import { FloatingButton } from "./FloatingButton/FloatingButton"; import { Inline } from "./Inline/inline"; import { ModalBox } from "./ModalBox/ModalBox"; import { methods, UiConfig } from "./embed-iframe"; import css from "./embed.css"; import { SdkActionManager } from "./sdk-action-manager"; import allCss from "./tailwind.generated.css"; // HACK: Redefine and don't import WEBAPP_URL as it causes import statement to be present in built file. // This is happening because we are not able to generate an App and a lib using single Vite Config. const WEBAPP_URL = import.meta.env.EMBED_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL || `https://${import.meta.env.EMBED_PUBLIC_VERCEL_URL}`; customElements.define("cal-modal-box", ModalBox); customElements.define("cal-floating-button", FloatingButton); customElements.define("cal-inline", Inline); declare module "*.css"; type Namespace = string; type Config = { origin: string; debug?: boolean; }; const globalCal = (window as CalWindow).Cal; if (!globalCal || !globalCal.q) { throw new Error("Cal is not defined. This shouldn't happen"); } // Store Commit Hash to know exactly what version of the code is running // TODO: Ideally it should be the version as per package.json and then it can be renamed to version. // But because it is built on local machine right now, it is much more reliable to have the commit hash. globalCal.fingerprint = import.meta.env.EMBED_PUBLIC_EMBED_FINGER_PRINT as string; globalCal.__css = allCss; document.head.appendChild(document.createElement("style")).innerHTML = css; function log(...args: any[]) { console.log(...args); } /** * //TODO: Warn about extra properties not part of schema. Helps in fixing wrong expectations * A very simple data validator written with intention of keeping payload size low. * Extend the functionality of it as required by the embed. * @param data * @param schema */ function validate(data: any, schema: Record<"props" | "required", any>) { function checkType(value: any, expectedType: any) { if (typeof expectedType === "string") { return typeof value == expectedType; } else { return value instanceof expectedType; } } function isUndefined(data: any) { return typeof data === "undefined"; } if (schema.required && isUndefined(data)) { throw new Error("Argument is required"); } for (const [prop, propSchema] of Object.entries>(schema.props)) { if (propSchema.required && isUndefined(data[prop])) { throw new Error(`"${prop}" is required`); } let typeCheck = true; if (propSchema.type && !isUndefined(data[prop])) { if (propSchema.type instanceof Array) { propSchema.type.forEach((type) => { typeCheck = typeCheck || checkType(data[prop], type); }); } else { typeCheck = checkType(data[prop], propSchema.type); } } if (!typeCheck) { throw new Error(`"${prop}" is of wrong type.Expected type "${propSchema.type}"`); } } } export type Instruction = [method: string, argument: any] | [method: string, argument: any][]; export type InstructionQueue = Instruction[]; export class Cal { iframe?: HTMLIFrameElement; __config: Config; modalBox!: Element; inlineEl!: Element; namespace: string; actionManager: SdkActionManager; iframeReady!: boolean; iframeDoQueue: { method: keyof typeof methods; arg: any }[] = []; static actionsManagers: Record; static getQueryObject(config: Record) { config = config || {}; return { ...config, // guests is better for API but Booking Page accepts guest. So do the mapping guest: config.guests ?? undefined, }; } processInstruction(instruction: Instruction) { instruction = [], 0); if (instruction[0] instanceof Array) { // It is an instruction instruction.forEach((instruction) => { this.processInstruction(instruction); }); return; } const [method, ...args] = instruction; if (!this[method]) { // Instead of throwing error, log and move forward in the queue log(`Instruction ${method} not FOUND`); } try { (this[method] as (...args: any[]) => void)(...args); } catch (e) { // Instead of throwing error, log and move forward in the queue log(`Instruction couldn't be executed`, e); } return instruction; } processQueue(queue: InstructionQueue) { queue.forEach((instruction) => { this.processInstruction(instruction); }); queue.splice(0); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment /** @ts-ignore */ // We changed the definition of push here. queue.push = (instruction) => { this.processInstruction(instruction); }; } createIframe({ calLink, queryObject = {}, }: { calLink: string; queryObject?: Record>; }) { const iframe = (this.iframe = document.createElement("iframe")); iframe.className = "cal-embed"; = "cal-embed"; const config = this.getConfig(); const { iframeAttrs, ...restQueryObject } = queryObject; if (iframeAttrs && typeof iframeAttrs !== "string" && !(iframeAttrs instanceof Array)) { iframe.setAttribute("id",; } // Prepare searchParams from config const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(restQueryObject)) { if (value === undefined) { continue; } if (value instanceof Array) { value.forEach((val) => searchParams.append(key, val)); } else { searchParams.set(key, value as string); } } const urlInstance = new URL(`${config.origin}/${calLink}`); urlInstance.searchParams.set("embed", this.namespace); if (config.debug) { urlInstance.searchParams.set("debug", "" + config.debug); } // Merge searchParams from config onto the URL which might have query params already // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment //@ts-ignore for (const [key, value] of searchParams) { urlInstance.searchParams.append(key, value); } iframe.src = urlInstance.toString(); return iframe; } init(namespaceOrConfig?: string | Config, config: Config = {} as Config) { if (typeof namespaceOrConfig !