import { PrismaClient, UserPlan } from "@prisma/client"; import { HOSTED_CAL_FEATURES } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; import { isTeamAdmin } from "@calcom/lib/server/queries/teams"; import { TRPCError } from "@calcom/trpc/server"; export const samlDatabaseUrl = process.env.SAML_DATABASE_URL || ""; export const isSAMLLoginEnabled = samlDatabaseUrl.length > 0; export const samlTenantID = ""; export const samlProductID = ""; export const samlAudience = ""; export const samlPath = "/api/auth/saml/callback"; export const hostedCal = Boolean(HOSTED_CAL_FEATURES); export const tenantPrefix = "team-"; const samlAdmins = (process.env.SAML_ADMINS || "").split(","); export const isSAMLAdmin = (email: string) => { for (const admin of samlAdmins) { if (admin.toLowerCase() === email.toLowerCase() && admin.toUpperCase() === email.toUpperCase()) { return true; } } return false; }; export const samlTenantProduct = async (prisma: PrismaClient, email: string) => { const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { email, }, select: { id: true, invitedTo: true, }, }); if (!user) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED", message: "no_account_exists", }); } if (!user.invitedTo) { throw new TRPCError({ code: "BAD_REQUEST", message: "Could not find a SAML Identity Provider for your email. Please contact your admin to ensure you have been given access to Cal", }); } return { tenant: tenantPrefix + user.invitedTo, product: samlProductID, }; }; export const canAccess = async ( user: { id: number; plan: UserPlan; email: string }, teamId: number | null ) => { const { id: userId, plan, email } = user; if (!isSAMLLoginEnabled) { return { message: "To enable this feature, add value for `SAML_DATABASE_URL` and `SAML_ADMINS` to your `.env`", access: false, }; } // Hosted if (HOSTED_CAL_FEATURES) { if (teamId === null || !(await isTeamAdmin(userId, teamId))) { return { message: "dont_have_permission", access: false, }; } if (plan != UserPlan.PRO) { return { message: "app_upgrade_description", access: false, }; } } // Self-hosted if (!HOSTED_CAL_FEATURES) { if (!isSAMLAdmin(email)) { return { message: "dont_have_permission", access: false, }; } } return { message: "success", access: true, }; };