL}`; const EMBED_LIB_URL = import.meta.env.EMBED_PUBLIC_EMBED_LIB_URL || `${WEBAPP_URL}/embed/embed.js`; // Install Cal Embed Code Snippet (function (C, A, L) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const p = function (a: any, ar: any) { a.q.push(ar); }; const d = C.document; C.Cal = C.Cal || function () { const cal = C.Cal; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params const ar = arguments; if (!cal.loaded) { cal.ns = {}; cal.q = cal.q || []; d.head.appendChild(d.createElement("script")).src = A; cal.loaded = true; } if (ar[0] === L) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const api: { (): void; q?: any[] } = function () { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params p(api, arguments); }; const namespace = ar[1]; api.q = api.q || []; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore typeof namespace === "string" ? (cal.ns[namespace] = api) && p(api, ar) : p(cal, ar); return; } p(cal, ar); }; })(window, EMBED_LIB_URL, "init"); const previewWindow = window; previewWindow.Cal.fingerprint = import.meta.env.EMBED_PUBLIC_EMBED_FINGER_PRINT as string; previewWindow.Cal("init", { origin: WEBAPP_URL, }); const searchParams = new URL(document.URL).searchParams; const embedType = searchParams.get("embedType"); const calLink = searchParams.get("calLink"); if (!calLink) { throw new Error('Missing "calLink" query parameter'); } if (embedType === "inline") { previewWindow.Cal("inline", { elementOrSelector: "#my-embed", calLink: calLink, }); } else if (embedType === "floating-popup") { previewWindow.Cal("floatingButton", { calLink: calLink, attributes: { id: "my-floating-button", }, }); } else if (embedType === "element-click") { const button = document.createElement("button"); button.setAttribute("data-cal-link", calLink); button.innerHTML = "I am a button that exists on your website"; document.body.appendChild(button); } previewWindow.addEventListener("message", (e) => { const data =; if (data.mode !== "cal:preview") { return; } const globalCal = window.Cal; if (!globalCal) { throw new Error("Cal is not defined yet"); } if (data.type == "instruction") { globalCal(, data.instruction.arg); } if (data.type == "inlineEmbedDimensionUpdate") { const inlineEl = document.querySelector("#my-embed"); if (inlineEl) { =; =; } } }); function makePreviewPageUseSystemPreference() { const colorSchemeQuery = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"); function handleColorSchemeChange(e: MediaQueryListEvent) { if (e.matches) { // Dark color scheme document.body.classList.remove("light"); document.body.classList.add("dark"); } else { // Light color scheme document.body.classList.add("light"); document.body.classList.remove("dark"); } } colorSchemeQuery.addEventListener("change", handleColorSchemeChange); // Initial check handleColorSchemeChange(new MediaQueryListEvent("change", { matches: colorSchemeQuery.matches })); } // This makes preview page behave like a website that has system preference enabled. This provides a better experience of preview when user switch their system theme to dark makePreviewPageUseSystemPreference();