== "string") { config = (namespaceOrConfig || {}) as Config; } if (config?.origin) { this.__config.origin = config.origin; } this.__config.debug = config.debug; } getConfig() { return this.__config; } // TODO: Maintain exposed methods in a separate namespace, so that unexpected methods don't become instructions /** * It is an instruction that adds embed iframe inline as last child of the element */ inline({ calLink, elementOrSelector, config, }: { calLink: string; elementOrSelector: string | HTMLElement; config: Record; }) { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params validate(arguments[0], { required: true, props: { calLink: { // TODO: Add a special type calLink for it and validate that it doesn't start with / or https?:// required: true, type: "string", }, elementOrSelector: { required: true, type: ["string", HTMLElement], }, config: { required: false, type: Object, }, }, }); config = config || {}; // Keeping auto-scroll disabled for two reasons: // - If user scrolls the content to an appropriate position, it again resets it to default position which might not be for the liking of the user // - Sometimes, the position can be wrong(e.g. if there is a fixed position header on top coming above the iframe content). // Best solution might be to autoscroll only if the iframe is not fully visible, detection of full visibility might be tough // We need to keep in mind that autoscroll is meant to solve the problem when on a certain view(which is availability page right now), the height goes too high and then suddenly it becomes normal (config as unknown as any).__autoScroll = !!(config as unknown as any).__autoScroll; config.embedType = "inline"; const iframe = this.createIframe({ calLink, queryObject: Cal.getQueryObject(config) }); = "100%"; = "100%"; const element = elementOrSelector instanceof HTMLElement ? elementOrSelector : document.querySelector(elementOrSelector); if (!element) { throw new Error("Element not found"); } const template = document.createElement("template"); template.innerHTML = ``; this.inlineEl = template.content.children[0]; (this.inlineEl as unknown as any).__CalAutoScroll = config.__autoScroll; this.inlineEl.appendChild(iframe); element.appendChild(template.content); } floatingButton({ calLink, buttonText = "Book my Cal", hideButtonIcon = false, attributes, buttonPosition = "bottom-right", buttonColor = "rgb(255, 202, 0)", buttonTextColor = "rgb(20, 30, 47)", }: { calLink: string; buttonText?: string; attributes?: Record; hideButtonIcon?: boolean; buttonPosition?: "bottom-left" | "bottom-right"; buttonColor: string; buttonTextColor: string; }) { // validate(arguments[0], { // required: true, // props: { // calLink: { // required: true, // type: "string", // }, // }, // }); let attributesString = ""; let existingEl = null; if (attributes?.id) { attributesString += ` id="${}"`; existingEl = document.getElementById(; } let el = existingEl; if (!existingEl) { const template = document.createElement("template"); template.innerHTML = ``; el = template.content.children[0] as HTMLElement; document.body.appendChild(template.content); } if (buttonText) { el!.setAttribute("data-button-text", buttonText); } el!.setAttribute("data-hide-button-icon", "" + hideButtonIcon); el!.setAttribute("data-button-position", "" + buttonPosition); el!.setAttribute("data-button-color", "" + buttonColor); el!.setAttribute("data-button-text-color", "" + buttonTextColor); } modal({ calLink, config = {}, uid }: { calLink: string; config?: Record; uid: number }) { const existingModalEl = document.querySelector(`cal-modal-box[uid="${uid}"]`); if (existingModalEl) { existingModalEl.setAttribute("state", "started"); return; } config.embedType = "modal"; const iframe = this.createIframe({ calLink, queryObject: Cal.getQueryObject(config) }); = "8px"; = "100%"; = "100%"; const template = document.createElement("template"); template.innerHTML = ``; this.modalBox = template.content.children[0]; this.modalBox.appendChild(iframe); this.actionManager.on("__closeIframe", () => { this.modalBox.setAttribute("state", "closed"); }); document.body.appendChild(template.content); } on({ action, callback, }: { action: Parameters[0]; callback: Parameters[1]; }) { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params validate(arguments[0], { required: true, props: { action: { required: true, type: "string", }, callback: { required: true, type: Function, }, }, }); this.actionManager.on(action, callback); } off({ action, callback, }: { action: Parameters[0]; callback: Parameters[1]; }) {, callback); } preload({ calLink }: { calLink: string }) { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params validate(arguments[0], { required: true, props: { calLink: { type: "string", required: true, }, }, }); const iframe = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe")); const config = this.getConfig(); const urlInstance = new URL(`${config.origin}/${calLink}`); urlInstance.searchParams.set("prerender", "true"); iframe.src = urlInstance.toString(); = "0"; = "0"; = "none"; } ui(uiConfig: UiConfig) { validate(uiConfig, { required: true, props: { theme: { required: false, type: "string", }, styles: { required: false, type: Object, }, }, }); this.doInIframe({ method: "ui", arg: uiConfig }); } doInIframe({ method, arg, }: // TODO: Need some TypeScript magic here to remove hardcoded types | { method: "ui"; arg: Parameters[0] } | { method: "parentKnowsIframeReady"; arg: undefined }) { if (!this.iframeReady) { this.iframeDoQueue.push({ method, arg }); return; } // TODO: Ensure that origin is as defined by user. Generally it would be but in case of self hosting it can be anything. this.iframe!.contentWindow!.postMessage({ originator: "CAL", method, arg }, "*"); } constructor(namespace: string, q: InstructionQueue) { this.__config = { // Use WEBAPP_URL till full page reload problem with website URL is solved origin: WEBAPP_URL, }; this.namespace = namespace; this.actionManager = new SdkActionManager(namespace); Cal.actionsManagers = Cal.actionsManagers || {}; Cal.actionsManagers[namespace] = this.actionManager; this.processQueue(q); // 1. Initial iframe width and height would be according to 100% value of the parent element // 2. Once webpage inside iframe renders, it would tell how much iframe height should be increased so that my entire content is visible without iframe scroll // 3. Parent window would check what iframe height can be set according to parent Element this.actionManager.on("__dimensionChanged", (e) => { const { data } = e.detail; const iframe = this.iframe!; if (!iframe) { // Iframe might be pre-rendering return; } let unit = "px"; if (data.__unit) { unit = data.__unit; } if (data.iframeHeight) { = data.iframeHeight + unit; } // if (data.iframeWidth) { // = data.iframeWidth + unit; // } if (this.modalBox) { // It ensures that if the iframe is so tall that it can't fit in the parent window without scroll. Then force the scroll by restricting the max-height to innerHeight // This case is reproducible when viewing in ModalBox on Mobile. = window.innerHeight + "px"; // Automatically setting the height of modal-box as per iframe creates problem in managing width of iframe. // if ( !== "100%") { // this.modalBox!.shadowRoot!.querySelector(".modal-box")!.style.width =; // } } }); this.actionManager.on("__iframeReady", (e) => { this.iframeReady = true; this.doInIframe({ method: "parentKnowsIframeReady", arg: undefined }); this.iframeDoQueue.forEach(({ method, arg }) => { this.doInIframe({ method, arg }); }); }); this.actionManager.on("__routeChanged", () => { if (this.inlineEl && (this.inlineEl as unknown as any).__CalAutoScroll) { this.inlineEl.scrollIntoView(); } }); this.actionManager.on("linkReady", (e) => { this.modalBox?.setAttribute("state", "loaded"); this.inlineEl?.setAttribute("loading", "done"); }); this.actionManager.on("linkFailed", (e) => { const iframe = this.iframe; if (!iframe) { return; } this.inlineEl?.setAttribute("data-error-code",; this.modalBox?.setAttribute("data-error-code",; this.inlineEl?.setAttribute("loading", "failed"); this.modalBox?.setAttribute("state", "failed"); }); } } export interface GlobalCal { (methodName: string, arg?: any): void; /** Marks that the embed.js is loaded. Avoids re-downloading it. */ loaded?: boolean; /** Maintains a queue till the time embed.js isn't loaded */ q?: InstructionQueue; /** If user registers multiple namespaces, those are available here */ ns?: Record; instance?: Cal; __css?: string; fingerprint?: string; __logQueue?: any[]; } export interface CalWindow extends Window { Cal?: GlobalCal; } globalCal.instance = new Cal("", globalCal.q!); for (const [ns, api] of Object.entries(globalCal.ns!)) { api.instance = new Cal(ns, api.q!); } /** * Intercepts all postmessages and fires action in corresponding actionManager */ window.addEventListener("message", (e) => { const detail =; const fullType = detail.fullType; const parsedAction = SdkActionManager.parseAction(fullType); if (!parsedAction) { return; } const actionManager = Cal.actionsManagers[parsedAction.ns]; globalCal.__logQueue = globalCal.__logQueue || []; globalCal.__logQueue.push({ ...parsedAction, data: }); if (!actionManager) { throw new Error("Unhandled Action" + parsedAction); },; }); document.addEventListener("click", (e) => { const htmlElement =; if (!(htmlElement instanceof HTMLElement)) { return; } const path = htmlElement.dataset.calLink; if (!path) { return; } const modalUniqueId = ((htmlElement as unknown as any).uniqueId = (htmlElement as unknown as any).uniqueId ||; const namespace = htmlElement.dataset.calNamespace; const configString = htmlElement.dataset.calConfig || ""; let config; try { config = JSON.parse(configString); } catch (e) { config = {}; } let api = globalCal; if (namespace) { api = globalCal.ns![namespace]; } if (!api) { throw new Error(`Namespace ${namespace} isn't defined`); } api("modal", { calLink: path, config, uid: modalUniqueId, }); });